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MySQL Cookbook

This will install the MySQL Server 5.7 service or client via package. It will also change the root password on initial installation. It can also create MySQL users and databases.


Supported Platforms

  • ubuntu/xenial64
  • ubuntu/trusty64
  • centos/7
  • centos/6
  • debian/jessie64
  • debian/wheezy64

Cookbook Dependencies

  • database

Cookbook Attributes

Root Attributes

  • node['mysql']['change_root'] defaults to true, meaning that it will attempt to change the root password after installing MySQL server. If you have already set a root password in your database, then set this attribute to false.

  • node['mysql']['root_password'] defaults to hMw8oVg3nz2j0TBjy6Z1/Q==, you need to override this attribute with your own root password.

This attribute can optionally be saved in a databag (or encrypted databag), so long as the bucket is mysql and the item/id is the chef environment. An example will be shown below.

$ cat chef/data_bags/mysql/development.json
  "id": "development",
  "root_password": "baz",

User / Database Attributes

  • node['mysql']['databases'] needs to be a hash
  • node['mysql']['users'] needs to be a hash of named hashes

The users attribute can optionally be saved in a databag (or encrypted databag), so long as the bucket is mysql and the item/id is the chef environment. An example will be shown below. The passwords will be merged together in the Chef run.

$ cat chef/data_bags/mysql/development.json
  "id": "development",
  "users": {
    "foo": {
      "password": "bar"

Examples are farther below.

Tuning Attributes

See attributes/default.rb for default attributes and override them in your role or environment files as needed.

Basic Usage

Here's an example database role that will install MySQL server.

name 'database'
description 'installs mysql server, a database, and a user!'

    'mysql' => {
        'change_root'    => true,
        'root_password'  => 'some wild and crazy password',
        'users' => {
            'vagrant' => {
                'databases' => %w(test_db),
                'grants'   => %w(all),
                'host'     => '%',
                'password' => 'Q7uwx4vMq]492*Cuhchk'
        'databases' => %w(


Here's an example webserver role that will install MySQL client. It also tunes the `buffer_pool to be smaller.

name 'webserver'
description 'installs webserver things!'

    'mysql' => {
        'conf' => {
            'innodb_buffer_pool_size' => '150MB',


NOTE: You are required to include a depends for this cookbook inside YOUR cookbook's metadata.rb file.

depends 'cop_mysql'


Testing is handled with ServerSpec, via Test Kitchen, which uses Vagrant to spin up VMs.

ServerSpec and Test Kitchen are bundled in the ChefDK package.


$ brew cask install chefdk


Get a listing of your instances with:

$ kitchen list

Run Chef on an instance, in this case default-ubuntu-1404, with:

$ kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1404

Destroy all instances with:

$ kitchen destroy

Run through and test all the instances in serial by running:

$ kitchen test


None so far, please open an Issue if found


The Berksfile.lock file has been purposely ignored, as we don't care about upstream dependencies. You should be setting the .lock file in the project repo.