Initial coverage model implementation
Reference Information:
This assumes basic development environment setup (git, directory structure). Please follow the "New Developers Tutorial" for basic steps.
Install the following if not yet present:
OS Packages and package management: For Mac, use homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- git
- python 2.7
- hdf5
- netcdf
Install git, python, hdf5 and netcdf with Homebrew
brew install git python hdf5 netcdf
You'll also need the various dependencies of the pyon project:
brew install libevent libyaml zeromq couchdb rabbitmq pkg-config
You can even reinstall git using brew to clean up your /usr/local directory Be sure to read the pyon README for platform specific guidance to installing dependent libraries and packages. Linux: Note that many installs have much older versions installed by default. You will need to upgrade couchdb to at least 1.1.0.
Python packages and environment management:
Install pip
easy_install pip
Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper modules for your python 2.7 installation Note: This may require Mac's XCode (use XCode 3.3 free version
easy_install --upgrade virtualenv
easy_install --upgrade virtualenvwrapper
Setup a virtualenv to run coverage-model (use any name you like):
mkvirtualenv --python=python2.7 coverage_model
workon coverage_model
pip install numpy==1.6.2
Optional: To run any of the example functions that result in graphical output, you must also install matplotlib
pip install matplotlib
Obtain the coverage-model project by running:
git clone
cd coverage-model
#Installation Ensure you are in a virtualenv prior to running the steps below
NOTE: The repository uses submodules for dependent OOI-CI projects. For more information on submodules, refer here
From the coverage-model directory, run the following commands:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Once those steps complete, you should be able to import the coverage model from the python shell:
bin/pycc # or bin/ipython
from coverage_model import *
#Running unit tests (via nose)
From the coverage-model directory, run the following command:
bin/nosetests -v
This will run all UNIT and INT tests for the coverage-model repository. The -v flag denotes verbose output (the name of each test prints as it runs). For more nose options, refer to the nose documentation
#Using the coverage_model.test.examples functions
The coverage_model/test/ module contains numerous functions that showcase the functionality of the Coverage Model - including generation of exemplar coverages, usage of ParameterTypes and more.
NOTE: The functions in this module are NOT guaranteed to work at all times!!
Start a pycc or ipython shell session from the root coverage-model directory:
cd your/code/path/coverage-model
bin/pycc # or bin/ipython
Next, simply import functions from the module and then try them out!
For example:
from coverage_model.test.examples import *
sample_cov = samplecov() # Generates a sample coverage with a few simple parameters
print sample_cov
ptypes_cov = ptypescov() # Generates a coverage with a parameter of each of the parameter types
print grid_cov
#Saving and Loading coverages
By default, the Coverage Model automatically persists data to disk using HDF5. The "top level" of a coverage is a directory. When loading a coverage, always refer to this top level directory.
Coverages can be loaded in two ways. Given the following directory structure:
|--- ...
|--- ...
|--- ...
The coverage cov_one can be loaded by:
# Load method 1
cov = SimplexCoverage.load('.../my_data/ooi_coverages/cov_one')
# Load method 2
cov = SimplexCoverage('.../my_data/ooi_coverages', 'cov_one')
It is also possible to save coverages to single files using python pickle:
WARNING - DEPRECATED: pickle saving is not guaranteed to work and will be removed in future versions
NOTE: In order to save a coverage using this method, it MUST be an in-memory coverage (see below)
cov = SimplexCoverage.load('.../my_data/ooi_coverages/cov_one')
# Save to a pickle file
# Load from a pickle file
cov = SimplexCoverage.pickle_load('.../my_data/ooi_coverages/pickled_cov_one.cov')
#In-memory Coverage
Coverages can be created that do not automatically persist to HDF5 by setting the in_memory_storage=True when constructing the coverage.
NOTE: Using the Coverage Model in this manner can result in loss of information and should be used sparingly and/or only in certain situations
from coverage_model import *
# Assuming appropriate ParameterDictionary (pdict) and Domain (tdom) objects exist
cov = SimplexCoverage('test_data', 'mycov', 'my_coverage_name', parameter_dictionary=pdict, temporal_domain=tdom, in_memory_storage=True)