Created by Samuel Rasquinha using C++17 and OpenGL 3.3 🎲
A Tiny Minecraft clone made with C++ and OpenGL.
- 3D Perspective FPS style camera with smooth movement
- Terrain generation using simplex noise
- World structures such as trees and cactus
- Biome generation by noise quantization
- Infinite Terrain
- High Definition texture pack
- Support for translucent blocks such as Glass (sort of)
- Fast chunk meshing
- Face culling
- Frustum culling
- Complete day/night cycle
- Exponential fog
- 3D AABB Collision detection
- Efficient Flood Fill Voxel lighting algorithm using BFS queue
- Fast world saving and loading
- Complete main menu and GUI interface using ImGui
- Logger
- Cloud Skybox using cubemaps
- Accurate block editing using a voxel transversal algorithm
- Cave generation using 3D perlin noise
- Water generation
- No OS Specific commands/dependencies.
- Multiplayer
- Sun
- Weather
- Multithreading
This project compiles with Clang and MSVC.
- Intel HD 4000 - 200~ FPS
- Vega 8 iGPU - 500~ FPS
- Email :
- Discord : swr#1899
The block art, skybox art and fonts are not made by me. All credits go to their owners.
- Dan Bechard (Discord : @dandymcgee#2568)
- Krazer (Discord : @Krazer7877)
This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more info
- Blending issues with glass and models
The Menu screen
An in-game screenshot
Lighting Demo with lamps
If you like this project, please consider starring it on github. Thankyou :)