####!!! No longer maintained !!! I have not found the time to maintain this project, so there is much to be done before this could be considered production ready.
For now take a look at Testing.fsx for simple use of the client. There is also a bunch of stuff I am going to improve/add.
See http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/docs/titan/0.5.0/ for Titan graph specific configuration.
- Better connection pooling
- Editable properties for connection pool settings
- Cleaner code within client.fs (separate some logic etc.)
- Transaction support
- +++
NuGet: http://www.nuget.org/packages/CASO.DB.Titan.RexPro
Example of simple use. Count all vertices in graph
open CASO.DB.Titan.RexPro
let client = new RexProClient("", 8184, "graph", "", "")
client.Query<int64> "g.V.count();" []
Both query and execute takes a string with the query and a list with bindings. All bindings are tuples (string * obj) Example:
[("userName", "Mike Lowrey" :> obj);]
Example of a simple data model:
type User(username) =
[<DataMember(Name = "userName")>]
member val UserName = username with get, set
new() = User("")
Example of a simple query for adding and returning the added user:
"user = g.addVertex(['type': 'user', 'userName': userName]); user.map();"
["userName", "Mike Lowrey" :> obj]
Example of adding a user but not returning any result
"g.addVertex(['type': 'user', 'userName': userName]);"
["userName", "Mike Lowrey" :> obj]
Example of retreiving a user by userName
"g.V('type', 'user').has('userName', userName).map();"
["userName", "Mike Lowrey" :> obj]
Example of session use
use session = new RexProSession("", 8184, "graph", "", "")
match session.Execute "test = 5;" [] with
| QuerySuccess _ ->
match session.Query<int> "test;" [] with
| QuerySuccess num -> printfn "test = %d" num
| QueryError e -> printfn "Error: %s" e.Message
| QueryError e ->
printfn "Error: %s" e.Message