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AIRlab Storage Tools Device

When you need to get your files from here to the server. The Storage Tools Device will run on any platform that supports Docker.



  • Install Docker Compose following the instructions for your operating system.

  • Clone this repo.

    cd /opt 
    git clone
    cd stroage_tools_device
  • Update the config.env to match your system.

    • Required
      • DATA_DIR. This is the top level data directory that all of the watch dirs share. For example, if you watch directories are /mnt/data/processor_1 and /mnt/data/processor_2, set the DATA_DIR to /mnt/data.
    • Optional
      • CONFIG_PORT. The HTTP port to edit the configuration. Navigate to http://YOUR_DEVICE_IP:CONFIG_PORT to edit the configurations and view online status. The default port is 8811.

Build and run

This sets up the environment and configures the image to start on boot.

cd /opt/storage_tools_device

# run in foreground 
docker compose --env-file config.env up --build --remove-orphans

# run in background
docker compose --env-file config.env up --build --remove-orphans -d

Configure the Device

Navigate to http://YOUR_DEVICE_IP:CONFIG_PORT to edit the configurations and view online status. The default port is 8811.

Device Config

Online Indicators

Online Indicators

Device: Is the dashboard connected to the device? Online means yes. Offline means no. If you see "Offline", check your network to see if the Device is connected.

Server: Is the device connected to a server? Online means yes. Go to the Connection tab to see which server is connected. Offline or Unknown means the Device is trying to connect to a server and has not completed the handshake.

Device Configuration

You must update all Required fields.

  • Project Name: Name of the project. If this is empty, the server will ask you to fill in the name.
  • Robot Name: (Required) Name of this robot. This should be unique within the project.
  • API Key Token: (Required) The API_KEY_TOKEN for this robot. Your admin can provide this to you. If you are running your own upload server, it is set in the Config->Keys page.
  • Watch: (Required) The list of directories to be watched. Any file with a matching suffix (see Include Suffix) will be uploaded. These all must be in the same subdirectory as DATA_DIR from the config.env file.
  • Servers: List of potential servers. If this is empty, the Device will search for servers using ZeroConf.
  • Local Time Zone: The time zone that the logs were recorded in.
  • Threads: The number of threads used for uploading from this device to the server.
  • Include Suffix: The list of included suffixes. Any file in the Watch directory (see above) that matches one of these suffixes will be uploaded to the server.
  • Watch Interval: How long to wait in seconds before attempting to connect to server again.

Press [Save] to commit the changes to the device.

Press [Refresh] to refesh the page with the on device settings.

Device Connection

Device Connection

The text field will show the name of the currently connected Server. Presssing [Disconnect] will disconnect from the Server, and the Device will automatically try to connect to a new server. Use this when you change one of the servers while connected.


cd /opt/storage_tools_device
docker compose down


The Storage Tools Device creates additional files to speed up processing. These will always in the form of {original_file_name}.md5 and {original_file_name}.metadata. These files will only be created in the watch directories as defined by the config yaml file. These files can be safely removed. They will be regenerated when the system scans again.


Troubleshooting Known Bugs


AIRLab Storage Tools device uploader






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