The PDF Engine is based on 3 main frameworks/libraries:
- Django==2.0.3
- gunicorn==19.7.1
- WeasyPrint==0.36
The Entire Engine is based on Django Framework and it's template rendering to convert the received context
into a valid HTML
content and through Weasyprint into a PDF document.
It takes
$ docker-compose -f local.yml up --build pdf-engine
It will provide:
- localhost:8200 -
PDF Engine
PDFTester => GET & POST requests => Only for Test Purpose - Default: Document
Complex PDFTester => GET & POST requests => /?lang=de-ch&doc_type=invoice&font=Proxima&filename=My%20Lovely%20PDF
- /?lang=de-ch&doc_type=project&font=Proxima&filename=My%20Lovely%20PDF
- lang = [en, de, de-ch] #default=en
- doc_type = [invoice,(...anything)] #default=invoice
- font = [Proxima, Lato, Roboto, Saira_Semi_Condensed] # default=Proxima
- filename = Sample Name Document #default="Sample Title" deactivate
HTML Version => GET & POST requests => Only to speed up development for the HTML with Gulp and BrowserSync
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# optional
$ cp .env.example .env