Python and Tkinter combine to generate the third worst poetry in the universe!
This is a terrible poetry generator based on Angela Yu's 'Kanye Quote Generator' from her #100DaysofPython project. When the python code is run, a TKinter window appears, with a picture of a vogon and some poetry. When you click on the vogon image, new poetry is randomly generated and posted to the window.
Built with: An initial Kanye West quote python API, and Kanye images and icons were provided by Angela Yu. The images, Tkinter window dimensions and python code were changed to adapt the project so that it randomly generated poetry rather than using an API.
What I learned: I learned how to create a GUI using Tkinter and Python, and also nesting functions.
Source: This poetry generator was based on on Angela Yu's 'Kanye Quote Generator' in her #100Days of Python course. Vogon image from template by skirianov