Hive MP3 Library is designed to read in MP3 files from a folder, and copies them to a new directory with file folder and MP3 file names modified to match artist data encoded on the files.
- Read files from share location
- Read tags off MP3 files
- Write folder library structure based on /band/album/mp3filename.mp3
Burn down list
- Update library writing to change file name on copy to use tags to construct the file name instead of the original file name
- Current implementation uses the filename as a unique identifier, and does not match files based on tags
- Update MP3 reader to track duplicates
- Read bitrate off files and choose which files should win when dupe based on bitrate
- Special characters in folder names cause exceptions when writing
Current algorithm
- Program collects info from user on where the files are and where they should go
- Program instantiates an Mp3LibraryGenerator
- Mp3LibraryGenerator constructor uses a Mp3FileReader to read tags off files from source directory
- Mp3FileReader creates Mp3Nodes for every file it finds and puts them in a flat list of Mp3Nodes
- Mp3LibraryGenerator goes through Mp3NodeList and tries to add each song to the artistAlbumCatalog
- artistAlbumCatalog reads the Mp3Node and groups songs to albums and albums to artists
- Mp3LibraryGenerator is returned to program with the catalog
- Program confirms Mp3LibraryGenerator to proceed
- Mp3LibraryGenerator creates the new directories based on the catalog then moves files to the destination