The Oryx open source project provides simple, real-time large-scale machine learning / predictive analytics infrastructure. It is built on the Apache Mahout libraries and represents a unified continuation of the Myrrix and cloudera/ml projects. You can check it out here.
This bundle helps to interface with the Oryx Collaborative filtering and Recommendation services. It is built on top of Guzzle and inspired by michelsalib's BCCMyrrixBundle and bcc-myrrix projects.
See the Oryx doc for installation, you can get releases here.
In the command line :
composer require fmm/oryx-recommend
Manually : add guzzle and fmm/oryx-recommend to your composer.json :
"guzzle/guzzle": "dev-master",
"fmm/oryx-recommend": "dev-master"
and then install the dependencies with composer install
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new FMM\OryxBundle\FMMOryxBundle(),
// ...
You have to configure the Oryx endpoint configuration :
// app/config/config.yml
host: localhost # The Oryx host
port: 8080 # The Oryx port
username: test # The Oryx username
password: 1234 # The Oryx password
Create a file called oryx.conf
with the following informations :
And run the jars with the following lines :
java -Dconfig.file=oryx.conf -jar oryx-computation-x.y.z.jar
java -Dconfig.file=oryx.conf -jar oryx-serving-x.y.z.jar
Get an instance of OryxService
// Get an instance
$oryx = $this->get('fmm_oryx.service');
// Set a user/item association between user #22, item #888 of strength 0.8
$oryx->setPreference(22, 888, 0.8);
// Refresh the index
// Get recommendations as csv
$csv = $oryx->getRecommendation(22); // example : 325,0.5\n98,0.44
// Parse it and get an array of strings "id,strength"
$recommendations = str_getcsv($csv, "\n");
The code was developped and tested with Oryx 0.3.0
For now, data is received only as a csv
string, json
should be included in Oryx' next version and support added to the bundle.
Also make it so that we don't have to parse the received csv