An example project showing how to read and write from a Kerberized HBase using the 1.0 API and how to parse the results.
Based on lucasbak's kafka-spark-streaming use of HBase's 0.97 API with kerberos and HBase's cookbook
Basics !
The app creates a table called hbase_demo
with the given kerberos principal (it needs
to have RWC
rights on the table in hbase)
Then it inserts three lines / two rows, reads and prints them
The project needs to be compiled with Maven :
cd write-to-hbase
mvn package
It has to be ran with the following options :
-cs,--core-site <arg> hadoop core-site.xml file path
-hs,--hbase-site <arg> hbase-site.xml file path
-k,--keytab <arg> kerberos principal's keytab to use
-p,--principal <arg> kerberos principal to use