This repository is used for the continued development of PredictHaplo. See the publication for more information:
- Prabhakaran, S., Rey, M., Zagordi, O., Beerenwinkel, N., & Roth, V. (2013). HIV haplotype inference using a propagating dirichlet process mixture model. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 11(1), 182-191.
We adapt the SCYTHE library from MCMCpack's implementation.
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build -S .
$ cmake --build build
$ predicthaplo --help
Usage: predicthaplo [OPTIONS]
This software aims at reconstructing haplotypes from next-generation sequencing data.
--sam FILE Filename of the aligned reads (sam format).
--reference FILE Filename of reference sequence (FASTA).
--prefix STR Prefix of output files.
--visualization_level INT do_visualize (1 = true, 0 = false).
--have_true_haplotypes INT have_true_haplotypes (1 = true, 0 = false).
--true_haplotypes FILE Filename of the true haplotypes (MSA in FASTA format) (fill in any dummy filename if there is no "true" haplotypes).
--do_local_Analysis INT do_local_analysis (1 = true, 0 = false) (must be 1 in the first run).
--max_reads_in_window INT ...
--entropy_threshold FLOAT ...
--reconstruction_start INT ...
--reconstruction_stop INT ...
--min_mapping_qual INT ...
--min_readlength INT ...
--max_gap_fraction FLOAT Relative to alignment length.
--min_align_score_fraction FLOAT Relative to read length.
--alpha_MN_local FLOAT Prior parameter for multinomial tables over the nucleotides.
--min_overlap_factor FLOAT Reads must have an overlap with the local reconstruction window of at least this factor times the window size.
--local_window_size_factor FLOAT Size of local reconstruction window relative to the median of the read lengths.
--cluster_number INT Max number of clusters (in the truncated Dirichlet process).
--nSample INT MCMC iterations.
--include_deletions INT Include deletions (0 = no, 1 = yes).
--help Show this message and exit.
This project comes with unit tests that are disabled by default.
To enable these tests use the following flag when generating the build system: -DPHAPLO_ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS:BOOL=ON
Note that the googletest library is required and linked in this case.