This repository holds the tools needed for optimizing sequencing efforts using the Illumina NovaSeq 6000.
This repository will help you answer the following question: How much sequencing needs to be done to reach your desired depth of coverage?
Specifically, we are solving for the '% Duplicates' value needed for the Illumina Sequencing Coverage Calculator. To navigate to the window below, we clicked DNA Applications (blue button) > Whole-Genome Sequencing (in drop down menu).
Note: Although Illumina labels the unmapped reads as 'Duplicates,' this percent represents all discarded or otherwise unmapped reads
We mapped reads to a portion (x%) of the genome. To calculate x%, we need to sum the number of nucleotides in the top 100 contigs (nt100) that the reads were mapped to and divide that by the total number of nucleotides in the complete reference genome (nttot).
- nt100: count the number of nt in the "top 100" fasta file
# log into
cd /home/cbird/roy/rroberts_thesis/summary_data_ssl/dDocentHPC_data/Aur/
cat reference.denovoSSL.Aur-C-all-R1R2ORPH-contam-noisolate.fasta | grep -v "NODE" | wc -m
nt100 = 31156387
nttot: get from quast output for the library used to construct the reference genome
# denovo genome assembly repo has the answer, use quast output
git clone
cd denovo_genome_assembly/compare_assemblers
- open wrangle_data.R in Rstudio
- run script
- open tibble named
- for Aur, filter Species column by Aur
- sort by n50, high to low
- top genome should be
- obtain value from
- nttot = 439162585, 445000000
We then divide nt100 by the nttot to find x% of the genome that our reads are mapping to:
x% = (31156387/439162585) * 100 = 7.09% (31156387/445000000) * 100 = 7.00%
This means that our reads are mapping to ~ 7.00% of the reference genome for the Aur species.
Given that we are mapping to x% of the reference genome, we assume that the same x% of the total number of raw reads from a given library will map to the reference. To solve for the expected number of mapped reads, nx%nraw, we multiply x% by the total number of raw reads, nrtot.
nrtot: Find total number of raw reads add script here
nx%nraw: Multiply x% by nrtot
This means that xxx reads are expected to map to the reference for Aur.
Now that we know the expected number of mapped reads, nx%nraw, we can divide the actual number of mapped reads, nx%nmapped, by nx%nraw to obtain the proportion mapped, p.
To solve for the proportion not mapped, q, subtract p from 1 and multiply by 100.
q = (1 - p) * 100
this percent value can then be plugged into the Illumina Sequencing Coverage Calculator
Given that we are mapping to 100% of the genome, we simply divide the number of mapped reads nrmapped by the number of total raw reads nrtot.
nrmapped: Find total number of mapped reads with mappedReadStats.sbatch
# login to
cd /home/e1garcia/shotgun_PIRE/pire_lcwgs_data_processing/salarias_fasciatus
sbatch ../../rroberts_thesis/scripts/bam_processing/mappedReadStats.sbatch fltrBAM/ BAM_metrics Sfa .bam
nrtot: Find total number of raw reads using fastqc and Multiqc on raw fq.gz files
- This data was generated in step 1. of the pire_fq_gz_processing repo instructions using the
script. It should already exist in your species directory.
I used this script to read-in/join fastqc and mapped reads data on Rstudio
Funtions to read in the data were sourced from
The functions used were