This is a sample student repository for the Wolfram Summer School, you should clone or fork this repository to get started.
fork this repo, clone local copy, and push your updates to (see below for more details)
you need to give write permission to that repo to your tutor and to @WolframSummerSchoolProjects. Additionally please give write permissions to @kylekeane and @swedewhite for organizational purposes (you can revoke these at the end of school).
the place to submit your entire final project, including draft work if you want. There are templates and instructions in the subdirectories described in the of the "Final Project" folder.
the place to submit your homework assignment (computational essay). There are templates and instructions in the subdirectories described in the of the "Homework" folder.
the place to store extra work products such as draft submissions to the data repo, function repo, neural net repo, and notebook archive. Follow the conventions described in the of that directory. There are instructions in the of the "Contributions" folder.
the place to save versions of your community post so you can collaborate with your mentor if needed. There are instructions in the of the "Wolfram Community Post" folder.
On OSX / Wndows:
Download and install github desktop:
On Ubuntu:
Download and install git kraken:
Login and authenticate with GitHub
by clicking on the button CLONE OR DOWNLOAD and then to OPEN IN DESKTOP
work on your computer and push to the cloud when you are ready to save your work
a nice cheatsheet can be found here: the readme should contain:
- what your project is about
- how to run your code
- examples, code documentation, etc