Scala captcha, or Simple captcha, and probably both Simple Scala (functional) captcha.
To use SCaptcha in your SBT (or Play) projects, you can either built it yourself (see thereafter), or add following resolver:
resolvers += "Applicius Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies += "scaptcha" %% "scaptcha" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
It can be integrated as Play controller.
First in view (e.g. temporal catcha of 8 characters):
@defining(Captcha.temporalCaptcha(8)) { captcha =>
<form action="yourAction">
<img src="@ctxPath@routes.Captcha.image(captcha.value)" />
<input type="text" name="passphrase" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="captchaCode" value="@captcha.code" />
Then in controllers:
package controllers
import play.api.Play
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator
import play.api.mvc.{ Action, Controller }
object Captcha extends Controller with scaptcha.Captcha {
// Use Play application secret as scaptcha seed
lazy val seed = Play.current.configuration.
getString("application.secret").map(_.filter(_ != '/')).
def image(text: String) = Action {
val imageStream = textImage(text)"image/png")
Finally, when form including captcha is submitted, it can be checked easily:
Captcha.matches(captchaCode/* catcha.code */, length/* of captcha.value */, passphrase) // Boolean
sbt package