Green Team Semester Project Repository and Files
Project Name:
Goal of Project:
Team Members: Software Engineer: Andrew & Cara Requirements Analysis: Brian & Andrew System Design: Chris Program Design: Brian, Cara Program Development: Brian, Chris, Andrew, Madison Unit Testing: Cara, Madison Integration Testing: Cara, Madison System Testing: Everyone Training and Documentation: Chris, Cara Maintenance: Andrew, Brian
Best practices for coding in this team:
We will use great names for functions and variables, ie: nouns for variables, verbs for functions.
No magic numbers, any constants are declared at the top of the file or the function.
No god functions that contain all the code.
Minimal but good comments, we don't want to spend forever rewriting comments.
We will put our name in a comment on the first line of any function we create.
We will use camel case and we will put the brace '{' directly after a function, not on the following line.
We will ask for help if we get stuck. (don't spend more than a day on a thing, ask!)