In Heavy Development …
This is a “rails” gem, so much of the code will be for testing in a rails app, but will not be included in the actual gem.
Include migrations with an rsync or a generator
preferably a generator, but they are diff in rails 3
rake task require mods to the Rakefile
append requirement to Rakefile ?
perhaps add initializer (don’t know how rails 3 does it)
import some tests
include any test helpers for users
Cleanup code. Isolate requirements
Too many quirks to keep controllers and views in gem so install them in app with generator.
config.gem 'ccls-calnet_authenticated', :source => '' class User calnet_authenticated end # Generates a db migration script/generate calnet_authenticated User
As some methods, like current_user, are flexible and dependent upon the developer’s choice of user model, eager loading isn’t good enough. The developer will need to ensure that the model is always around. I chose to simply add …
require 'user' <- or whatever your user model is
to the bottom of my config/environment.rb outside of the initializer block.
vi Rakefile rake version:write rake version:bump:patch rake version:bump:minor rake version:bump:major rake gemspec rake install rake release
Copyright © 2010 [George ‘Jake’ Wendt], released under the MIT license