acquire a fresh docker database container attached to your ava test context
import ava, { TestInterface } from 'ava'
import { db, DbContext } from 'ava-fixture-docker-db'
const test = ava as TestInterface<DbContext>
test.beforeEach(t => db.setup(t.context)) // setup(context, dbOptions, dockerodeOptions)
test.afterEach(t => db.teardown(t.context))
test('some that needs a db!', async t => {, 'postgres', 'has default postgres user')
const containerData = await t.context.dbContainer.inspect()
t.truthy(containerData.Image, 'has docker image'), 'running', 'db is running'), 1, 'has host port exposed')
see the exported typescript typings or source for the simple additional APIs you can use in setup.