Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Oleg Nenashev (Dynatrace / Jenkins)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Jamie Plower
- <\add your name>
Action Items From Last week
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- Done, waiting for response
- Steve to share his ideas on SPDX - How should we relate to the SPDX standard? What are the next steps needed?
- After the project proposal
- Steve to get started on proposal on the CD Events project to the TOC repo, after guidelines are voted on TOC
- Done, merged: cdfoundation/toc#136
- We should have a roadmap for CD Events
- (A) Andrea: Set up a HackMD doc for the roadmap
- Tracy to reach out to CD Foundation online meetup organizers (CDF ambassadors) to see who is driving this for next year, so that we can get on to the calendar to present our work there
- Tacy reached out to Garima, waiting for response
- Moving to new platform Bevy early 2022
- Oleg is happy to host some meetups
- Oleg to reach out to Garima
- Unless we can join the online meetup we could self-host such a meetup
- Should be about an hour, including 30 minutes presentation
- 3rd week of January, in the US/EMEA timezone
- Oleg to create a poll
- Andrea will provide the Kubecon presentation as a base\
- (?) newsletter
- DONE - Andrea to open the Google group as soon as we confirm Google groups are ok
- Andrea to check tweetdeck
- Emil to consolidate the latest comments on the CD Events artwork PR
- Done
- Waiting for the CDF
- Steve to take Code of Conduct v2.1 into the
repo - Andrea to add a into the
repo- cdevents/spec#4
- Andrea to address some comments
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- Meetings over xmas & new years?
- SIG: Dec 20th, Jan 3rd
- Vocabulary: Dec 28th
- Andrea on PTO Dec 23rd -> Jan 8th
- Cancel meetings on Dec 20th and 28th
- Meetings over xmas & new years?
Updates From Other Groups
- Dec 01 - CDF TOC has votedd for accepting
- CD Events to go through the onboarding checklist:
- Steve to handle the remaining onboarding items
- Andrea manages the roadmap AI
- SIG Interoperability
- SIGStore presentation
- SIG Best Practices
- No news
- Vocabulary workstream
CD Events Project set up
- FYI: Code of Conduct Merged
- FYI: MarkDown Linter Merged
- Import Draft Spec:
- Do we want to merge this one or change this first?
- Let's mark it clearly that this is not yet ready for implementation
- Update the README in this PR
- Primer and Binding:
- Someone would like to work on the CloudEvents binding?
- The binding is the input document to update the SDK
- Setup a project bootstrap governance
- Should we use the SIG meetings as bootstrap committee meetings, or should it be separate?
- OpenTelemetry Charter for reference
- What happens to the SIG Events if there is a TC set up for CD Events? If SIG Events should stay, what should be its mission?
- Update our readme to include information about the name and any relevant links to GitHub org etc
- Move things from the SIG Events github project to cdevents organization?
- Add CD Events to CDF landscape
- Current proposal proposes to put this under the sub category "Tracing and Measuring" within the "Observability and Analysis" category. Do we agree?
- Crunchbase info for CD Events?
- New updates on the CD Events artwork issue?
- Gmail account for CD Events?
- Unclear whether it is needed
- Not needed for YouTube and shared calendars in general
- Might be useful for backend purposes
Meetups / Conferences
- CI/CD DevRoom
- CfP not yet out? Not official:
- Erik & Andrea to propose a talk?
- DevopsDays Geneva - Oleg will go if it happens
Blog Posts / Links
- Jamie could present from Fidelity some day
PR / Design Discussions
Feedback from Jamie Plower, Fidelity
- Follow-up to the discussions with Kara and CDF
- Using Cloud Events, interested in Jenkins integrations too
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- <add yourself>
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Kara de la Marck (CDF)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Oleg Nenashev (Dynatrace)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
Action Items From Last SIG meeting
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- Done, waiting for response
- Steve to share his ideas on SPDX - How should we relate to the SPDX standard? What are the next steps needed?
- After the project proposal
- Steve to get started on proposal on the CD Events project to the TOC repo, after guidelines are voted on TOC
- Done,
- Reviewed during the meeting today
- Some updates pending
- Artwork / logo
- Project requirements to be updated
- To be presented at the ToC on Nov 23rd
- Add note about zoom account
- Tracy to reach out to CD Foundation online meetup organizers (CDF ambassadors) to see who is driving this for next year, so that we can get on to the calendar to present our work there
- Tracy reached out to Garima, waiting for response
- Moving to new platform Bevy early 2022
- Oleg is happy to host some meetups
- Oleg to reach out to Garima
- Andrea to create Google group for CD Events
- Created
- Private group for now
- Open the group as soon as we confirm Google groups are ok
- Andrea to check tweetdeck
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
Updates From Other Groups
- CD Events project presentation at CDF TOC (Nov 23). Do we do it?
- Yes, we'll present.
- SIG Interoperability
- Work on roadmap
- SIG Best Practices - Mauricio?
- Working on a series of docs for a docsy site of best practices
- Oleg interested in partecipating too
- Vocabulary workstream
CD Events set up
- CDF Project proposal
- (Bootstrap) Technical Committee for CD Events?
- Setup a project bootstrap governance? We should review best practices from other projects / CDF
- We can aim for a bootstrap commitee before the end of 2021
- Is a (Bootstrap) Technical Committee for CD Events needed for the project to be accepted by CDF? Should the process of setting up such be linked from the project proposal?
- What happens to the SIG Events if there is a TC set up for CD Events? If SIG Events should stay, what should be its mission?
- Update our readme to include information about the name and any relevant links to GitHub org etc
- More stuff to move from the SIG Events github project to cdevents organization?
- Add CD Events to CDF landscape
- What category do we propose?
- Feedback needed here and then Kara can move forward on the prototype for this section of the CDF landscape.
- Please everyone review / comment here
- Crunchbase info for CD Events?
- New updates on the CD Events artwork issue?
- CDF is looking to see if we have consensus on the logo, to move forward with the designer for the next iteration.
- (A) Emil to consolidate the comments
- CDF is looking to see if we have consensus on the logo, to move forward with the designer for the next iteration.
- Gmail account for CD Events?
- Google group for CD Events? Closed Google group for twitter and other accounts?
- Code of Conduct
- (A) Steve to take v2.1 into the
repo -
- Note: CDF uses old version of Contributor Covenant, Oleg is about suggesting the update later
- (A) Andrea to add a into
- (A) Steve to take v2.1 into the
- CDF Project proposal
Security aspects of events. What WG to talk to to cross-pollinate?
Meetups / Conferences
- KubeCon EU 2022 - who'd be interested to submit a Talk
- CFP open until Dec 17th
- CDF will likely have a booth there
- FOSDEM CI/CD Room opens on Nov 30
- Meeting on the 30th - we should remind ourselves about the CFP
- cdCon tracks are being formed by the programming committee.
- Please comment on the doc with suggestions for tracks.
- (A) Everyone to review / comments
- Especially in the track that cdEvents talks will likely be grouped within. Right now that is Developer Experience track, to include cdEvents, interoperability, ide integration. Putting these topics under ‘dev experience’ helps spell out the why of these initiatives.
- Please comment on the doc with suggestions for tracks.
Blog Posts / Links
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- <add yourself>
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- Kara de la Marck (CDF)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
Proposal for cdf ToC
- Steve working on a draft PR from
At LF Membership summit
- CDEvents identified as a priority (Thanks Tracy and Steve!)
- We should get people from more projects involved:
- Jenkins: GSoC, maybe someone from CloudBees
- Screwdriver
- Spinnaker: Armory, OpsMx
- Circle CI
- Cloudbees
- Harness
- CodeFresh
- GitLab CI
- GitHub Actions
- Kara + Tracy to drive reaching out to various projects / companies to get involved in CDEvents
- We could ask Tracy M. to be involved in calls
- We aim to setup a webinar in early 2022 (Jan/Feb)
- The idea is to present what we're building
- Present a compelling business case
Twitter account
- We might want to:
- register a gmail account
- use a google groups
- we could use a closed google group for twitter and other accounts
- tweetdeck
- Andrea to create Google groups / check tweetdeck
Security aspects for events
- A security bucket of events
- Secure (trusted) events
- We need to check which WG we need to part of to cross-pollinate
Action Items From Last week
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- Done, waiting for response
- Andrea to register a Twitter handle related to CD Events
- ON: is occupied, Oleg tried to register it a few weeks ago
- Steve to share his ideas on SPDX - How should we relate to the SPDX standard? What are the next steps needed?
- Steve will prepare it for a later meeting
- ossf is working on utilising SPDX spec
- Emil to update the meeting in the CDF calendar to align to DST
- Erik will add a comment on the CD Events artwork issue from our discussion last meeting
- Steve to get started on proposal on the CD Events project to the TOC repo, after guidelines are voted on TOC
- Tracy to reach out to CD Foundation online meetup organizers (CDF ambassadors) to see who is driving this for next year, so that we can get on to the calendar to present our work there
- Tracy reached out to Garima
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
Updates From Other Groups
- No updates
- SIG Interoperability
- No meeting since last SIG Events
- SIG Best Practices - Mauricio?
- No updates
- Vocabulary workstream
- Hierarchy of events
- For the next meeting
- We need to prepare for a larger community
- Setup a project bootstrap governance
- Discussion for next meeting
- Review best practices from other projects / CDF
- We can aim for a bootstrap commitee before the end of 2021
Protocol Naming, next steps
- Update our readme to include information about the name and any relevant links to GitHub org etc
- More stuff to move from the SIG Events github project to cdevents organization?
- Add CD Events to CDF landscape
- Check what category the project fits in or propose a new one
Meetups / Conferences
- KubeCon EU 2022 - who'd be interested to submit a Talk
- CFP open until Dec 17th
- CDF will likely have a booth there
- FOSDEM CI/CD Room open on Nov 30
- Meeting on the 30th - we should remind ourselves about the CfP
Blog Posts / Links
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Erik Sternerson, doWhile
- Steve Taylor, DeployHub
- Tracy Ragan, DeployHub
- Kara de la Marck, CDF
- Oleg Nenashev, Jenkins/CDF TOC
- <add yourself>
- Action Items From Last week
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- Done, waiting for response
- Steve to bring up on TOC Oct 12th about the name and how to propose a new project and if there are any artists available to draw an icon
- Done
- Andrea to register a Twitter handle related to CD Events
- ON: is occupied, Oleg tried to register it a few weeks ago
- Emil to create the two first repos - "spec" and "sdk-go"
- Steve to share his ideas on SPDX - How should we relate to the SPDX standard? What are the next steps needed?
- Steve will prepare it for a later meeting
- Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- Daylight Savings Time meeting time adjustment
- Europe@October 31st, NA@November 7th
- Move to 4pm UTC from November 8th (next meeting)?
- Yes, that's decided
- (A) Emil to update the meeting in the CDF calendar
- Updates From Other Groups
- Discussion on sandbox projects have been held. CD Events should be an incubating project
- Voting guidelines are created for project transitions
- Regarding terminology, CDF is involved in inclusive naming initiatives. We should relate to that work so we don't define a conflicting terminology, INI checklist:
- Adding CD Events to the CDF landscape - YES!!!
- SIG Interoperability
- Interop roadmap being progressed
- Interop on SBOMs being discussed
- Policy driven CD
- SIG Best Practices - Mauricio?
- Any news about terminology? Something to align on?
- Vocabulary workstream
- Protocol Naming, next steps
- CD Events artwork
- (A) Erik will add a comment on the issue from our discussion
- CD Events as incubating CDF project
- ST: We should create a proposal to the TOC repo for the project, to be presented to the TOC board
- ST: New guidelines should be voted on tomorrows TOC meeting and after that we could get going with our proposal
- (A) Steve to get started on that proposal after the TOC meeting
- Update our readme to include information about the name and any relevant links to GitHub org etc
- New spec repo
- SDK Go repo
- More stuff to move from the SIG Events github project to cdevents organization?
- Add CD Events to CDF landscape
- CD Events artwork
- Meetups / Conferences
- Takeaways from the Kubecon SIG Events booth
- The CDF booth was pretty quite overall towards the end of the Kubecon week, so it was not just us...
- Making us a proper project would probably attract more visutors. Better luck next time :)
- Takeaways from the Kubecon SIG Events booth
- Blog Posts / Links
- Let's wait for the CDF project setup and the logo and then provide a blog post.
- Presentations
- Steve presented Ortelius GitOps diagram - work in progress
- CD Foundation online meetup. We should get onto the calendar there to present our work. The schedule for this year is filled. To be run by someone in the ambassadors program next year.
- (A) Tracy to reach out to see who is driving this for next year.
- PR / Design Discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Mattias Linnér, Ericsson
- Brad McCoy, Moula
- Tracy Ragan, DeployHub
- Kara de la Marck, CDF
- <add yourself>
- Action Items From Last week
- Protocol Naming, next steps
- Domain name proposal:
- (A) Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- GitHub organization:
- Event type is reverse of DNS: would be nice
- CD Foundation project proposal
- (A) Steve to bring up on TOC tomorrow about the name and how to propose a new project and if there are any artists available to draw an icon
- Icon
- Twitter
- (A) Andrea to register a Twitter handle related to CD Events
- Update our readme to include information about the name and any relevant links to GitHub org etc
- More stuff to move from the SIG Events github project to cdevents organization?
- We should probably move the specification/vocabulary, the PoC and the SDK to separate projects in the new org.
- The spec repo should be called "spec"
- The sdk repo(s) should be called "sdk-XYZ", XYZ is specific for each sdk. First one out should be "sdk-go"
- Both these align well with how it is set up for Cloudevents:,
- (A) Emil to create these two first repos
- We should probably move the specification/vocabulary, the PoC and the SDK to separate projects in the new org.
- Domain name proposal:
- CDF & SIG Events Updates
- anything?
- Workstream Updates
- Meetups / conferences
- We have a booth at Kubecon. Not sure what is expected of us there. Tracy will check with T Miranda
- We only have 30 minutes. We should not have a propoer 30 mins presentation but instead be prepared to show and discuss our current state of the vocabulary.
- Ideas on what to discuss could also be borrowed from our cdCon BoF in June
- Please see CDF public calendar: Events SIG CDF Virtual Booth @ KubeCon 2021 on Wed 13 at 11:00am PST
- Do we need a Kubecon registration to participate?
- Yes. We could register for the virtual booths and keynotes for free probably.
- We have a booth at Kubecon. Not sure what is expected of us there. Tracy will check with T Miranda
- Blog Posts / Links
- Presentations
- When things start to materialize we should prepare a presentation for the TOC. For the project proposal.
- CD Foundation online meetup. We should get onto the calendar there to present our work. The schedule for this year is filled. To be run by someone in the ambassadors program next year.
- PR / Design Discussions
- SPDX becomes a BOM standard
- Examples repo provided
- How should we relate to the SPDX standard? What are the next steps needed?
- (A) Steve to share his ideas on a coming SIG meeting
- Shruti: Environment type events, relating to Jenkins' node-events, see Slack post
- We might come back to this on a later meeting when Shruti or someone else from Jenkins participates, or it will be discussed on a Vocabulary meeting as well.
- Open actions and discussions - We should look at these items, where decisions are needed, during our SIG meetings.
- SPDX becomes a BOM standard
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Andrea Frittoli, IBM
- Steve Taylor, DeployHub
- <add yourself>
- Action Items From Last week
- Protocol Naming
- Results
- Decided: "CD Events" it is
- When we agree on a name, what are the next steps?
- Domain name proposal:
- GitHub organization: ""
- Registered by Emil just now:
- Event type is reverse of DNS: would be nice
- CD Foundation project proposal
- Icon
- Would be great if the icon would be possible to add to arbitrary "CD Events supporting" components/projects, like "Evie". A tone/note?
- (A) Andrea to ask CDF if the can buy the domain for us
- (A) Steve to bring up on TOC tomorrow about the name and how to propose a new project and if there are any artists available to draw an icon
- (A) Andrea to register a Twitter handle related to CD Events
- Results
- CDF & SIG Events Updates
- Jenkins plugin with Cloudevents from GSoC
- Plugin is published. Inspired by our work but not yet aligned fully.
- It would be great to have PoC with this plugin and e.g. Tekton using the CD Events. A use case should be written for such a PoC first.
- That PoC discussion can continue on the Vocabulary meeting. Shruti should be invited there.
- SPDX becomes a BOM standard
- Postpone this discussion for next meeting
- (A) Emil to put it on next SIG meeting agenda
- Jenkins plugin with Cloudevents from GSoC
- Workstream Updates
- Meetups / conferences
- We have a booth at Kubecon. Not sure what is expected of us there. Tracy will check with T Miranda
- Blog Posts / Links
- Presentations
- PR / Design Discussions
- Open actions and discussions
- We should look at these items, where decisions are needed, during our SIG meetings.
- (A) Emil to put it on next SIG meeting agenda
- Open actions and discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- <add yourself>
- Action Items From Last week
- Presentations
- Argo Events, by Derek Wang. 15-20 minutes
- Protocol Naming
- Requirements for a good name (10 min)
- Be related to our topic, e.g. continuous delivery, supply chain, messages, events
- It is pronounceable (either as a word or as an abbreviation of at most three letters) (e.g. Signal or CDF is fine, SPDX and Sgehgre is a but much)
- It is available (i.e. it doesn't already mean something else in our domain, or something negative in any other domain)
- NOT Bind us to any organization or group (e.g. Events SIG)
- NOT Bind us to any underlying transport or protocol (e.g. CloudEvents)
- Other comments:
- Provide a nice "brand name"
- Should represent the disruption we want to bring
- It is spelt as it sounds (not super important when most communication is written, so it is not a strong wish)
- We might want to align it to something that people already know
- Name Structure
- Descriptive name
- Subject + "Events"
- Subject could be either of: CD, (Software) Supply Chain, Lifecycle, DevOps
- Evocative name
- Descriptive name
- Name selection (10 min)
- Current proposals
- Proposals that meet the requirements:
- To be added...
- We could have two names, one for the protocol, one for the project
CD Events
CDCE CD CloudEventsCICD Cloudevents (Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery Cloudevents) ("Events for Continous Delivery) Semio/Semios (some startups already used that)CSE (CDF SIG Events)CDFE (Continious Delivery Foundation Events)ECD (Events for Continuous Delivery)Open Lifecycle OrchestrationLEAP (Lifecycle Events and Analytics Protocol) SPELL (Sandardized Protocol for Event Lifecycle)CICDEP "CICDEP is Continuous Delivery Events Protocol"LifecycleEvents: what the events are about as opposed to a trend LiEve (A) Andrea to make a poll from the list (A) Andrea to check with CDF for branding check - #70
CD Events
- Requirements for a good name (10 min)
- SIG Events Updates
- Workstream Updates
- Vocabulary
- Meetups / conferences
- Blog Posts / Links
- PR / Design Discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- <add yourself>
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- Action Items From Last week
- (A) Emil will prepare for the next SIG together with Andrea to try to set a name on the next SIG meeting. Next SIG meeting should be dedicated to the name discussion.
- Andrea is still on PTO, so this is postponed until next meeting
- (A) Emil will prepare for the next SIG together with Andrea to try to set a name on the next SIG meeting. Next SIG meeting should be dedicated to the name discussion.
- SIG Events Updates
- Protocol Naming discussion
- Tracy:
- Protocol name should be "CD Events", for reasons of simplicity and clarity
- Listener tool could be called "Kinetic"?
- The event robot "EV" (pronounced "Evie") listens to events. Simple, easy to describe, easy to market, ie logo. Approachable. Trying to simpifiy complex topic.
- Tracy:
- CDF Podcast about Shipwright mentions the need for artifact events
- Protocol Naming discussion
- Workstream Updates
- Vocabulary workstream MoM
- WebHooks vs Event sending from upstream services, such as SCMs and Artifact Repositories
- Event protocol to become a standard or a project group? Compare with Cloudevents, SPDX, etc
- Steve: Standard vs specification vs project. Cloudevents is probably a specification
- Bring to SIG-meeting: We should get more implementers, more big players involved. Anyone with contacts into any project related to events can help bring them into the SIG and the workgroup.
- Emil: We've invited Shipwright to the SIG
- Vocabulary workstream MoM
- Meetups / conferences
- KubeCon NA 2021
- We have a slot on KubeCon for SIG Events - Events SIG CDF Virtual Booth @ KubeCon 2021, on October 13th. 12pm Eastern, 6pm CET.
- Andrea will give a presentation about SIG Events
- KubeCon NA 2021
- Blog Posts / Links
- We should write a blog post as soon as we've settled on a name for the protocol (and listener)
- Presentations
- Argo Events presentation aimed for September 13th, by Derek Wang. 15-20 minutes
- PR / Design Discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Kara de la Marck, CloudBees
- Mattias Linnér, Ericsson
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub)
- Shruti Chaturvedi (GSoC CloudEvents plugin for Jenkins)
- Action Items From Last week
- SIG Events Updates
- Workstream Updates
- Vocabulary
- We need a name on the protocol! It should be reflected in a new repo where the protocol will be developed
- Should the protocol repo be located under cdfoundation or should it have its own Github organization?
- The protocol name should then not conflict with an existing Github org...
- Current results from poll
- (A) Emil will prepare for the next SIG together with Andrea to try to set a name on the next SIG meeting. Next SIG meeting should be dedicated to the name discussion.
- Should the event protocol be its own project proposed to CDF?
- Vocabulary
- Meetups / conferences
- Mauricio joins Keptn user group tomorrow to show the Tekton+Keptn interoperability PoC
- We have a slot on KubeCon for SIG Events - Events SIG CDF Virtual Booth @ KubeCon 2021, on October 13th. 12pm Eastern, 6pm CET.
- If you don't have the invite and whish to participate please ask someone that is in, for example Emil.
- Blog Posts / Links
- Presentations
- Shruti presents Cloudevents plugin for Jenkins (originally a Google summer of code project) 🎉
- Support for CloudEvents, and for the CloudEvents plugin in particular, is part of Jenkins Roadmap
- Shruti presents Cloudevents plugin for Jenkins (originally a Google summer of code project) 🎉
- PR / Design Discussions
- There are a number of PRs that should be reviewed, for example regarding unit tests.
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)(IBM)(IBM)
- Kara de la Marck (CloudBees)
- Shruti Chaturvedi (GSoC CloudEvents plugin for Jenkins 🎉)
- <add me>
- Action Items From Last week
- SIG Events Updates
- none
- Workstream Updates
- PoC Updates
- Jenkins CloudEvents
- Slack channel gsoc-2021-jenkins-cloudevents-plugin
- Demo on 20/07:
- Jenkins Cloud Native SIG YT channel posts some of our GSoC meetings on Jenkins CloudEvents plugin, see here:
- Dedicate open source project for spec and artifacts
- With own repo, governance
- Meetups / conferences
- DevOpsWorld Presentation Mauricio / Andrea
- Blog Posts / Links
- none
- Presentations
- Jenkins CloudEvents on August 16th
- PR / Design Discussions
- RedHat uses the "Code contribution" terminology
- Uploading of the recordings
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Mauricio Salatino (LearnK8s)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Jürgen Etzlstorfer (Dynatrace, Keptn)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub, Ortelius)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Derek Wang (Intuit, Argo Events)
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub/Ortelius)
- Gopinath Rebala (OpsMx)
- Action Items From Last week
- SIG Events Updates
- SIG meetings during the summer period
- Emil is away July 5th to Aug 6th
- Andrea is away 26/07 -> 26/08 (possibly)
- The workstream should continue if enough people are available. The SIG could have fewer meetings during the summer and wait with needed decisions until most people are back.
- Decided: SIG meeting July 19th and August 16th
- (A) Emil will update the calendar invite
- Emil: Done - Meeting Aug 2nd is cancelled
- (A) Emil will update the calendar invite
- SIG meetings during the summer period
- Workstream Updates - Vocabulary
- Event protocol name poll
- Short-term we use the name "CD Events", but we should have a better name
- Name Poll
- Poll Answers so far
- (A) Erik to start a discussion about the name and criteria that we want to consider for a name
- Target Date: let's aim for Oct 1st for the name
- PoC status
- PoC hacking very much ongoing
- In the BoF we will present the ongoing work, probably without showing a live run. We could show some code examples and the PoC readme/description
- Event protocol name poll
- Meetups / conferences
- Event related presentations etc on cdCon
- Behind the Scenes of Keptn: Event-Driven Delivery & Ops Orchestration - Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace
- Linking Events to Achieve Traceability and Data Aggregation in CI/CD Systems - Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Event-driven Distributed CI for 20000 Projects - Aleksandra Fedorova, Red Hat
- Lightning Talk: Events of Screwdriver - Alan Dong & Jithin Emmanuel, Verizon Media
- BoF Session: Event Based CD: Conversations with the CDF Events SIG - Tracy Ragan, DeployHub; Emil Backmark, Ericsson; Andrea Frittoli, IBM & Erik Sternerson, doWhile
- Questions:
- Tracy to facilitate
- Putting Chaos into Continuous Delivery – Evaluate & Increase the Resilience of your Applications - Juergen Etzlstorfer, Dynatrace & Karthik Satchitanand, ChaosNative
- DevOpsWorld (Mauricio / Andrea) - Using CloudEvents to Create an Interoperable CI/CD Ecosystem - accepted
- Event related presentations etc on cdCon
- Blog Posts / Links
- Meeting recordings
- Presentations
- Argo Events presentation aimed for August 30th, by Derek Wang. 15-20 minutes
- PR / Design Discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- Jürgen Etzlstorfer (Dynatrace, Keptn)
- Johannes Bräuer (Dynatrace, Keptn)
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub/Ortelius)
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Gopinath Rebala (OpsMx)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub/Ortelius)
- Vibhav Bobade (Red Hat)
- <add yourself>
- Action Items From Last week
- SIG Events Updates
- Event Protocol name poll
- Most common (a few variations): CDEvents, CD Events,, CDE, ECD
- CDCE CD CloudEvents
- Semio(s)
- CICD Cloudevents
- CSE (CDF SIG Events)
- CDFE (Continious Delivery Foundation Events)
- LEAP (Lifecycle Events and Analytics Protocol)
- SPELL (Sandardized Protocol for Event Lifecycle)
- CICDEP "CICDEP is Continuous Delivery Events Protocol"
- Full Results
- Should have
- Related to the topic
- continuous delivery
- supply chain
- Andrea: nice brand name
- Tracy: we should take time to get it right
- Tracy: should represent the disruption we want to bring
- Related to the topic
- Should not have
- Emil: not related to the group / foundation
- Emil: CloudEvents is not only about Cloud
- Erik: CloudEvents itself should not be part of the name as we may used a different base protocol in future
- Proposal 1 (Andrea)
- Name: CDEvents
- Domain:
- Event types:*
- Pros
- Similar name structure as cloud events
- Not bound to a foundation or group name
- domain is available
- Intuitive and descriptive (at least with the acronym expanded)
- is available
- Cons
- twitter/cdevents is taken
- perhaps too generic? ContinousDeliverEvents would be more specific (but very long too)
- Ideas
- Lifecycle
- Infinity symbol
- It is not sequential / linear
- Tibetan Knot is not linear
- Event Mesh
- Continue on GitHub Discussion
- Temporary Name for PoC can be
- GNU = Gnu's Not Unix - recursive acronym?
- YAML = YAML Ain't Markup Language
- Event Protocol name poll
- Workstream Updates
- Vocabulary
- Good discussions on the PoC
- We can dedicate the vocabulary event for now to the PoC
- CDF Calendar:
- Vocabulary
- Meetups / conferences
- BoF Questions:
- There is an opportunity to present
- We could prepare a presentation about the PoC
- Erik started working on a diagram
- Time conflict with other BOF (already reported by the interop SIG) - 11:15 EDT
- Erik: What do we want from the BoF?
- Discuss about the benefits of events based CI/CD
- KubeCon Submission
- Mauricio / Andrea - Using CloudEvents to Create an Interoperable CI/CD Ecosystem
- Tracy - Events in CI/CD
- BoF Questions:
- Presentations
- Does anyone know anyone from Argo/Intuit that could present Argo Events (
- Juergen will ask Argo CD contacts
- Tracy will ask Gale for contacts on CNCF side
- PoC should be presented here (before cdCon, next meeting 21 June)
- Does anyone know anyone from Argo/Intuit that could present Argo Events (
- Blog Posts / Links
- BoF Blog Post:
- It's not possible to comment on the blog
- Promoted via twitter
- BoF Blog Post:
- PR / Design Discussions
- Protocol PR:
- Please review
- Protocol PR:
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Mauricio Salatino (LearnK8s)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- Steve Taylor (Ortelius/DeployHub)
- Vibhav Bobade (Red Hat)
- Kara de la Marck (CloudBees)
- Gopinath Rebala (OpsMx)
- <add yourself>
- Action Items From Last week
- SIG Events Updates
- PoC for protocol draft
- Provide a simple diagram for the specific PoC - use @erkist
- Goal: #48
- Library impl: #55
- Spec:
- PoC for protocol draft
- Workstream Updates
- Meetups / conferences
- cdCon BoF
- We can share screen on the BoF so we ar able to show a PoC diagram for example
- Mauricio/Andrea has submitted a talk to KubeCon NA
- Could be resubmitted to DevOps World as well
- Mauricio will do the submission
- cdCon BoF
- Blog Posts / Links
- Write a blog post to attract people to the cdCon BoF session?
- (A) Tracy to write a blog post to push for our BoF in cdCon
- Write a blog post to attract people to the cdCon BoF session?
- Presentations
- CDF cloudevents controller hack and todo
- PR / Design Discussions
Note: The meeting is postponed one week due to bank holiday in UK
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Steve Taylor, DeployHub
- Andrea Frittoli, IBM
- Mattias Linnér, Ericsson
- Mauricio Salatino, LearnK8s
- Vibhav Bobade, RedHat
- Kara de la Marck, CloudBees
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- <add yourself>
- AP From Last week
- From last TOC meeting: We can use Apache2 for our contributions
- We are going to use Apache2 License
- Google doc for BoF
- SIG Events Updates
- Meeting frequency change
- Who wants to have the invite from the CDF Calendar?
- Which user group should we start focusing on?
- Who has capacity to perform a PoC?
- Mauricio Salatino
- Erik Sternerson
- Andrea Frittoli
- Mattias Linnér
- Vibhav Bobade
- Create a small library to generate / parse the events
- Diagram to demostrate what we can build with shared events
- Education material
- Integration between a couple of project
- We could use a translation layer to begin with
- Demonstrate that two projects can interop through common events
- Remove translation layer
- Stretch goal: 4-keys (collecting metric)
- It requires running services
- Who has capacity to perform a PoC?
- Meeting frequency change
- Workstream Updates
- Dictionary
- No updates
- Dictionary
- Meetups / conferences
- Presentations
- Eiffel (Mattias)
- PR / Design Discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Andrea Frittoli (IBM)
- Mattias Linnér (Ericsson)
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub)
- <add yourself>
- AP From Last week
- Licenses for Events SIG
- From TOC:
- Any OSI approved license is ok
- Keptn, Tekton, Eiffel and Ortelius use Apache2
- (AP - Andrea) Open a GitHub Discussion, and send a mail to the mailing list
- (AP - Andrea/Emil) Bring the Apache2 proposal to the TOC
- SIG Events Updates
- Tracy joined the CNCF App Delivery SIG
- Steve to look into SDPX/Events SIG interop (Pedigree / Provenance)
- SPDX Presentation at TOC
- Workstream Updates
- Dictionary
- No updates from the last meeting
- Some AP open from the previous meeting - HackMD Version
- Dictionary
- Meetups / conferences
- cdCon Events SIG BoF
- (AP Tracy) Start a shared Google Docs for the questions - []
- We can still make it panel-like within the BoF
- 30min slot
- KubeCon NA CFP until May 23rd
- We should submit proposals from the SIG
- Present work done on the protocol
- Any PoC that we have until then
- cdCon Events SIG BoF
- Blog Posts / Links
- Presentations
- (Postponed until May 3rd) Mattias: Presentation - Eiffel Protocol with focus on linked/referenced events
- PR / Design Discussions
- Open
- <To be added>
Meeting cancelled due to bank holiday in several countries
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Steve Taylor (DeployHub/Ortelius)
- Tracy Ragan (DeployHub/Ortlius)
- Mattias LInnér (Ericsson)
- Mauricio Salatino (Camunda/LearnK8s)
- Andreas Grimmer (Keptn/Dynatrace)
- Fredrik Fristedt (Axis Communications)
- Ravi Lachhman (Harness)
- Erik Sternerson (doWhile)
- Emil Bäckmark (Ericsson)
- Tracy Miranda (CDF)
SIG setup - Emil/Andrea
- Recordings uploaded to Youtube, since November 2020, Ok?
- That's ok with us :)
- New HackMD team
- GitHub repo
- GitHub discussions
- Slack
- CDF announcement for the SIG
- CDF podcast presenting our SIG
- Recordings uploaded to Youtube, since November 2020, Ok?
Feedback from Vocabulary meeting - Mauricio
- Proposal to Aligning terms with CNCF audience, even if that is not our full scope, for the first revisions I think that it will help us to focus
- Perhaps focus on one use case at a time? (But make sure "not to close the door" for later use cases)
- 1: Cloud service development and deployment
- 2: Embedded / high-complexity product delivery
- 3: ...?
- We intend to merge the pull requests in there in a week or so. But it will be very preliminary, and the definitions will be up for changes as the discussions go on.
What should our SIG meetings focus on as we now have complementing vocabulary meetings? - All
- Presentations?
- Blog posts and similar?
- Recurring feedback from workgroups (e.g. Vocabulary workgroup)
- Upcoming Conferences
Daylight savings time and frequency - Emil/Andrea
Current status of PRs in sig-events
- And one in TOC repo
Upcoming Presentations
- Events Vocabulary
- We should wait for the current PRs to be merged before we present this, and base this presentation on those pull requests mainly. Add some info from the old vocabulary document if any.
- CD Flow - date to be decided
- Eiffel Protocol - with focus on linked/referenced events?
- Mattias could have that presentation, but not on next meeting. In 5 weeks probably.
- Events Vocabulary
<add your agenda point>
Emil/Andrea: Set up new repo, Slack, HackMD, etc for our SIGMauricio: Set up a meeting series for vocabulary discussions- Emil: Reach out to Dan L to check if CDF defines what licenses to use.
- Dan wasn't aware of that, but we're welcome to bring this to TOC meeting
- Steve will bring it to TOC meeting tomorrow (March 16th)
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Erik Sternerson, doWhile
- Ravi Lachhman, Harness
- Mattias Linnér, Ericsson
- Steve Taylor, DeployHub
- Tracy Ragan, DeployHub
- Kara de la Marck, CloudBees
- Andrea Frittoli, IBM
- Mauricio Salatino, Camunda / LearnK8s
- <addme>
- Tracy M: Promoting the SIG
- Roxanne is here to prepare for the announcement
- We will provide some quotes to that. Exampel from Jenkins
- Podcast
- Ravi, Mauricio and Andrea will join
- Postcast template:
- Blog posts
- Can be sent at any time to Roxanne, and not only about the Events SIG
- Daylight Savings Time
- US starts on March 14th already:
- Europe two weeks later:
- What is your time on Monday in two weeks? Ok to keep the current time slot (4pm UTC)?
- Decision: We keep the same time UTC next occasion as well
- We're a SIG!
- Tracy M has asked us (during last SIG Interop meeting) to provide quotes for a CDF announcement of SIG Events - deadline March 1st. Example of topics:
- About the problem space
- The connection to CloudEvents
- How it as been a spinoff from SIG Interoperability (Kara/Fatih)
- New repo created for SIG Events
- Everyone can create a PR to that repo to be automatically included as contributors to the repo, and can then be added to the team
- Update the sig interoperability page in the cdfoundation repo
- (Andrea) Make a PR to move documents and update links
- Move our stuff from
- (Andrea) Make a PR to move documents into the new repo
- Add the mailing list to the communication channel once allocated
- Tracy M will create the maillist for us subscribe via
- Andrea will add info about it to our readmes
- HackMD document updates (title, new hackmd team, github sync). Create new team in Hackmd
- Emil to create a new hackmd team and connect its docs to the new SIG Events github
- Emil put a note in the old document saying this is now archived and is continued in the new document
- Slack channel renamed to sig-events, and change its description.
- Tracy M will reach out to Gale to rename our channel to sig-events
- Emil updates the description in the Slack channel
- Andrea to update info in the README
- Write a blog post on the CDF blog
- Mauricio to start it
- A follow up on the announcement
- Mentioning specific initiatives if applicable
- Use cases
- CDF Podcast
- See above
- Setup GitHub repo
- Created sig-events team, sig-events-admin team
- Add chairs as admins, everyone else as maintainer
- Tracy M has asked us (during last SIG Interop meeting) to provide quotes for a CDF announcement of SIG Events - deadline March 1st. Example of topics:
- Initial Vocabulary Proposal
- First vocabulary meeting brief
- Initial Vocabulary Proposal PR
- Proposed inital workflow for working on the vocabulary
- Break the PR into smaller chunks to be able to merge sooner. Mauricio will fix.
- PR comments for discussions directly related to the PR
- GitHub Discussions for "more involved" topics, consider announcing on Slack when there is a new discussion you want some attention on.
- Who can enable GitHub Discussions for our repo?
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark - Ericsson
- Mauricio Salatino - Camunda / LearnK8s
- Mattias Linnér - Ericsson
- Andreas Grimmer, Keptn
- Erik Sternerson - doWhile
- Andrea Frittoli - IBM
- Tracy Ragan - DeployHub
- Aleksandra Fedorova - Red Hat
- APs
- (salaboy) Setting a time in the calendar for Vocabulary discussion and progress
- Mauricio will set up a separate meeting to start that discussion. Proposal: same time, different day. AP salaboy
- Categories of events added to our vocabulary document -
- Becoming a SIG
- Waiting for votes in TOC
- (afrittoli) Licenses for content produced by the group / SIG (see
- Emil reached out to Dan, waiting for reply. Emil pings Dan again :)
- Input to this discussion:
- Enterprise-Scale CI concepts - Erik Sternerson
- Complementing info from Aleksandra on RedHat (Fedora):
- Also worth relating to the SIG Interoperability vocabulary document (Rosetta Stone):
- Upcoming Presentations
- Events Vocabulary
- CD Flow - date to be decided
Andrea: Reach out on the cloudevents Slack channel - We should define buckets of terms to define, e.g. artifacts, activities, deployments etc and continue diving into those to propose vocabulary for them - Let's discuss how to proceed on that on Slack- Mauricio (Salaboy) to set up a meeting series for vocabulary discussions
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Erik Sternerson, doWhile
- Mattias Linnér, Ericsson
- Andrea Frittoli, IBM
- Mauricio Salatino, Camunda / LearnK8s
- Andreas Grimmer, Keptn
- Tracy Ragan, DeployHub / Ortelius
- Gareth Evans, CloudBees
- FOSDEM 2021 - February 7th - 8th
- Istio-CON - Feb 22 - 25, 2021
- Devops Online Summit - April 26th – 30th
- CFP closes on February 7th
- Focus topics: Trends in CI/CD and landscape for CI/CD
- cdCon 2021 - June 23rd - 24th
- CFP closes March 5th (Early Bird closes February 19th)
- TR: A panel proposal would be good. They are often well attended.
- FYI (partly relevant) Scaling Continuous Delivery February 2nd, Ravi and Andrea will be presenting
- Draft PR created
- Will probably be discussed on tomorrow's TOC meeting:
- Meeting cadence needs to be in sync with Best Practices SIG
- Events SIG meet every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month
- Best Practices SIG should meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. @Mauricio to bring that to Best Practices SIG.
- Follow-up to be done once the SIG proposal is accepted
- Update the sig interoperability page in the cdfoundation repo
- Move our stuff from
- Add the mailing list to the communication channel once allocated
- HackMD document updates (title, new hackmd team, github sync). Create new team in Hackmd
- Slack channel renamed to sig-events, and change its description.
- Write a blog post on the CDF blog. (Mauricio to start it)
- CDF Podcast
- Setup GitHub repo
- Create/ask to create sig-events team, sig-events-admin team
- Add chairs as admins, everyone else as maintainer
- Metadata workstream is about to get started and we should provide any input we have that relates to metadata to it: Standardized Metadata
- We don't have anything to provide on 'artifacts' and 'commits' yet from our group
- We should define buckets of terms to define, e.g. artifacts, activities, deployments etc and continue diving into those to propose vocabulary for them
- Let's discuss how to proceed on that on Slack. AP all
- CD Flow - date to be decided
- Events Vocabulary
- Enterprise-Scale CI concepts - Erik Sternerson
- Question from the Interop WG. Did we connect (or plant to) with the CloudEvents team?
- Reach out on the cloudevents Slack channel - AP Andrea
- Andrea: Reach out on the cloudevents Slack channel
- All: We should define buckets of terms to define, e.g. artifacts, activities, deployments etc and continue diving into those to propose vocabulary for them
- Let's discuss how to proceed on that on Slack
Meeeting time in your timezone here. You're welcome to join!
- Andreas Grimmer, Dynatrace
- Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
- Ravi Lachhman, Harness
- Mattias Linnér, Ericsson
- Steve Taylor, DeployHub/Ortelius
- Mauricio Salatino, Camunda / LearnK8s
- Erik Sternerson, doWhile
- Tracy Ragan, DeployHub/Ortelius
- FOSDEM 2021 - February 7th - 8th
- Andrea will present our workstream in the CI/CD room
- Devops Online Summit - April 26th – 30th
- CFP closes on February 7th
- Held on Slack
- Tracy Ragan will drive the CI/CD track
- cdCon 2021 - June 23rd - 24th
- CFP closes March 5th (Early Bird closes February 19th)
- Istio-CON - Feb 22 - 25, 2021
- CFS closes today
- Will possibly be brought up on tomorrow's TOC meeting:
- CDF Toc Invite for tomorrow
- Emil could present our workstream there
- Events should be considered for all areas in the CD Foundation Landspace
- Main focus areas for the Events SIG (as written on last meetings minutes)
- Defining a protocol, and documenting it
- Providing how to apply the protocol in different use cases, such as monitoring, triggering activities, audits, etc
- Providing a reference implementation of services/libraries showcasing the protocol
- Metadata workstream is about to get started and we should provide any input we have that relates to metadata to it: Standardized Metadata
- CD Flow - date to be decided
- Events Vocabulary
- Question from the Interop WG. Did we connect (or plant to) with the CloudEvents team