This is a version of the Scaife reading environment customized for texts from the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
The environment is written using the VueJS javascript framework and runs in any modern web browser.
This project uses the yarn packaging tool to manage dependencies and build the static website. Once it's installed, you can set up the project by running
yarn install
yarn serve
This does a quick site compilation in debug mode and starts a local server. The server will detect source changes and rebuild, so edits will be visible immediately after saving in your editor.
yarn build
This compiles and minifies the site for production deployment.
Files in the resulting dist
directory can by copied to a
static file server to publish the reading environment.
For example, to test in a local container, run
docker run --rm -v $PWD/dist:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 8080:80 nginx
and visit http://localhost:8080/ to test.
Linux users may need to prepend sudo
and/or add :Z
to the end of
the volume map argument.
yarn lint
yarn test:unit
The project doesn't currently have tests.
To serve the viewer somewhere besides the root path of
the website, build with a vue.config.js
file in the
top-level source directory. For example
module.exports = {
publicPath: '/scaife/',
See's Configuration Reference for other options.