Pre-configured LimeSurvey Vagrant Box based on Ubuntu Bionic 64bit + PHP7.4 + Mysql + Postgresql + Nginx Additional modules:
- PhpMyAdmin (To manage the Databases via webbrowser )
- phpPgAdmin (To manage Postgresql Databases via webbrowser )
- Enable VT-x
- Install Virtual Box
- Install Vagrant CLI
- Modify default IP in "vagrantfile" files.
- Modify default Login for Mysql & Postgres in "vagrantfile" file.
- Modify LimeSurvey branch to clone in "vagrantfile" file (Default: master).
- Modify Php version to install in "vagrantfile" (Default: 7.4). Available config file for 5.6 and 7.4.
- If you want another version of php copy the default php folder "configuration/7.4", rename it to your php version and modify the fpm version in default file
- ip (Default:
- phpversion (Default: 7.4).
- mysqlRootPass (Default: password).
- mysqlDBName (Default: limesurvey).
- mySqlDBUser (Default: limesurvey).
- mySqlDBPassword (Default: password).
- postgresDB (Default: limesurvey).
- postgresPassword (Default: password).
- limeSurveyBranch (Defaul: Master).
- ide key of your code editor for Xdebug
- Make sure that the host name and ip are not in use (Virtual box) ohterwise change it in the vagrant file.
- run "vagrant up" in the repo root directory.
- Remove the Vagrantfile in the root directory and rename "multi.vagrantfile" to "Vagrantfile"
- 3 default machines are setting up: "master", "develop", "lts"
- Make sure that the host name and ip (for each machine) are different and not in use (Virtual box) ohterwise change it in the Vagrantfile.
- run "vagrant up" in the repo root directory.
- Install PHP Debug extension and reload/restart VSCode.
- Install an XDebug helper for your browser
- Add following code to your xdebug configuration
"type": "php",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Listen for XDebug",
"pathMappings": {
"/var/www": "${workspaceFolder}",
"port": 9000,
"log": true,
- Nginx
- Php7.4 | Php5.6 + Depencies + Libraries
- Mysql server
- Postgresql server
- PhpMyAdmin
- PhpPgAdmin
- Latest version (Master) of Limesurvey
- MySql DB = "limesurvey"
- MySql User = "limesurvey"
- Mysql Root Password = "password"
- MySql User Password = "password"
- Management UI: http://your_ip/phpmyadmin (Default:
- pg DB = "limesurvey"
- pg User = "postgres"
- pg Password = "password"
- Management UI: http://your_ip/phppgadmin (Default:
- Visit Limesurvey at
- Git
- Eddy Lackmann
- Email:
- Github: