A simple blog built by node.js , express4 and mongodb. Live demo just look at here : lingyong.me
Before you start in soBlog, you should install node.js and mongodb.
After that you should pull the code to local.
Do that :
npm install
sudo npm install
And then, edit the settings.example.js to settings.js.
(function() {
module.exports = {
cookieParser: '',
cookieSecret: '',
db: 'qorablog', //mongodb db_name
host: 'localhost',
root: __dirname,
QnClient: { //Using qiuniu to store images.
accessKey: '',
secretKey: '',
bucket: '',
domain: ''
perPageBlogSize: 10, //In bloglist view, how many blogs can be shown.
googleAuthKey: '', //When you login blog, there will have a googleAuth, this is the googleAuthKey.
loginPwd: '', //Passwd to login.
loginUserName: '', //UserName to login.
titles: {
blog_bloglist: "Blog · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
blog_perBlog: "QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
blog_post: "POST BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
blog_view: "View · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
blog_edit: "Edit · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
cover: "Cover · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
eachCover: "QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
postCover: "Post Cover · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
editCover: "Edit Cover · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
index: "QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
about: "QORA · Innovative From The Core",
manage: "manage · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
login: "login · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
tags: "Tag · QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core",
eachTag: "QORA BLOG · Innovative From The Core"
soBlog use qiniu to store images, so before you can use soBlog you should register a account in qiniu.com.
You also need edit the googleAuthKey, for example:
googleAuthKey: 'This_is_a_demoe_authkey'
After you start the soBlog in node app.js
,you will see things like that:
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUninitialized option config/express.js:67:13
key for googleAuth app: KRUGS427NFZV6YK7MRSW233FL5QXK5DINNSXS===
Express server listening on port 3000
So you should copy the key for googleAuth app
to your googleAuth app.
OK, soBlog just a demo, not a product, so, if you want to use it to build your blog, you must be careful.
It built in express4, jade, mongoose, bootstrap, so it may do some help for a node.js beginner.
About host, I use DigitalOcean, my blog lingyong.me is hosted in DigitalOcean.