ESDC and CDS are working together to make CPPD better. We're focused on finding ways to shrink end-to-end processing time without decreasing the quality of decisions. We're currently building a prototype of the CPPD Medical Report as a way to explore some hypotheses and potentially make more of this process online.
For more information, contact us at
ESDC et la CDS travaillent ensemble pour améliorer le PPIRPC (programme de prestations d'invalidité du Régime de pensions du Canada). Nous travaillons à trouver des moyens de réduire le temps de traitement de bout en bout sans nuire à la qualité des décisions. Nous mettons actuellement au point un prototype du rapport médical sur le PPPC afin d’explorer certaines hypothèses et d’optimiser davantage ce processus en ligne.
Pour plus d'informations, contactez-nous à l'adresse
We have reused the nunjucks templates, SASS and related files from Node Starter.
Quickest way to get started is:
npm install
npm run dev
Note that you can use sails lift
which will also bring up the server, but npm run dev
runs with nodemon
, for better file change monitoring.
There are additional instructions below for getting started with Docker. See also sections on Session store and Database.
To support Node Starter-style bilingual routes, we had to modify the way that routing works in Sails. Luckily, Sails provides some really useful ways to modify the underlying framework. As such, we've created a custom hook for routes.
Routes are defined in config/routes.js
. The route format is backwards-compatible with the Sails router, and follows this format:
'GET /en/start': {
name: 'start',
controller: 'StartController',
action: 'index',
lang: 'en',
i18n: {
en: '/en/start',
fr: '/fr/debut'
You can also use dynamic route parameters:
'GET /en/conditions/:id/edit': {
name: 'conditions.edit',
controller: 'EditConditionController',
action: 'edit',
lang: 'en',
i18n: {
en: '/en/conditions/:id/edit',
fr: '/fr/conditions/:id/modifier'
And, of course, all the HTTP verbs you know and love are availabe, such as: GET
It is also possible to target SailsJS Actions instead of Controllers, but we prefer using Controllers, as they are more portable.
We have also added a route helper for use in views (or res.locals
) or controllers (on the sails
object) so you can reference a route by name and not worry about the user's selected language. For example, using the example routes above, if you wanted to link to the start
<a href="{{ route('start') }}">Start</a>
or in a controller:
This will generate a link using the user's current language, ie: /en/start
or /fr/debut
You can pass route parameters in an object as the second argument to the route helper:
<a href="{{ route('conditions.edit', { id: [CONDITION_ID] }) }}">Edit</a>
You can also force the language if you need to:
<a href="{{ route('start', { lang: 'fr' }) }}">Début</a>
To generate a new Controller, use the sails generator: sails generate controller test
. This command will generate an empty controller called TestController.js
in the api/controllers folder.
Controllers can be organized in any number of ways. Typically in MVC frameworks, method names follow general "resourceful" conventions:
module.exports = {
index: function (req, res) { ... },
create: function (req, res) { ... },
store: function (req, res) { ... },
show: function (req, res) { ... },
edit: function (req, res) { ... },
update: function (req, res) { ... },
delete: function (req, res) { ... },
The avid reader will notice that we've further divided our controllers up - this is a completely optional way of working, but we find more controllers with less code more readable/manageable.
In order to enable validation in the controllers, we have added the validate.js package, along with a custom hook. To validate a request, create a schema file in api/schemas
. See the Validate.JS documentation for details, but the simplest example to validate the presence of a field is:
module.exports = {
conditionName: {
presence: {
allowEmpty: false,
message: '^errors.name_of_condition.length'
Then, in your controller on the POST method (save or update), you can pass the request through the validate
helper along with the schema, and then do something based on the result:
let valid = req.validate(req, res, require('../schemas/condition.schema'));
if (valid) {
// do something
If the request fails validation, the validator will redirect the user back to their previous location. In addition, all of the validation errors and the form data will be flashed to the session. Errors will then be made available to the view as local variable errors
, and the data will be available to the view as data
There are two Session stores available. The default store is the application database. This is simple and will probably be fine for the forseeable future, but eventually may want to move to either a separate database instance, or a Redis instance.
There is a session
model in the Models folder. This model is just there to easily create the table required by the session store in development. This should be replaced by a database migration in the future, and that model should be removed.
To use the database session store, make sure your .env file contains the following configuration:
There is an example of how to setup a Redis session store in the .env.example file.
Detailed instructions to follow, but the database is Postgres, and we use Sequelize for Models and Migrations in the application.
Migrations require the sequelize-cli tool You can either install the tool globally or use npx to run it. Sequelize-cli will be used for creating models, migrations, and seeds and also for running migrations.
You can install sequelize-cli globally using the following command.
npm i sequelize-cli -g
You can also use npx to run the tool if you don't want to install it globally, you simply need to prefix your commands with npx
npx sequelize-cli --version
To run migrations use the following command :
npm run db:migrate
This will run all the migration scripts in the \database\migrations
If you want to undo all migrations run
npm run db:migrate:undo
Sequelize-cli has more granular options for managing migrations you can see them here on sequelize-cli's github repo (link to github repo).
Sequelize-cli has the option to auto-generate models and migrations for you.
For instance to create a basic User model with a first name, last name and email attributes you can run the following command:
npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string
**Please Note: ** This is only an option when first creating a model, subsequent migrations will require you to write a custom migration.
Sequelize-cli can be used to create a migration skeleton file. Migrations are timestamped files that contain the scripts that when run in order create the current state of your database.
Migrations consist of an up
method that is run when an migration is executed and a down
method that is run when undoing a migration.
To create a skeleton file you can run the following command:
npx sequelize-cli migration:create --name migration_name
This will create a timestamped file with the following name ``yyyyMMddhhmmss-migration_name.js`.
Migrations are designed to always be run in order from oldest to newest.
Migrations have full access to the Sequelize API so you are able to not only modify the databases schema but you also have the ability to transform data.
You will use the queryInterface api (link to API documentation) for modifying the schema and transforming data.
Sequelize will by default create a table in your database called SequelizeMeta
to track the migration scripts that have been run.
Sequelize also has the ability to seed your database with data, the typical usecase for this is for setting your database to a known state see this
These instructions are optimized for development at the moment, rather than production runs.
- Navigate into a cloned copy of this repo
docker build -t cdssnc/cppd-medical-report-sails-dev ./
docker run -it --rm -p 1337:1337 cdssnc/cppd-medical-report-sails-dev
This maps your local files into a Docker container, spins up a PostgreSQL database, and uses Redis for session storage. The app runs on port 1337
, the database at port 5432
and username postgres
, session stores on port 6379
, and all are accessible at localhost
- Build/fetch containers:
docker-compose build
- Launch the application
docker-compose up
- Setup the database:
npm run db:migrate
When you want to stop both, you can hit CTRL
+ D
in the terminal that launched it.
This lets your development environment in the Docker image that resembles production. It'll run both the database and session storage too.
- Start Docker locally
- Install the Remote Development extension pack
- Restart VSCode, opening it into this code base
- Open the command prompt (macOS: CMD+SHIFT+P, Win: CTRL+SHIFT+P), and choose
Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container
- Choose
From docker-compose.yml
, thenweb
(this might take a little bit of time at first start) - After it fully starts up, use the terminal embedded inside of VSCode to issue commands within the main container
- Run to set things up
npm install && npm run db:migrate && npm run db:seed
- Run
npm run dev
to start the server