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Incremental dead state detection in logarithmic time


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Incremental Dead State Detection in Logarithmic Time

Welcome! This repository contains the artifact for the paper Incremental Dead State Detection in Logarithmic Time, to appear at CAV 2023. See cav23.pdf for the accepted version of the paper.


The artifact provides a data structure, called guided incremental digraphs (GIDs), implemented as an open-source library in Rust. The data structure identifies live and dead states in an abstract transition system.

The repository implements, documents, and compares five competing solutions to solve the core problem of live and dead state detection (described below):

  • our amortized logarithmic-time per update algorithm (Algorithm 2, log)
  • an even faster lazy algorithm (Algorithm 3, jump), and
  • three baseline approaches for comparison: bfgt (the state of the art), naive, and simple.

Problem statement

More precisely: given as input a list of graph updates like

AddEdge(1, 2)
AddEdge(2, 3)
AddEdge(3, 4)

the problem is to produce as output a list of live and dead states (vertices) in the transition system. The meaning of this terminology is as follows:

  • In the input, some states are labeled as "closed" meaning they are considered fully explored: no further outgoing edges will be added.
  • In the input, some state are labeled as "terminal", meaning they are accepting states.
  • In the output, a "live" state is one for which there is a path to a terminal state.
  • In the output, a "dead" state is one for which all reachable states are closed and not terminal. In other words, a dead state is one that is known to not be live no matter what future edges are added to the transition system.

In this example, by the above definitions, 1 and 2 should be live and 4 should be dead.

List of claims supported

The artifact supports the experimental results section of the paper (Section 4), summarized in Figures 4 and 5. In particular, the artifact supports the following claims:

  • Algorithm 3 (jump) shows significant improvements over the state-of-the-art, solving more benchmarks in a smaller amount of time across basic GIDs, random GIDs, and regex GIDs.
  • Algorithm 2 (log) also shows state-of-the-art performance, similar to BFGT on basic and regex GIDs and significantly better on random GIDs.
  • In particular, Algorithm 3 exhibits up to two orders of magnitude speedup over BFGT for larger GIDs – we measured speedups of 110x to 530x for GIDs in the top five size buckets (GIDs of size nearest to 100K, 200K, 500K, 1M, and 2M).
  • Both algorithms, and our implementations of all the baseline approaches, exhibit correct output on all unit tests and benchmarks used in the evaluation.

The plots included in Figure 5, as well as the Qty column of Figure 4, were generated using a Google spreadsheet, and cannot be produced automatically. For completeness, we include the spreadsheet under spreadsheets/, as an .xlsx file, and we also include a link to a Google sheet template which can be used to regenerate the plots. We also include instructions for how to copy the raw results into the spreadsheet; if this is done, the plots should update based on the new data. However, to save time, we recommend focusing the evaluation on running the command-line tools to reproduce the raw results (in CSV form) as well as checking the output to see that it agrees with what is reported in the paper. To aid in this process, we also provide the raw results that are used in the spreadsheet, under results/, for comparison.


Running the Docker container

The artifact is provided as a docker container, available on Zenodo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7877717). Unfortunately, we regret to have discovered that Docker has cross-platform incompatibilities for newer ARM-based Macs (unrelated to our artifact). We have therefore provided two images:

  • Please download the Mac docker image for newer Macs; and
  • Please download the Linux image if you have access to any traditional system (it should work on Linux, Windows or WSL, or older Macs).

You will need a working installation of Docker. Run

docker run hello-world

to see if it is working properly. You should have a file gid.tar.gz which contains the docker image. Please load the image with:

docker load < gid.tar.gz

(this should take less than 5 minutes). You can see all of your images with

docker image ls

you should see one listed as gid gid or gid latest. Load the image into an interactive container with

docker run -it gid

This should bring you into an Ubuntu shell to continue the remainder of the instructions. You can quit the shell (and exit the container) with ctrl-D (or cmd-D on mac). Outside of this shell, you can see all (past and currently running) containers with docker ps -a.

Alternative to Docker

As an alternative to Docker, if you prefer, you can also run the code natively as long as you have a working installation of Rust (and Cargo). To install Rust on Mac or Linux, run curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh or follow the instructions here. You will also need git and time for a few of the commands below. Then run git clone to get the code.

Quick-Start Guide (smoke-test phase)

All commands to build and run the artifact are through cargo, the Rust package manager and build system. Once you have obtained the artifact, we recommend the following two tests to see that everything is working correctly.

1. Run the unit tests

Make sure you are in the correct directory: if you run ls, you should see this, the src/ directory, and other files.

Then optionally: to compile the code with cargo (if this step is omitted, it will be done automatically by the following commands)

cargo build && cargo build --release

This may take a minute or so, and should print "Finished" in green without any errors. Then execute the following command:

cargo test

This should execute all the unit tests and should take under a minute. The output should include the following two important lines:

test result: ok. 36 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.01s
test result: ok. 56 passed; 0 failed; 8 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 24.44s

You will notice that there are 8 tests which are "ignored"; this is because they take an excessively long time to run. (If you like, you can run these with cargo test --release -- --ignored, which should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.)

2. Run one of the examples

You can also run the artifact directly on one of the examples using the provided run_compare and run_example binaries. To run the example examples/handwritten/15:

cargo run --release --bin run_compare -- examples/handwritten/15

This command runs all of the algorithms on the input files: examples/handwritten/15_in.json and examples/handwritten/15_expect.json. This should produce the following output:

===== examples/handwritten/15 =====
Example size: 8, timeout: 10s
naive: time 0ms
simple: time 0ms
bfgt: time 0ms
log: time 0ms
jump: time 0ms

You can also run with -h to view command help, description, and options:

cargo run --release --bin run_compare -- -h

You can also run a specific algorithm with the binary run_example instead of run_compare, and adding -a n, -a s, -a b, -a l, or -a j. For example, to run the log algorithm:

cargo run --release --bin run_example -- examples/handwritten/15 -a l

Which should produce the following output:

===== examples/handwritten/15 =====
Running algorithm 'log' with timeout 10s...
=== Output ===
ExampleOutput { live: [0, 1], dead: [4], unknown: [2], open: [3] }
=== Result ===
Stastics: time 0ms
Output is correct.

The input and output syntax for this example can be viewed in examples/handwritten/15_in.json and examples/handwritten/15_expect.json, respectively. The output _expect.json is used for testing correctness. The syntax used is reproduced below:


    {"Add": [2,3]},
    {"Close": 2},
    {"Live": 1},
    {"Add": [0,1]},
    {"Add": [1,2]},
    {"Close": 1},
    {"Add": [3,4]},
    {"Close": 4}


    "live": [0, 1],
    "dead": [4],
    "unknown": [2],
    "open": [3]

Directory structure

The repository contains the following files and directories:

  • src/ contains the complete source code. Within this, src/algorithm is the most important folder, containing the implementation of each of the algorithms that are compared. src/bin contains the available binaries, including run_compare and run_example described above. Finally, the rest of the files implement a common interface and shared underlying directed graph structure which are used to ensure a fair comparison between the algorithms.
  • tests/ contains unit tests, in addition to those already included inline in the source code.
  • examples/ contains all of the (handwritten and automatically generated) benchmarks used for evaluation of the paper as well as for correctness.
  • Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock are standard files provided by Rust packages: they document the required Rust package dependencies to run the code, and are used by cargo during compilation and linking. rustfmt.toml is a configuration file for the code formatter cargo fmt.
  • results/ stores the experimental results generated by our scripts.
  • spreadsheets/ contains the Google sheet (downloaded as a .xlsx file) that can be used to produce the plots in Figure 5.
  • Finally, scripts contains miscellaneous scripts, and regex-smt-benchmarks contains SMT regular expression benchmarks as a submodule: it is not a necessary dependency, but it includes the source .smt files that were used to generate some of the benchmarks in examples/ for the sake of completeness.

Reproducing the experimental results (full-review phase)

This section contains detailed instructions for reproducing the experimental results described in Section 4. We have organized the section into 4 suggested steps. We also include a separate section on some notes for the Reusable badge, below.

Important caveats

The plots in Figure 5 were generated using the help of a Google spreadsheet. Rather than reproducing the plots directly, we suggest commands here to run and reproduce the raw results, which include, for each benchmark, the running time of each of the five algorithms on the benchmark. For the sake of completeness, we also include instructions on how to use a template of the Google spreadsheet if it is desired to regenerate the plots.

In addition, the full results take a long time to reproduce in their entirety. For this reason, in step 4 below, we suggest reproducing only a subset of the results. Specifically, we suggest omitting the Naive and Simple baseline algorithms (as they are slow and often time out); the resulting experiment should take under an hour (around 30 minutes on our machine). This way, no benchmarks are excluded from the results. We also give the commands that can be used to run all 5 algorithms if this is desired.

Lastly, for some containerized Docker builds, there can be substantial differences (e.g., 2-3x) between the running time of the algorithms reported in the paper with native code, and those that are obtained running in the container. This occurs especially when running the newer Mac Docker builds; please take this into account if comparing numbers directly across platforms.

1. Lines of Source Code (Fig. 4, left)

On the left, Figure 4 summarizes all the source code used for the evaluation. To normalize number of lines of code, all code is automatically formatted with cargo fmt. You can verify this by running cargo fmt followed by git status to see that no source files change. Then you can run the script


to output the number of lines in the source code to the file loc.txt (or run rm loc.txt first, and it will be recreated with the above command). We recommend checking the rows to see that they agree. Each row in the table corresponds to one or more lines in loc.txt. The "Common framework" row includes the sum of,,,, and The "Other" row includes,, and The "Experimental Scripts" row includes,,, and The "Additional Unit Tests" row includes and The "Euler Tour Trees" row includes the implementation of Euler Forests and associated AVL trees in,, and All the other rows correspond directly to a single source file. A minor discrepancy is that "Additional Unit Tests" row now has 2 additional LoC (800 instead of 798) due to a minor update since the experiments were first run; we will update this row in the final version of the paper.

2. Generating the benchmarks used (Fig. 4, right)

The Basic and Random benchmarks are generated automatically, and we provide a binary to do so. To generate these, run

cargo run --release --bin example_gen

which should take 1-2 minutes to complete, and generates the examples in examples/generated and examples/random. Note that this runs with a fixed set of 10 different random seeds, to ensure reproducibility. For completeness sake, it is also possible to edit the random seeds in the main() function at the bottom of src/bin/; if you were to do this, this would change only the benchmarks generated in examples/random.

A note on "trivial" benchmarks:

In the table in Figure 4, on the right, it is not yet possible at this stage to reproduce the "Qty" column. This is because this column reports the number of benchmarks after filtering for trivially small examples. By this we mean any example for which all algorithms take less than 10 milliseconds to complete, as described on Page 15, third-to-last paragraph:

From both the Q2 and Q3 benchmarks, we filter out any benchmark which takes under 10 milliseconds for all of the algorithms to solve (including Naive), and we use a 60 second timeout.

The only rows for which we report the total number of examples prior to filtering is the Regex examples, as these are not our benchmarks created for this paper, so we wanted to contextualize any modifications to the original number. For benchmarks that were created for this paper, we excluded the trivial examples entirely as they should not be considered valid benchmarks for performance comparison. Also note that examples/handwritten are also trivial, so are only used for unit tests and are not used for the evaluation (the "Handwritten" row of the table refers to handwritten regex examples in examples/regex).

Suggested sanity checks on the benchmarks

Since the Qty column is not yet reproducible, instead, at this stage, we suggest verifying that some smallest examples will be excluded. For example, running

cargo run --release --bin run_compare -- examples/generated/line_3

you should verify that all five algorithms take 0s on this example. For this reason, the example line_3 (and others like it) was filtered out of the final results, and not reported in the table. Here is a complete list of excluded generated benchmarks; if you like, you can substitute any of these above to verify they take under 10 milliseconds for all algorithms:


Additionally, you can check that the examples folder contains all of the benchmarks described on Page 15, prior to filtering, as follows:

  • running ls examples/generated, you should see files for line graphs (line), cycle graphs (loop), complete graphs (complete), bipartite graphs (bipartite), in multiples of 3 and 10 (as described in the file name) up to size 100000.

  • running ls examples/random, you should see files for sparse graphs and dense graphs in multiples of 3 and 10 (as described in the file name) up to size 30000. The remaining numbers in the file name describe the generation parameters: for example, sparse benchmarks have a number of outgoing edges from each state (1, 2, 3, or 10) and a random seed (between 1 and 10). Dense benchmarks have a probability of generating each edge (independently), as a percentage, and a random seed (between 1 and 10).

  • Lastly, running ls examples/regex you should see several folders. Each folder contains the benchmarks described in the table. Running

find examples/regex/regexlib -name "*_in.json" | wc -l

you should see 2061 benchmarks (first row). state_graph_easy and state_graph_hard are the "Additional" benchmarks; there are 19 benchmarks prior to filtering for the 11 described in the table. (As in the prior cases as described earlier, we don't report the pre-filtering number here as these were created for the present paper.) Running

find examples/regex -name "*_in.json" | wc -l

the output is 2150 examples total: 2061 regexlib, 19 additional state graph benchmarks (prior to filtering), and 70 handwritten benchmarks.

3. Reproducing the raw results (Fig. 5, top right)

Now that we have all the benchmarks, the raw results are produced using the run_all binary. This runs all algorithms on all known examples.

Preparation: setting the stack overflow limit

In our testing, we have found that it is occasionally possible to encounter a stack overflow on some platforms -- though this doesn't seem to be currently occurring in the provided Docker images. This would occur only for a few of the larger examples, with some of the algorithms, on some platforms. Just to be extra safe, please run this command before continuing:

ulimit -s 65520

This ensures that the stack overflow limit is set higher than the default (typically 8192). You can run ulimit -s to view the current limit.

Quick version

Now we are ready to reproduce the full experimental results. For a quicker version, we recommend running all the results excluding the Naive and Simple algorithms, which are generally slow and often timeout. The -e flag can be used to exclude the algorithms given the first letter of each algorithm to exclude: n and s respectively. Run the following command to generate results on all benchmarks in examples/:

time cargo run --release --bin run_all -- -e n s

This command may take up to 30 minutes to complete. It will print out the output as it goes, which you can inspect. For example, it will print:

===== examples/random/dense_10000_2_1 =====
Example size: 2012345, timeout: 10s
bfgt: Timeout
log: time 614ms
jump: time 430ms

Each of these output lines corresponds to a point in the scatter plot in Figure 5, top right. The example size is on the x-axis, and the running time of each algorithm is on the y-axis, using a color to indicate the algorithm (bfgt, log, or jump).

Once all benchmarks are finished, the command will display a message that it has saved the results, that should look something like the following:

========= Results =========
Results saved to: results/2023-04-28-212821_release_t10.csv
cargo run --release --bin run_all -- -e n s  1774.36s user 12.33s system 99% cpu 29:54.84 total

We recommend comparing the results by inspection to the provided results under results/: we provide the results that were reported in the paper.

Full version

To generate the full experimental results, run the same command but without the -e n s flag:

time cargo run --release --bin run_all

This command will take much longer to run, but less than 10 hours. Just as with the previous command, it will generate results in results/ with a timestamp for the run. Here is an example line in the output:

===== examples/generated/reverseunkline_3000 =====
Example size: 6000, timeout: 10s
naive: time 1230ms
simple: time 862ms
bfgt: time 3ms
log: time 74ms
jump: time 16ms

4. Generating the plots (Fig. 5) (not recommended)

As a last step, we include the spreadsheet which can be used to replicate the plots from the raw results in results/ This step is not recommended unless the reviewer is adept with Google sheets.

Please make sure to access the following link from a private browser or while not logged in, so as not to reveal your identity:

Google Sheets Link

The spreadsheet is also packaged with the artifact, in the spreadsheet/ folder, as a .xlsx file. Once you have opened the spreadsheet, make a copy of spreadsheet for editing. Then, you can paste in the raw experimental data under the raw tab: that is, upload the results .csv file, and paste them in in this tab. The data in the other tabs should automatically update and generate the plot images.

In the raw tab, the finaln "include?" column is a Boolean field which computes whether or not the benchmark should be included in the plots: it is included if it is not a handwritten (unit test) example, and if it is not trivial, i.e. at least one algorithm takes at least 10 milliseconds to solve the benchmark. The total number of rows in this sheet is what is used to determine the number of included benchmarks in the Qty column in Fig. 4 (right).

In the tab plots2, the cell O20 controls which plot is generated: it should be toggled between generated, random and regex. This will cause the data to update to include only the selected benchmark category.

"Reusable" badge

In addition to the functional and available badges, we request to be considered for the "reusable" badge. Here are some notes that support reusability.

Reusing the code

Our library is free and open source under an MIT license, and is also available through the Rust package registry system (, so it can easily be integrated into any Rust project by simply running cargo add guided_digraph or adding the line guided_digraph = "0.1.1" to Cargo.toml. Alternatively, the artifact can be downloaded and run as a binary in a project written in any other language. It can be run outside of a Docker container in any system with Rust installed, and it is also available as a GitHub repository.

For Rust projects, the library provides an interface to use GIDs directly as a data structure in future applications. For example, one can import JumpStateGraph into another code base and use the interface in to update the data structure. The methods include, for example, .add_transition(), .mark_closed(), and .is_dead() to update and query the data structure.

For non-Rust projects, it is possible to use the data structure in a more black-box fashion by constructing input files in the required .json format. This approach is described earlier using the run_compare and run_example binaries.

Extending the code

If one wishes to test out their own algorithm for incremental dead state detection, all that must be done is to provide another file in src/algorithms and implement the StateGraph interface: e.g.

struct MyNewStateGraph { /* ... */ }
impl StateGraph for MyNewStateGraph { /* ... */ }

One of the existing files -- such as -- can be used as a comparison to see the necessary implementation work. To compare the state graph with the existing algorithms, one can edit the code in to add the new state graph to the list of compared algorithms.

Another possibility for extension is to extend the graph interface with additional types of updates. The file -- a Rust "Trait" -- defines the core algorithmic interface. Additional methods can be added to the interface, and then each algorithm must implement the new methods in the respective file src/algorithms/*.rs.

Documentation and tests

We have taken care to document the source code, where especially helpful, and cleaned up and removed TODOs and old features. We have documented the binaries including -h options to display help. We have also ensured that there are extensive unit tests to demonstrate minimal uses for the tool, see for example tests/

New implementations of existing work

Besides GIDs, this project also provides new implementations of some existing work in online graph algorithms, which are reusable on their own. In particular, the BFGT algorithm for strong connected component maintenance in, and the Euler Forest data structure in are implemented as separate modules that can be exported. To our knowledge, this is the first implementation of BFGT for strong connected component maintenance, and the Euler Forest is the first implementation in Rust of Henzinger and King's Euler Tour Trees data structure.


For the artifact: Caleb Stanford cdstanford ucdavis edu

For the paper: Caleb Stanford and Margus Veanes margus microsoft com

Issues and feedback

Finally, if there are any issues installing, running, or reusing the artifact, we are always open to receiving questions and feedback.

  • For the CAV artifact evaluation, please let us know in the comments if you encounter any issues.

  • In the future, the GitHub repository will be open for comments, and the best place to submit any issues, bug reports, feature requests, or comments would be through GitHub. Please open an issue or pull request at and we will be happy to assist you.


Incremental dead state detection in logarithmic time







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