selFIe (SElf and Light proFIling Engine) is a tool to lightly profile Linux commands without compiling.
selFIe is a dynamic library which can be given to the LD_PRELOAD environment variable before the execution of the command.
$ hostname
It doesn't affect the behaviour of the command and users don't see any changes at execution. At the end of the execution, it puts a line in system logs:
selfie[26058]: { "utime": 0.00, "stime": 0.01, "maxmem": 0.00, "posixio_time": 0.00, "posixio_count": 7569, "USER": "user", "wtime": 0.01, "command": "/bin/hostname" }
The log line is in JSON format for post-processing (like ELK for example).
selFIe can be compiled to profile other features:
- MPI calls (Only C API)
- PAPI hardware counters
Official release can be downloaded in the release page.
To use development version:
$ git clone
$ cd selFIe
$ ./
- C and C++ compiler
- libYAML
- Python
selFIe has been tested on GNU/Linux only
- PAPI library
$ ./configure --prefix=<path-to-install> --with-libyaml=<path-to-libyaml> --with-posixio
$ make
$ make install
To compile with MPI and PAPI profiling:
$ ./configure --prefix=<path-to-install> --with-libyaml=<path-to-libyaml> --with-posixio --with-mpi --with-mpiio --with-papi=<path-to-papi>
$ make
$ make install
To profile your code with selFIe, you only have to add to the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.
$ export LD_PRELOAD=<path-to-install>/lib/
$ hostname
$ mpirun -n 1 ./hello_world
Hello world!
$ grep selfie /var/log/syslog
selfie[26135]: { "utime": 0.01, "stime": 0.00, "maxmem": 0.00, "posixio_time": 0.00, "posixio_count": 7569, "papi_ipc": 0.50, "papi_mem_bw": 13.62, "mpi_time": 0.00, "mpi_count": 0, "mpiio_time": 0.00, "mpiio_count": 0, "USER": "user", "wtime": 0.01, "command": "/bin/hostname" }
selfie[26040]: { "utime": 0.02, "stime": 0.04, "maxmem": 0.01, "posixio_time": 0.04, "posixio_count": 8383, "papi_ipc": 0.93, "papi_mem_bw": 143.62, "mpi_time": 0.10, "mpi_count": 2, "mpi_version": 3.00, "mpi_libversion": "open mpi", "mpiio_time": 0.00, "mpiio_count": 0, "mpiio_version": 3.00, "mpiio_libversion": "open mpi", "USER": "user", "wtime": 0.10, "command": "./a.out" }
The behaviour of selFIe can be configured in the file /etc/selfie.conf. The default configuration has the following settings:
time_limit: 5.0
- ^/bin/
- ^/sbin/
- ^/usr/libexec/
- ^/usr/bin/
This file is divided in three parts:
- env_vars: this section lists the environment variables you want to log along the profiling.
- time_limit: to avoid flooding system logs, selFIe can be configured to log only commands that lasts at least a time. By default, this time is 5 seconds.
- exclude_commands: to avoid flooding system logs, selFIe can be configured to not log some commands. The section lists the commands that will not generate logs in log facility. You can specify a regular expression. By default, selFIe doesn't not log commands located in directories /bin, /sbin, /usr/libexec and /usr/bin.
By setting the environment variable SELFIE_CONFIGFILE, you can specify another configuration file for selFIe.
$ export SELFIE_CONFIGFILE=${HOME}/myselfie.conf
For profiling MPI codes, you should add the following environment variable to track the MPI rank of MPI processus depending which MPI library you use:
- SLURM_PROCID when using SLURM for launching MPI jobs
- PMI_RANK for IntelMPI
If you want to put log in other place than syslog, you can set SELFIE_OUTPUTFILE with a filename:
$ export SELFIE_OUTPUTFILE=/tmp/selfie.out
$ hostname
{ "utime": 0.00, "stime": 0.01, "maxmem": 0.00, "posixio_time": 0.00, "posixio_count": 7569, "USER": "user", "timestamp": 1500000, "wtime": 0.01, "command": "/bin/hostname" }
Using selFIe in a MPI job may result bad written output file. Then you can can use a directory for storing selFIe output. selFIe will choose a file name for each processes:
$ export SELFIE_OUTPUTDIR=${HOME}/selfie_outdir
$ hostname
{ "utime": 0.00, "stime": 0.01, "maxmem": 0.00, "posixio_time": 0.00, "posixio_count": 7569, "USER": "user", "timestamp": 1500000, "wtime": 0.01, "command": "/bin/hostname" }
See the list of AUTHORS who participated in this project.
Laurent Nguyen -
selFIe is based on two features:
- selFIe can execute some code before and after main program
- selFIe uses the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to hook POSIXIO or MPI calls
Copyright 2015-2019 CEA/DAM/DIF
selFIe is distributed under the CeCILL-C. See the included files
Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.txt (English version) and
Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-fr.txt (French version) or visit for details.