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Demoing deployment of Docker containers into Kubernetes for both minikube and Azure AKS.

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This is a sample application used to demonstrate how to create dockerized apps and deploy them to Kubernetes cluster.

It takes a sample ASP.NET Core MVC app, creates its Dockerfile, then the Kubernetes deployment objects.

The Dockerfile is used to build the app from source code. Then runs the app inside a docker container.
The k8s objects defined in YAML files are used to deploy the app into a Kubernetes cluster. These files are:

  1. mvc-deployment.local.yaml: used to create a Deployment and a Service to run the app.
  2. mssql-deployment.yaml: used to create a Deployment and a Service to run the SQL Server container.
  3. mssql-config-map.yaml: creates a ConfigMap object to store the database connection string as key-value pair. It is accessed by the app to retrieve the connection string as apass it as environment variable.
  4. mssql-secret.yaml: creates a Secret to securely save database connection string as key-value pair.
  5. mssql-pv.local.yaml: creates PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim objects in order to provision a storage space to save the database files.

1) Introduction: Kubernetes and microservices

1.1) The vision: Microservices on Docker containers on Kubernetes hosted on the Cloud and powered by DevOps.


2) Create docker containers

2.1) Introduction to Dockerfile: build, run  
     $ docker run hello-world  
       Hello from Docker!  
       This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.  
     $ cd MvcApp  
2.2) $ docker build .     # don't forget the dot at the end to configure the context!  
     $ docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t mvc-app:1.0 .   
2.3) $ docker images  
2.4) $ docker run --rm -d -p 5555:80/tcp mvc-app:1.0   
2.5) $ docker ps  
2.6) Open browser on localhost:5555 (app doesn't connect to database!!)  
2.7) Configure and start SQL Server on container  
2.8) $ docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=@Aa123456' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:2017-CU8  

3) Run the App using docker-compose

3.0) Open the docker-compose.yaml file
3.1) $ docker-compose build
3.2) $ docker-compose up
	 Starting sqldb-k8s     ... done
	 Starting mvcapp-k8s    ... done

4) Push containers to Docker Hub

4.1) Tag image, login, push  
4.2) $ docker tag mvc-app:1.0 houssemdocker/mvc-app:1.0  # use your own Docker Hub ID  
4.3) $ docker login  
4.4) $ docker push houssemdocker/mvc-app:1.0  
     Check your

5) Deploy to Kubernetes using the Dashboard

5.1) Start the Dashboard  
5.2) $ minikube start  
5.3) $ minikube dashboard  

6) Deploy to Kubernetes using kubectl cli

6.1) $ Kubectl run …  
6.2) $ kubectl get deployments  
6.3) $ kubectl get secrets  
6.4) $ kubectl get services  

7) Deploy to kubernetes using configuration YAML files

7.1) $ kubectl apply -f mssql-secret.yaml  
     $ kubectl get secrets   
7.2) $ kubectl apply -f mssql-pv.local.yaml  
     $ kubectl get pv  
7.3) $ kubectl apply -f mssql-deployment.yaml  
     $ kubectl get deployments  
7.4  $ kubectl apply -f mvc-deployment.local.yaml  
     $ kubectl get deployments  
7.5) $ minikube config set memory 4096  # if we need to resize minikube  
8.0) $ kubectl delete services,deployments,pvc,secrets --all -n default

8) Create managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure using AKS

8.1) $ az group create \  
		  --location westeurope \  
		  --subscription "Microsoft Azure Sponsorship" \  
		  --name aks-k8s-rg  
8.2) $ az aks create \  
		  --generate-ssh-keys \  
		  --subscription "Microsoft Azure Sponsorship" \  
		  --node-count 1 \  
		  --resource-group aks-k8s-rg \  
		  --name aks-k8s   
8.3) $ az aks get-credentials \  
		  --resource-group aks-k8s-rg \  
		  --name aks-k8s \  
		  --subscription "Microsoft Azure Sponsorship" 
	 Merged "aks-k8s" as current context in /Users/houssem/.kube/config  
8.4) $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard \      			   --clusterrole=cluster-admin \  
8.5) $ az aks browse \
		  --resource-group aks-k8s-rg \
		  --name aks-k8s \
		  --subscription "Microsoft Azure Sponsorship"  

9) Create the CI/CD pipelines for using Azure DevOps

9.1) CI pipeline: builds the container and pushes it to docker hub.  

9.2) CD pipeline: deploys the YAML manifest files into Kubernetes cluster.  

10) Discussion points

scalability, health check, mounting volume, resource limits, service discovery, deploy with Helm...

11) More resources

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Demoing deployment of Docker containers into Kubernetes for both minikube and Azure AKS.






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