This repo contains the following ROS packages:
- feature_extraction: real-time extraction of image features (keypoints and their descriptors and scores, and per-image global descriptors)
- image_feature_msgs: definition of feature messages
There are also non-ROS scripts for feature extraction, keypoint visualization and keypoint matching, which do not require ROS installation nor the building procedures in below:
- feature_extraction/ show extracted keypoints from given image files
- feature_extraction/ show feature matching results from give image pairs
- Ubuntu + ROS
- Python 3.6 or higher
- TensorFlow 1.12 or higher (
pip3 install tensorflow
) - OpenVINO 2020 R1 or higher (download)
- OpenCV for Python3 (
pip3 install opencv-python
; not needed if OpenVINO is installed and activated) - numpy (
pip3 install numpy
) - No GPU requirement
- Preliminary
sudo apt install python3-dev python-catkin-tools python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-rospkg-modules python3-empy python3-yaml
- Set up catkin workspace and download this repo
mkdir src && cd src
git clone
- To use
in Python3 with ROS Melodic or older versions, you need to compile it locally. NOT needed if you are using ROS Noetic or newer version.
git clone -b melodic
- Build
# go to your catkin workspace (the parent folder of src)
cd ..
# configure to build for Python3 - Please change the path in the following command according to your Python version
catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
# set the parent catkin workspace
. /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
# build with catkin from the python-catkin-tools package
catkin build
Start the feature extraction node, which will subscribe to one or more image topic(s) and publish the extracted image features on corresponding topic(s) with /features
With OpenVINO model:
. /opt/intel/openvino/bin/
. YOUR_PATH_TO_CATKIN_WS/devel/setup.bash
rosrun feature_extraction _topics:=/YOUR_CAMERA_TOPIC _net:=hfnet_vino _model_path:=YOUR_PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER
With TensorFlow model:
. YOUR_PATH_TO_CATKIN_WS/devel/setup.bash
rosrun feature_extraction _topics:=/YOUR_CAMERA_TOPIC _net:=hfnet_tf _model_path:=YOUR_PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER
The topics
param can take one or more topic names (separated by a comma), e.g. /usb_cam/image_raw
, or /left_cam/image_raw,/right_cam/image_raw
Additional params and their default values (more model-specific params are defined in the default_config
dict in the source code):
_keypoint_number:=500 \
_keypoint_threshold:=0.002 \
_gui:=True \
_log_interval:=3.0 \