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Output files description table (Redistribution)

Alex Maitland edited this page Mar 16, 2025 · 52 revisions

List of CEF/CefSharp required and optional resources. The Nuget packages copy both the required and optional files to your bin directory by default.
It's important to note that whilst some of these files are officially classed as optional specific features won't run without them. It is recommended to redistribute all files with your application to avoid potential problems. Occasionally CEF makes a change and this table becomes out of date, see CEF README.redistrib.txt for the official reference.

CefSharp Required Resources
The following are required by CefSharp.
Filename Required Description Version
CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.dll Yes* *Only when using the CefSharp.WinForms.NETCore/CefSharp.Wpf.NETCore/CefSharp.OffScreen.NETCore packages this file is required.
Browser SubProcess dll
CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe Yes Browser SubProcess executable All
CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.Core.dll Yes Browser SubProcess core dll All
Ijwhost.dll Yes* *Only when using the CefSharp.WinForms.NETCore/CefSharp.Wpf.NETCore/CefSharp.OffScreen.NETCore packages this file is required.
To support C++/CLI libraries in .NET Core, ijwhost was created as a shim for finding and loading the runtime. All C++/CLI libraries are linked to this shim, such that ijwhost.dll is found/loaded when the C++/CLI library is loaded.
>= 87.1.x
CefSharp.Core.Runtime.dll Yes Architecture specific (x86/x64/ARM64) C++/CLI library for CefSharp >= 87.1.x
CefSharp.Core.dll Yes Core library for CefSharp All
CefSharp.dll Yes Core library for CefSharp All
CefSharp.Wpf.dll   Required if you installed the CefSharp.Wpf Nuget package All
CefSharp.WinForms.dll   Required if you installed the CefSharp.WinForms Nuget package All
CefSharp.OffScreen.dll   Required if you installed the CefSharp.OffScreen Nuget package All
CEF/Chromium Required Resources:
The following components are required. CEF will not function without them.
Filename Required Description Version
libcef.dll Yes CEF core library All
chrome_elf.dll Yes Crash reporting library All
icudtl.dat Yes Unicode support data All
v8_context_snapshot.bin Yes V8 snapshot data. All
CEF Optional resources:
The following components are optional. If they are missing CEF will continue to run but any related functionality may become broken or disabled.
Filename Required Description Version
locales\*.pak No Locales**
Locale file loading can be disabled completely using CefSettings.PackLoadingDisabled. The locales directory path can be customized using CefSettings.LocalesDirPath.
Directory containing localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink. A .pak file is loaded from this directory based on the CefSettings.Locale value. Only configured locales need to be distributed. If no locale is configured the default locale of "en-US" will be used. Without these files arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly.
resources.pak No These files contain non-localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink. Without these files arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly. >= 90.6.x
chrome_100_percent.pak No >= 90.6.x
chrome_200_percent.pak No >= 90.6.x
d3dcompiler_47.dll No Direct3D support.
Support for GPU accelerated rendering of HTML5 content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS and WebGL. Without this file the aforementioned capabilities may fail when GPU acceleration is enabled (default in most cases). Use of this bundled version is recommended instead of relying on the possibly old and untested system installed version.
libEGL.dll No ANGLE support
Support for rendering of HTML5 content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS and WebGL. Without these files the aforementioned capabilities may fail.
libGLESv2.dll No All
vk_swiftshader.dll No SwANGLE support
Support for software rendering of HTML5 content like 2D canvas, 3D CSS and WebGL using SwiftShader's Vulkan library as ANGLE's Vulkan backend. Without these files the aforementioned capabilities may fail when GPU acceleration is disabled or unavailable.
vk_swiftshader_icd.json No >=94.4.50
vulkan-1.dll No >=94.4.50
CEF Deprecated resources:
The following components were included in older version and are no longer distributed with the runtime.
Filename Required Description Version
snapshot_blob.bin Yes V8 snapshot data.
  • Version v133.4.x and above this file has been removed.
  • Version v132.3.x and below the file is required.
<= 132.3.x
natives_blob.bin Yes V8 snapshot data.
  • Version 81.3.x and above the natives_blob.bin file has been removed (#3057).
  • Version 79.1.x and below the file is required.
<= 79.1.x
swiftshader\libEGL.dll No SwiftShader support
Deprecated support for software rendering using SwiftShader's GL libraries. Used as an alternative to SwANGLE when the `--use-gl=swiftshader-webgl` command-line flag is specified.
  • Version 102.0.x and above the swiftshader folder has been removed (#4085).
  • Version 101.0.180 and below the folder is optional.
<= 101.0.180
swiftshader\libGLESv2.dll No <= 101.0.180
cef.pak No These file has been replaced by resources.pak, chrome_100_percent.pak and chrome_200_percent.pak in versions 90.6.50 and above
These files contain non-localized resources used by CEF, Chromium and Blink. Without these files arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly.
<= 89.0.x
cef_100_percent.pak No <= 89.0.x
cef_200_percent.pak No <= 89.0.x
cef_extensions.pak No This file has been replaced by resources.pak in versions 90.6.50 and above
This file contains non-localized resources required for extension loading. Pass the `--disable-extensions` command-line flag to disable use of this file. Without this file components that depend on the extension system, such as the PDF viewer, will not function.
<= 89.0.x
devtools_resources.pak No This file has been replaced by resources.pak in versions 90.6.50 and above
This file contains non-localized resources required for Chrome Developer Tools. Without this file Chrome Developer Tools will not function.
<= 89.0.x

This list might be out of date or incomplete, for further reference see:


  • Scrollbars will be red without cef_100_percent.pak or cef_200_percent.pak (depending on your DPI). If you disable pak loading you will also have the same problem.
  • ** Locales are conditionally required, features like context menus will show empty items without them. Fonts may show smaller than they should. The CEF documentation on the subject states: Without these files arbitrary Web components may display incorrectly.

Visual C++

See Requirements section below for a detailed table of requirements.

For the CefSharp.WinForms/CefSharp.Wpf/CefSharp.OffScreen packages you will need Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019, for the CefSharp.WinForms.NETCore/CefSharp.Wpf.NETCore/CefSharp.OffScreen.NETCore packages you will need Visual C++ Redistribution Packages for Visual Studio 2019.

VC++ is distributed in both x86 and x64 variants, make sure you install the version matching your target architecture. (i.e. when targeting x86, x86 redistributable/runtime packages are needed).

.Net Framework

See Requirements section below.


VC++ and .Net Core 3.1/Net 5.0 are distributed in both x86 and x64 variants, make sure you install the version matching your target architecture. (i.e. when targeting x86, x86 redistributable/runtime packages are needed). If you are using an older version of CefSharp, then refer to the Release Branches section of the homepage to determine the version required.

CefSharp Required Visual C++ Version
Package Min .Net Version Min VC++ Version Download
CefSharp.Wpf .Net 4.6.2 VC++ 2019 or greater Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019
CefSharp.WinForms .Net 4.6.2 VC++ 2019 or greater Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019
CefSharp.OffScreen .Net 4.6.2 VC++ 2019 or greater Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019
CefSharp.Wpf.NETCore .Net Core 3.1 or .Net 5.0 VC++ 2019 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019
CefSharp.WinForms.NETCore .Net Core 3.1 or .Net 5.0 VC++ 2019 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019
CefSharp.OffScreen.NETCore .Net Core 3.1 or .Net 5.0 VC++ 2019 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2019