- A bullet list item
- Second item
- A sub item
- Third item
- An enumerated list item
- Second item
- Sub item that goes on at length and thus needs
to be wrapped. Note the indentation that must
match the beginning of the text, not the
- Sub-sub item
- Sub item that goes on at length and thus needs
to be wrapped. Note the indentation that must
match the beginning of the text, not the
- Third item
- Another enumerated list item
- Second item
Named links:
A sentence with links to Wikipedia and the Linux kernel archive.
Anonymous links:
Another sentence with an anonymous link to the Python website.
N.B.: named links and anonymous links are enclosed in grave accents (`), and not in apostrophes (').
Literal blocks:
some literal text
This may also be used inline at the end of a paragraph, like so:
some more literal text
print("A literal block directive explicitly marked as python code")
End of file.