Remove debris-contaminated droplets from single-cell based data.
Currently, we only support installation of the diem
R package
through devtools
Check out the vignette for a thorough tutorial on using diem
Shown below is a quick workflow for reading 10X data, filtering droplets using default parameters, and converting to a seurat object. Note you need Seurat installed to run the last step.
counts <- read_10x("path/to/10x") # Read 10X data into sparse matrix
sce <- create_SCE(counts) # Create SCE object from counts
# Add MT% and MALAT1%
mt_genes <- grep(pattern="^mt-", x=rownames(sce@gene_data),, value=TRUE)
sce <- get_gene_pct(x = sce, genes=mt_genes, name="")
malat <- grep(pattern="^malat1$", x=rownames(sce@gene_data),, value=TRUE)
sce <- get_gene_pct(x = sce, genes=malat, name="MALAT1")
# Plot total counts ranked
# DIEM steps
sce <- set_debris_test_set(sce)
sce <- filter_genes(sce)
sce <- get_pcs(sce)
sce <- init(sce)
sce <- run_em(sce)
sce <- assign_clusters(sce)
sce <- estimate_dbr_score(sce)
# Evaluate debris scores
sm <- summarize_clusters(sce)
plot_clust(sce, feat_x = "n_genes", feat_y = "score.debris",
log_x = TRUE, log_y = FALSE)
plot_clust(sce, feat_x = "", feat_y = "score.debris",
log_x = TRUE, log_y = FALSE)
# Call targets using debris score for single-nucleus data
sce <- call_targets(sce, thresh_score = 0.5)
# Call targets by removing droplets in debris cluster(s) for single-cell data
sce <- call_targets(sce, clusters = "debris", thresh = NULL)
seur <- convert_to_seurat(sce)
April 13, 2020
- version 2.3.0
- Quantifies amount of contamination in droplets. Filtering is performed using this debris score.
- Clustering switched to multinomial mixture model to increase speed.
February 25, 2020
- version 2.2.0
- Initialize alpha with method of moments instead of optimize
February 19, 2020
- version 2.1.0
- Additional function for extracting Alpha parameters for use with DE
- Run multiple k_init values at the same time
- Multi-threading
- More efficient memory storage of objects
February 18, 2020
- version 2.0.1
- Patch fixes some installation issues with tests and docs
February 2, 2020
- version 2.0.0
- Uses Dirichlet-multinomial
- Initializes with k-means
- Removes background centers using a likelihood strategy