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Version history

Stephen Vickers edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 41 revisions

This library is based on the PHP LTI Tool Provider classes and the PHP LTI Tool Provider library.

Version Date Description
3.1.0 13-Mar-19 First updated release
3.1.1 3-Apr-19 Move HTTPMessage class to Http\HttpMessage (old class is deprecated).
Fix PHP 7 issue with parsing XML.
Remove leftover test code.
3.1.2 3-Apr-19 Update domnodeToArray method.
3.2.0 8-May-20 Add Result and Score services
Add Names and Role Provisioning service
Add support for OAuth 1 connections security update
Add sourcedid and username properties to User object
Fix bug in checking JSON-LD contexts
Add timeout to Curl HTTP requests
3.2.1 11-Jun-20 Improved logging options
Fix processing of share keys
Other minor bug fixes
3.3.0 25-Jun-20 Added support for Line Item service
Enhancements to ApiHook classes
Other minor bug fixes
4.0.0 26-Jun-20 Add support for LTI 1.3
Switch to new LTI terminology of Platform and Tool
Remove support for consumer keys longer than 255 characters
4.0.1 3-Jul-20 Miscellaneous bug fixes
4.0.2 22-Jul-20 Fixed bug with login initiation requests using HTTP GET
Correct date format used in data connector for MS SQL Server
Try retreiving public key from URL if stored value fails
Save LTI user ID for all learners
Leeway used when checking timestamps in JWTs is now configurable
Tries to request access token with single scope if request for multiple scopes is declined
Update isAdmin check for LTI 1.3 format
Other minor bug fixes and general code tidy
4.0.3 17-Aug-20 Improved handling of service requests, espcially for older LTI services when using the new security model
Corrected the mapping of the LIS sourcedid parameters in a JWT
4.1.0 26-Sep-20 Improved handling or credentials, especially for messages being sent to a platform
Improved mapping of content-item (deep linking) messages between LTI versions
Added a client for the Web Token JWT Framework library
More lenient treatment of messages which do not fully comply with the LTI specification
Added support for the resultData Outcomes extension
Added experimental support for encrypting the content of JWTs
4.2.0 26-Nov-20 Miscellaneous bug fixes and code tidying
Added support for the LTI 1.3 dynamic registration process available in Moodle 3.10+
4.2.1 4-Jan-21 Add support for Sakai memberships extension service
Miscellaneous bug fixes and code tidying
4.3.0 5-Jan-21 Enhanced support for use by Platforms
4.3.1 16-Feb-21 Add error messages for invalid JWT claims
4.4.0 17-Feb-21 Add support for Course Groups service - see Context->getGroups and updated Context->getMemberships methods
4.4.1 26-Apr-21 Update Content-item/Deep linking handling
Add callback option for messages sent to platforms
Add isLtiMessage function
Update MySQLi data connector to use bound parameters
Bug fixes: fix check for memberships; do not include target_link_uri claim for messages from tool; ensure JWT payload is an object
4.5.0 3-Aug-21 Add support for ContentItemUpdateRequest message, LTI Assignment content item, and Proctoring services
Add logging for form submissions
4.5.1 27-Sep-21 Add support for Course Groups service from ResourceLink object
Improve SQL error logging
Minor bug fixes
4.5.2 13-Oct-21 Fix error in obtaining a platform's family code which can impact checks for API hooks
4.5.3 14-Oct-21 Ignore additional query parameters in initiate login requests which use GET
4.5.4 26-Oct-21 Minor bug fixes
4.6.0 3-Dec-21 Add support for making service requests for single pages with access to relative links included in the response
Fix issue when platforms enforce a page limit when none has been requested
Improve support for Course Groups service (order of parameters to Service\Groups->get method changed)
Add support for obsolete link-level membership service endpoint
Improved error logging for OAuth-signed messages
Constructor for DataConnector class has been changed to protected - always use its static getDataConnector method instead
4.6.1 5-Dec-21 Add default limit property to relevant service classes
Bug fix
4.6.2 5-Jan-22 Minor bug and documentation fixes
4.6.3 20-Jan-22 Update UserResult->getId for users not associated with a resource link
Update to latest release of Firebase/php-jwt library
Minor bug fixes
4.6.4 23-Feb-22 Fix bug with handling public keys in PEM format in Firebase JWT client
Enhance JWT clients
Enhance handling of Content items
4.6.5 5-Mar-22 Remove erroneous GROUP BY clauses in SQL for data connectors
4.7.0 3-Apr-22 Fix bug with checking state value on LTI 1.3 messages
Add support for groups to belong to more than one groupset (so set element of a group may now be an array of strings rather than just a string)
Correct value of iss claim in client_assertion JWT when requesting an access token
Add option to allow use of HTTP GET for LTI 1.3 authentication requests
Improve mapping between JWT claims and OAuth1 message parameters (uses "lti1p1_" prefix for any "" claims; added "target_link_uri" and "unmapped_claims" parameters)
4.7.1 4-Apr-22 Fix bug with format of JWT claim using FirebaseClient
4.7.2 12-May-22 Fix mapping of LTI 1.3 claim for Basic Outcomes service
Add check for Course Groups service in getMemberships method
Added checks for required properties of optional message claims
Fix bug with updating date of last access for a platform
Fix handling of groups belonging to more than one group in Moodle API hook
Deprecated CanvasApiToolProvider class (use CanvasApiTool instead)
Fix signing of extension service requests with LTI 1.3
4.7.3 8-Jun-22 Ignore namespace in XML service responses
Fix bug with supported messages in platform configurations
Add support for username passed by Brightspace
Allow Context to be passed to UserResult->getId method
Add HTTP version override option to CurlClient
Improve logging for PDO database connections
4.8.0 27-Jun-22 Added check for blocked third-party cookies
Added option to generate warnings about any additional errors identified
Added support for user's middle name
Other code improvements
4.9.0 30-Sep-22 Ensure Memberships service saves all learners
Registration access token is optional
Added support for using Memcache to handle nonce values
4.10.0 26-Nov-22 Add workaround for Anthology Learn bug in Names and Role Provisioning services
Add support for draft "OIDC Login with LTI Client Side postMessages" specification
Add support for Firebase PHP-JWT 6.0.0
Fix bug with saving learners when no lis_result_sourcedid is provided
Retain Moodle groupings with no groups
Add middle name to Assessment Platform verified claims
Add support for submission review message
Make life of launch state values a platform property
Fix support for LTI 1.3 TeachingAssistant role URI
Add new core role methods to Tool object: isInstructor, isContentDeveloper, isTeachingAssistant, isManager, isMember, isOfficer, isMentor
4.10.1 28-Nov-22 Allow capabilities postMessages to be served from the parent window rather than the one passed to the tool (as a workaround for the current implementation in Anthology Learn)
4.10.2 31-May-23 Miscellaneous bug fixes
Change default lti_message_hint to none
Add support for X_ORIGINAL_HOST header
Allow tools to disable use of platform storage
Add check for invalid context and resource link ID values
Improve method for parsing roles
4.10.3 13-Jun-23 Miscellaneous bug fixes
Updates to avoid deprecation warnings with PHP 8.1+
Corrections to documentation comments
5.0.0 31-Jul-23 Updated for PHP 8.1 - see Updating page for backward incompatible changes
5.0.1 21-Oct-23 Allow resourceLink to be null for a UserResult object
Fix bug when error occurs with call to Result service in ResourceLink->doOutcomesService
Fix tests for missing parameters with LtiSubmissionReviewRequest message
Do not enable LTI 2 platforms by default
Correct return type for Tool::findService method
Avoid creation of platform record when LTI 2 not supported by tool
Fix data type errors
Use ServiceDefinition class for ToolProxy service
Set default alg value when parsing a key with Firebase JWT client
5.0.2 8-Jan-24 Miscellaneous fixes for PHP 8.1 related issues
Allow full URL for icon in tool registration
5.1.0 30-Aug-24 Enhanced data validation of incoming messages and service responses (set strict mode via the Util::$strictMode property)
Public keys fetched are automatically saved for re-use (disable this via the Util::$disableFetchedPublicKeysSave property)
submissionStarted and submissionCompleted properties added to the Outcome class
fromJsonObject methods of Item, FileItem and LtiLinkItem Content classes now return a boolean (was void)
Content\Item->addPlacementAdvice method now returns a boolean (was void)
getBaseString method added to Platform and Tool classes
Deprecated Service\LineItem::getLineItem and Jwt->verify methods, and warnings property of Platform and Tool classes
5.1.1 2-Sep-24 Fix typo in LineItem::fromEndpoint method
5.1.2 30-Sep-24 Fix typo in Score service
Add check that message URL is a string
Correct unofficial outcomes service for non-numeric outcomes
Report error when unable to sign JWT
Fix setting of returnUrl property
5.1.3 4-Oct-24 Fixed TypeError in CanvasApi
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