Important: The original data was already anonymized. The expected amount of patients is 10000
Data input:
input folder path
| __ MRN__*.csv
| __ MRN__*.csv
Data Ouput:
output folder path
| __ MRN__*.csv
| __ MRN__*.csv
For each anonymized MRN folder, CSV files were present in the folder. CSV Files include CT onRail H&N RX Treatment accumulated dose fraction.
If no CSV files are found for a given MRN, the loop continues to the next MRN.
Synthetic MRN Generation: A nested while-loop is used to generate multiple synthetic MRNs from each original MRN until the total number of required MRNs (total_mrn_required) is reached.
Bootstrap Sampling: For each CSV file under the current MRN, bootstrapping is performed. Bootstrapping here means that the code creates a synthetic dataset by sampling with a replacement from the original dataset.
Saving Synthetic Data: The synthetic data is saved as a new CSV file in the corresponding synthetic MRN folder.