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Deeplink Plugin

Deeplink plugin allows processing of Android application links that enable direct navigation to requested app content.

For iOS version, visit .


Follow instructions on the following page to create a custom Android gradle build

Follow instructions on the following page to associate your Godot app with your website:


There are 2 ways to install the Deeplink plugin into your project:

  • Through the Godot Editor's AssetLib
  • Manually by downloading archives from Github

Before starting installation, please delete any other versions of this plugin.

Installing via AssetLib


  • search for and select the Deeplink plugin in Godot Editor
  • click Download button
  • on the installation dialog...
    • keep Change Install Folder setting pointing to your project's root directory
    • keep Ignore asset root checkbox checked
    • click Install button
  • enable the plugin via the Plugins tab of Project->Project Settings... menu, in the Godot Editor

Installing manually


  • download release archive from Github
  • unzip the release archive
  • copy to your Godot project's root directory
  • enable the plugin via the Plugins tab of Project->Project Settings... menu, in the Godot Editor


  • Add Deeplink nodes to your scene per URL association and follow the following steps:
    • set the required field on each Deeplink node
      • scheme
      • host
      • path prefix
    • note that scheme, host, and path prefix must all match for a URI to be processed by the app
      • leave path prefix empty to process all paths in host
  • register a listener for the deeplink_received signal
    • process url, scheme, host, and path data from the signal
  • alternatively, use the following methods to get most recent deeplink data:
    • get_link_url() -> full URL for the deeplink
    • get_link_scheme() -> scheme for the deeplink (ie. 'https')
    • get_link_host() -> host for the deeplink (ie. '')
    • get_link_path() -> path for the deeplink (the part that comes after host)
  • additional methods:
    • is_domain_associated(a_domain: String) -> returns true if your application is correctly associated with the given domain on the tested device
    • navigate_to_open_by_default_settings() -> navigates to the Android OS' Open by Default settings screen for your application


adb shell command can be used to simulate app links as follows:

  • $> adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE -d ""

Android Export

  • Make sure that the scene that contains your Deeplink nodes is selected in the Godot Editor when building and exporting for Android
    • Close other scenes to make sure
    • Deeplink nodes will be searched in the scene that is currently open in the Godot Editor Android export requires several configuration settings.

File-based Export Configuration

In order to enable file-based export configuration, an export.cfg file should be placed in the addons/DeeplinkPlugin directory. The export.cfg configuration file may contain multiple deeplink configurations. The scheme and host properties are mandatory for each deeplink configuration.

The following is a sample export.cfg file:

label = "deeplink1"
is_auto_verify = true
is_default = true
is_browsable = true
scheme = "https"
host = ""
path_prefix = "/my_data"

scheme = "https"
host = ""

Node-based Export Configuration

If export.cfg file is not found or file-based configuration fails, then the plugin will attempt to load node-based configuration.

During Android export, the plugin searches for Deeplink nodes in the scene that is open in the Godot Editor. If none found, then the plugin searches for Deeplink nodes in the project's main scene. Therefore;

  • Make sure that the scene that contains the Deeplink node(s) is selected in the Godot Editor when building and exporting for Android, or
  • Make sure that your Godot project's main scene contains an Deeplink node(s).


Unhandled Deeplinks

If your game is not handling your deeplinks, then make sure to revisit the Android Export and Prerequisites sections.

ADB logcat

adb logcat is one of the best tools for troubleshooting unexpected behavior

  • use $> adb logcat | grep 'godot' on Linux
    • adb logcat *:W to see warnings and errors
    • adb logcat *:E to see only errors
    • adb logcat | grep 'godot|somethingElse' to filter using more than one string at the same time
  • use #> adb.exe logcat | select-string "godot" on powershell (Windows)

Also check out:


Developed by Cengiz

Original repository: Godot Android Deeplink Plugin


This section provides information on how to build the plugin for contributors.


Refreshing addon submodule

  • Remove deeplink/addon_template directory
  • Run git submodule update --remote --merge

All Plugins

Plugin Android iOS
Notification Scheduler
In-App Review


Enables application deep link functionality for Android apps







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