This npm package analyzes JavaScript files to detect duplicated functions and variables, generating a report in JSON format.
To use this package, install it globally or locally in your project:
npm install copy-paste-detector-js
Usage You can run the package via npm script with optional parameters:
and edit add that script line to your package.json
"scripts": {
"copy-paste-detector-js": "node node_modules/copy-paste-detector-js/index.js scripts2"
scripts2 is folder name (optional)
npm run copy-paste-detector-js
This will analyze JavaScript files in my-scripts-folder and generate a copy-paste-detector-results.json file in the current directory.
The package outputs a JSON file (copy-paste-detector-results.json) containing details of duplicated functions and variables found in the analyzed JavaScript files.
Output Example ( copy-paste-detector-results.json )
"name": "tester",
"count": 2,
"type": "function",
"occurrences": [
"line": 757,
"filePath": "C:\\Users\\cengiz.ilhan\\Desktop\\spagetti detector\\scripts\\functions.js"
"line": 374,
"filePath": "C:\\Users\\cengiz.ilhan\\Desktop\\spagetti detector\\scripts\\yazarlar-app.js"