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cennznet/explorer is a monorepo of various components required to run the UNcover - CENNZnet Block Explorer application including data extraction (ETL), API and web UI.


Web UI is not a stand-alone application, rather a bundle with ETL, API and Websocket services that are powering it. The only external component is the node which can be either local or publicly available (see configuration settings for details).


  • Docker
  • CENNZnet node Rimu-0.9.23 or higher
    • when syncing with an existing chain please wait until sync is completed before starting Docker

    • for running a node locally on your machine follow instructions in CENNZnet Node. Please ensure WebSocket is on --ws-external and node is accessible from Docker
      Optionally, you may want to build/run your node with Rust --release option to overcome WASM optimization issue e.g.

      cargo build --release


      cargo run --release -- --dev --ws-external --rpc-external

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Change configuration settings

    cp config.json.template etl-config.json
    • where your CENNZnet node is hosted e.g. ws:// (alternatively wss:// for secured connection) or any publicly available CENNZnet node (for example provided by

      "node": {
        "ws": "wss://"

      Note: Docker may have problem to resolve IP address when connecting to a service on local host, please use host.docker.internal:9944 instead e.g.

      "node": {
        "ws": "ws://host.docker.internal:9944"
  3. Build and start containers locally

    docker-compose up --build
  4. Open block explorer in your browser: http://localhost:3000

    • open API in your browser, e.g. http://localhost:8080/blocks
    • access extraction tasks using your MongoDB client: mongodb://localhost:27018/cennznettasks
    • access database using your PostgreSQL client: postgresql://username:password@localhost:5433/cennznetdata
  5. Shut down the containers

    docker-compose down

Schedule Task

Useful when you need re-extract or backfill missing blocks after starting the containers

docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=explorer-etl") ./taskgen -config etl-config.json -start <start_block> -end <end_block>