This module can be used to make a reverse engineering of your SGBD, and pregenerate some file :
- a dir in application/modules
- a Bootstrap class
- all dir structure (configs, data, controllers, models, formst, view ...)
For each object (ie table) the module find, it will create a :
- an admin controller
- a front controller
- some view for admin controller
- some view for front controller
- a table class
- a row class
- a form model
It's actually designed to help you in first step of creation of a new module. It will no help you (currently) to update an existing module.
- Your SGBD must be a MYSQL server and your table engine must be inoodb.
- You must specified foreign key in your SGBD
- Some columns must have specific name :
- id: for pk columns
- *_id: for foreign key columns
- *_at: for date columns
- is_* or *canbe_**: for boolean columns
- slug: for slug columns
- created_at: for date creation of the row
- updated_at: for date modification of the row
- Design you DB in your SGBD
- Add this modules to your application/modules path
- Open you application/configs/modules.ini, activate the generator module
- Go to: http://myproject.local/generator/
- Select the module that you want to pregenerate
- If you try to generate an existing module, problem could appear.
- Better use Zend_CodeGenerator_*
- Improve code quality
- Allow update of a module (new table)
- Allow update of a table in an existing module (new columns)