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Implementation of nitro-protocol in Go


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Implementation of the Nitro State Channels Framework in Golang and Solidity.

go-nitro is an implementation of a node in a nitro state channel network. It is software that:

  • manages a secret "channel" key
  • crafts blockchain transactions (to allow the user to join and exit the network)
  • crafts, signs, and sends state channel updates to counterparties in the network
  • listens to blockchain events
  • listens for counterparty messages
  • stores important data to allow for recovery from counterparty inactivity / malice
  • understands how to perform these functions safely, without risking any funds


⚠️ Go-nitro is pre-production software ⚠️

Go-nitro can be consumed either as library code or run as an independent process and interfaced with remote procedure calls (recommended).


Please see


Architectural decision records may be viewed here.


Pre-requisite: generate a TLS certificate

Run the tests from repo root:

go test ./... -count=2 -shuffle=on -timeout 1m -v -failfast

On-chain code

The on-chain component of Nitro (i.e. the solidity contracts) are housed in the nitro-protocol directory. This directory contains an yarn workspace with a hardhat / typechain / jest toolchain.



  • Follow this doc to set up foundry to run anvil chain

    • Use an older foundry version to work with go-nitro

      foundryup --version nightly-cafc2606a2187a42b236df4aa65f4e8cdfcea970
  • Start anvil chain:

    anvil  --chain-id 1337 --block-time 1 --port 8545
  • Install dependencies

    # Install Node.js dependencies and build the repo
    yarn && yarn build
    # Install go dependencies
    go mod tidy && go build
  • Deploy the Nitro protocol contracts:

    • Change directory to nitro-protocol

      cd packages/nitro-protocol
    • Deploy nitro contracts and custom token

      # Set environment variables
      export GETH_URL=""
      export GETH_CHAIN_ID=1337
      export GETH_DEPLOYER_PK=0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
      # variables for token name, token symbol and initial supply
      export TOKEN_NAME="TestToken1"
      export TOKEN_SYMBOL="TT"
      # Note: Token supply denotes actual number of tokens and not the supply in Wei
      export INITIAL_TOKEN_SUPPLY="10000000"
      # Deploy contracts
      yarn contracts:deploy-geth
      # Deploy custom token 1
      # Note the address of custom token 1
      yarn contracts:deploy-token-geth
      # Deploy custom token 2
      # Note the address of custom token 2
      export TOKEN_NAME="TestToken2"
      yarn contracts:deploy-token-geth

      Note: On restarting the chain, make sure to remove packages/nitro-protocol/hardhat-deployments when redeploying contracts

      rm -rf hardhat-deployments
    • Send custom tokens to Bob

      # Export variables for token addresses and Bob address
      source ./hardhat-deployments/geth/.contracts.env
      export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=$TestToken1
      export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=$TestToken2
      export A_CHAIN_ADDRESS="0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
      export B_CHAIN_ADDRESS="0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8"
      # Send tokens to Bob
      yarn hardhat transfer --contract $ASSET_ADDRESS_1 --to $B_CHAIN_ADDRESS --amount 1000 --network geth
      yarn hardhat transfer --contract $ASSET_ADDRESS_2 --to $B_CHAIN_ADDRESS --amount 1000 --network geth
      # Check on chain balances for both Alice and bob
      # Alice
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_1 --address $A_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_2 --address $A_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_1 --address $B_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_2 --address $B_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
    • Change directory to root directory

      cd ../../
  • Generate TLS certificate

    • Change directory to tls

      cd tls
    • Follow README

    • Change directory to root directory

      cd ../
  • Install nitro-rpc-client package globally:

    # In go-nitro
    npm install -g ./packages/nitro-rpc-client
    # Confirm global installation by running
    nitro-rpc-client --version
  • Run go-nitro node for Alice in new terminal:

    • Create node config for Alice

      cat <<EOF > cmd/test-configs/alice.toml
      usedurablestore = true
      msgport = 3006
      rpcport = 4006
      pk = "2d999770f7b5d49b694080f987b82bbc9fc9ac2b4dcc10b0f8aba7d700f69c6d"
      chainpk = "ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80"
      chainurl = "ws://"
    • Start node for Alice

      source ./packages/nitro-protocol/hardhat-deployments/geth/.contracts.env
      ./go-nitro -config cmd/test-configs/alice.toml -naaddress $NA_ADDRESS -vpaaddress $VPA_ADDRESS -caaddress $CA_ADDRESS
  • Run go-nitro node for Bob in new terminal:

    • Create node config for Bob

      cat <<EOF > cmd/test-configs/bob.toml
      usedurablestore = true
      msgport = 3007
      rpcport = 4007
      pk = "0279651921cd800ac560c21ceea27aab0107b67daf436cdd25ce84cad30159b4"
      chainpk = "59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d"
      chainurl = "ws://"
      bootpeers = "/ip4/"
    • Start node for Bob

      source ./packages/nitro-protocol/hardhat-deployments/geth/.contracts.env
      ./go-nitro -config cmd/test-configs/bob.toml -naaddress $NA_ADDRESS -vpaaddress $VPA_ADDRESS -caaddress $CA_ADDRESS

Steps to demo payment between two go-nitro nodes

  • In a new terminal change directory to packages/nitro-rpc-client

    cd packages/nitro-rpc-client
  • Set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable to the path of a root certificate file (rootCA.pem) generated by mkcert

    export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem"
  • Create a ledger channel:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client direct-fund 0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94 -p 4006'

    Example output

    Objective started DirectFunding-0x16e30bfaa0a3ebcf1347ddcdd42df29dc960c75d0d3de530fb69ec0cbeebd8fa
    Channel Open 0x16e30bfaa0a3ebcf1347ddcdd42df29dc960c75d0d3de530fb69ec0cbeebd8fa
  • Assign ledger channel id in output log above (Channel Open <LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID>) to an environment variable

  • Check ledger channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xf6523e28b39de1e9afa65e2d29c23e22949d4d4ed55137cd208d035d4a88467f',
      Status: 'Open',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        MyBalance: 1000000n,
        TheirBalance: 1000000n
  • Create a virtual payment channel:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client virtual-fund 0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94 -p 4006'

    Example output

    Objective started VirtualFund-0x25676acc207865bd16c12eb4507784c0d1d3997945325a37e131d985a879bdab
    Channel Open 0x25676acc207865bd16c12eb4507784c0d1d3997945325a37e131d985a879bdab
  • Assign payment channel id in output log above (Channel Open <PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID>) to an environment variable

  • Check ledger channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xdf27ffafa9fbdd5f06821a755a08982adfcdc8ea7bd12638b07c279672faf8b6',
      Status: 'Open',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        MyBalance: 999000n,
        TheirBalance: 999000n
  • Check virtual channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xc024a21a6c2626b100b9f4571e788f6c4ffedbd03ab7a2031d2db6929b375d4e',
      Status: 'Open',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Payee: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        Payer: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        PaidSoFar: 0n,
        RemainingFunds: 1000n
  • Make payment from Alice to Bob:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client pay $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID 50 -p 4006'

    Example output

      Amount: 50,
      Channel: '0xc024a21a6c2626b100b9f4571e788f6c4ffedbd03ab7a2031d2db6929b375d4e'
  • Check virtual channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xc024a21a6c2626b100b9f4571e788f6c4ffedbd03ab7a2031d2db6929b375d4e',
      Status: 'Open',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Payee: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        Payer: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        PaidSoFar: 50n,
        RemainingFunds: 950n
  • Close the virtual payment channel:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client virtual-defund $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

    Objective started VirtualDefund-0xc024a21a6c2626b100b9f4571e788f6c4ffedbd03ab7a2031d2db6929b375d4e
    Channel complete 0xc024a21a6c2626b100b9f4571e788f6c4ffedbd03ab7a2031d2db6929b375d4e
  • Check virtual channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xc024a21a6c2626b100b9f4571e788f6c4ffedbd03ab7a2031d2db6929b375d4e',
      Status: 'Complete',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Payee: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        Payer: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        PaidSoFar: 50n,
        RemainingFunds: 950n
  • Check ledger channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xdf27ffafa9fbdd5f06821a755a08982adfcdc8ea7bd12638b07c279672faf8b6',
      Status: 'Open',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        MyBalance: 999950n,
        TheirBalance: 1000050n
  • Close the ledger channel:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client direct-defund $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'
  • Check ledger channel info:

    npm exec -c 'nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006'

    Example output

      ID: '0xf6523e28b39de1e9afa65e2d29c23e22949d4d4ed55137cd208d035d4a88467f',
      Status: 'Complete',
      Balance: {
        AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
        Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
        MyBalance: 999950n,
        TheirBalance: 1000050n
  • Check on chain balance for Alice

    echo $(
      printf "Result: %d" $(
        curl -sk -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{
          "params": ["0xAAA6628Ec44A8a742987EF3A114dDFE2D4F7aDCE", "latest"],
        }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result'

    Example output

    Result: 999950
  • Check on chain balance for Bob

    echo $(
      printf "Result: %d" $(
        curl -sk -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{
          "params": ["0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94", "latest"],
        }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result'

    Example output

    Result: 1000050

Steps to demo swap between two go-nitro nodes

  • In a new terminal, set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable to the path of a root certificate file (rootCA.pem) generated by mkcert

    export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem"
  • Set environment variables

    export BOB_ADDRESS="0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94"
    export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=<deployed custom token address 1>
    export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=<deployed custom token address 2>
  • Create a multi assets ledger channel

    nitro-rpc-client direct-fund $BOB_ADDRESS --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_1:500,500" --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_2:500,500" -p 4006

    Example ouput

    Objective started DirectFunding-0xc7b652e6c0a5e2c1c691597397d44fc0d40a73297f9997062299b102cc8d4e96
    Channel Open 0xc7b652e6c0a5e2c1c691597397d44fc0d40a73297f9997062299b102cc8d4e96
  • Export Ledger channel ID from above output

    export LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID=<ledger-channel-id>
  • Check ledger channel info

    nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006

    Example output

      ID: '0xc7b652e6c0a5e2c1c691597397d44fc0d40a73297f9997062299b102cc8d4e96',
      Status: 'Open',
      Balances: [
          AssetAddress: '0xcf7ed3acca5a467e9e704c703e8d87f634fb0fc9',
          Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
          Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
          MyBalance: 500n,
          TheirBalance: 500n
          AssetAddress: '0xdc64a140aa3e981100a9beca4e685f962f0cf6c9',
          Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
          Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
          MyBalance: 500n,
          TheirBalance: 500n
      ChannelMode: 'Open'
  • Create a multi assets swap channel

    nitro-rpc-client swap-fund $BOB_ADDRESS --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_1:200,200" --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_2:100,100" -p 4006

    Example output

    Objective started SwapFund-0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1
    Channel open 0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1
  • Export swap channel ID from above output

    export SWAP_CHANNEL_ID=<swap-channel-id>
  • Check swap channel info

    nitro-rpc-client get-swap-channel $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006

    Example output

     ID: '0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1',
     Status: 'Open',
     Balances: [
         AssetAddress: '0xcf7ed3acca5a467e9e704c703e8d87f634fb0fc9',
         Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
         Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
         MyBalance: 200n,
         TheirBalance: 200n
         AssetAddress: '0xdc64a140aa3e981100a9beca4e685f962f0cf6c9',
         Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
         Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
         MyBalance: 100n,
         TheirBalance: 100n
  • Conduct swap through swap channel

    nitro-rpc-client swap $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID  --AssetIn "$ASSET_ADDRESS_1:20" --AssetOut "$ASSET_ADDRESS_2:10" -p 4006

    Example ouput

     SwapAssetsData: {
       TokenIn: '0xcf7ed3acca5a467e9e704c703e8d87f634fb0fc9',
       TokenOut: '0xdc64a140aa3e981100a9beca4e685f962f0cf6c9',
       AmountIn: 20,
       AmountOut: 10
     Channel: '0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1'
  • Check pending swap awaiting confirmation for this swap channel

    nitro-rpc-client get-pending-swap $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID  -p 4007

    Example ouput

     Id: '0xb9e809059a92be1c22339d1e6a6d58b908f4dbd0006c0722793b2eec21475614',
     ChannelId: '0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1',
     Exchange: {
       TokenIn: '0xcf7ed3acca5a467e9e704c703e8d87f634fb0fc9',
       TokenOut: '0xdc64a140aa3e981100a9beca4e685f962f0cf6c9',
       AmountIn: 20,
       AmountOut: 10
     Sigs: {
       '0': '0x8cfa6c7c8aec9089fc57b1fe649d64dcd8205905f92b1f6b6b104f64e8967e285d1d751620ef2757287993b6347237e26ab315d31ab98feaf98cd71022d0e4321c'
     Nonce: 736609862712516500
    • Set environment variable for swap Id using Id field from the output above

      export SWAP_ID=<swap id>
  • Bob decides to accept / reject the incoming swap

    # To accept incoming swap
    nitro-rpc-client confirm-swap $SWAP_ID accepted -p 4007
    # Example output
    # Confirming Swap with accepted
    # To reject incoming swap
    nitro-rpc-client confirm-swap $SWAP_ID rejected -p 4007
    # Example output
    # Confirming Swap with rejected
  • Check swap channel info

    nitro-rpc-client get-swap-channel $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4007

    Example output

     ID: '0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1',
     Status: 'Open',
     Balances: [
         AssetAddress: '0xcf7ed3acca5a467e9e704c703e8d87f634fb0fc9',
         Me: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
         Them: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
         MyBalance: 220n,
         TheirBalance: 180n
         AssetAddress: '0xdc64a140aa3e981100a9beca4e685f962f0cf6c9',
         Me: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
         Them: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
         MyBalance: 90n,
         TheirBalance: 110n
  • Defund the swap channel

    nitro-rpc-client swap-defund $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006

    Example output

    Objective started SwapDefund-0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1
    Objective complete SwapDefund-0x9e1950864b8c704411a6dd790008302c3d5a875a544235cc5f423682d012adc1
  • Defund the ledger channel

    nitro-rpc-client direct-defund $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006

    Example output

    Objective started DirectDefunding-0xc7b652e6c0a5e2c1c691597397d44fc0d40a73297f9997062299b102cc8d4e96
    Objective Complete 0xc7b652e6c0a5e2c1c691597397d44fc0d40a73297f9997062299b102cc8d4e96
  • Check ledger channel info

    nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4006

    Example output

     ID: '0xc7b652e6c0a5e2c1c691597397d44fc0d40a73297f9997062299b102cc8d4e96',
     Status: 'Complete',
     Balances: [
         AssetAddress: '0xcf7ed3acca5a467e9e704c703e8d87f634fb0fc9',
         Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
         Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
         MyBalance: 480n,
         TheirBalance: 520n
         AssetAddress: '0xdc64a140aa3e981100a9beca4e685f962f0cf6c9',
         Me: '0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce',
         Them: '0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94',
         MyBalance: 510n,
         TheirBalance: 490n
     ChannelMode: 'Open'
  • Check on-chain balances of Alice and Bob after closing ledger channel

      # Make sure you are in the root of the go-nitro repo
      source ./packages/nitro-protocol/hardhat-deployments/geth/.contracts.env
      export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=$TestToken1
      export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=$TestToken2
      export A_CHAIN_ADDRESS="0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
      export B_CHAIN_ADDRESS="0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8"
      # Check on chain balances for both Alice and bob
      # Alice
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_1 --address $A_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_2 --address $A_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_1 --address $B_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth
      yarn  hardhat check-token-balance --token $ASSET_ADDRESS_2 --address $B_CHAIN_ADDRESS --network geth

Steps to retry dropped txs

Direct fund

  • Check status of direct-fund objective

    nitro-rpc-client get-objective <Objective ID> -p <RPC port of the L1 node>
    # Expected output:
    # {
    #  "Status": 1,
    #  "DroppedTx": {
    #    "DroppedTxHash": "0x339079c724690c6b99e15b5f04fc4e36ccdab30a83602734057c4e2f6fd04afe",
    #    "ChannelId": "0xb08b6c111e9d0b0cb0ad31274132ac7e7542242e2a80201d9e9e5a2e78fe197d",
    #    "EventName": "Deposited"
    #  }
    # }
    • This will give you status of the objective, with dropped tx details if any

    • In the dropped tx details, you should see the trasaction that was dropped along with its hash, channel ID, and the Event associated with that tx

  • You can retry the dropped tx using

    nitro-rpc-client retry-objective-tx <Objective ID> -p <RPC port of L1 node>
    # Expected output:
    # Transaction retried for objective DirectFunding-0x1df710eba9b90784ba96b6add8c574b4511c67ab4e4c29667bbac06385b965a6

Bridged fund

  • To check status of bridged-fund objective, you either need objective Id of corresponding direct-fund objective (L1 objective) or objective ID of bridged-fund objective (L2 objective)

    • Using corresponding direct-fund objective (L1 objective)

      nitro-rpc-client get-l2-objective-from-l1 <L1 Objective ID> -p <RPC port of the bridge>
      # Expected output:
      # {
      #  "Status": 1,
      #  "DroppedTx": {
      #    "DroppedTxHash": "0x339079c724690c6b99e15b5f04fc4e36ccdab30a83602734057c4e2f6fd04afe",
      #    "ChannelId": "0xb08b6c111e9d0b0cb0ad31274132ac7e7542242e2a80201d9e9e5a2e78fe197d",
      #    "EventName": "Deposited"
      #  }
      # }
    • Using objective ID of bridged-fund

      nitro-rpc-client get-objective <Objective ID> --l2 true -p <RPC port of the bridge>
      # Expected output:
      # {
      #  "Status": 1,
      #  "DroppedTx": {
      #    "DroppedTxHash": "0x339079c724690c6b99e15b5f04fc4e36ccdab30a83602734057c4e2f6fd04afe",
      #    "ChannelId": "0x4af740df92a57656c0d15f053e8413ded279411aec5793d8243cb1205de2d996",
      #    "EventName": "StatusUpdated"
      #  }
      # }
    • This will give you status of the objective, with dropped tx details if any

  • You can retry the dropped tx using

    nitro-rpc-client retry-objective-tx <Objective ID> -p <RPC port of the L2 node / bridge>
    # Expected output:
    # Transaction retried for objective BridgedFunding-0xbda3cff692390dcc764fa9e27ddd562d9aa929447e89f5d0b4aeb780a1aea0c6

Non-objective bridge txs

  • Some txs that are performed by bridge are not part of any objective

  • These txs are stored against channel ID

  • To see if these txs are confirmed or not, we can query bridge to get the pending txs

    nitro-rpc-client get-pending-bridge-txs <Channel ID> -p <RPC port of the bridge>
    # Expected output:
    # {
    #  "tx_hash": "0x9aebbd42f3044295411e3631fcb6aa834ed5373a6d3bf368bfa09e5b74f4f6d1",
    #  "num_of_retries": 3,
    #  "is_retry_limit_reached": true,
    #  "is_l2": false
    # }
  • Txs are stored against both L1 and L2 channel IDs so please check both channels see if any txs are pending

  • If these txs fail, bridge retries them until retry tx threshold has been met

    • If there are any txs with is_retry_limit_reached: false, that means they are not auto retried by bridge just yet
  • If there are any txs with is_retry_limit_reached: true, it means these txs failed even after auto retry

  • The get-pending-bridge-txs command will output pending txs details along with their tx hash

  • To manually retry txs that failed after auto retry, use

    nitro-rpc-client retry-tx <Tx hash of the failed tx> -p <RPC port of the bridge>
    # Expected output:
    # Transaction with hash 0x339079c724690c6b99e15b5f04fc4e36ccdab30a83602734057c4e2f6fd04afe retried


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Implementation of nitro-protocol in Go







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