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CERN SIS Author Guide ⚡️

CERN SIS Author Guide


Deployment is happening automatically when a commit is pushed on master branch.

To view it live, click here

Getting Started 🚀

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Prerequisites 📋

You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with NPM) installed on your computer.
Also you need to have installed Gatsby CLI

node@v16.16.0 or higher
npm@8.18.0 or higher
gatsby-cli@2.8.22 or higher

Also, you can use Yarn instead of NPM ☝️

yarn@v1.21.1 or higher

How To Use 🔧

From your command line, first clone the repo:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd cern-authors-guide

Then you can install the dependencies either using NPM or Yarn:

Using NPM:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start development server
$ npm run develop

Using Yarn:

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Start development server
$ yarn develop

NOTE: If your run into issues installing the dependencies with NPM, use this command:

# Install dependencies with all permissions
$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

Once your server has started, go to this url http://localhost:8000/ and you will see the website running on a Development Server:

CERN SIS Author Guide



Go to /src/mock/data.js and fill your information, they are 5 objects:

Hero Section

export const heroData = {
  title: '', // Hello, my name is
  name: '', // John
  subtitle: '', // I'm the Unknown Developer.
  cta: '', // Know more

About Section

Important Note: All the images must live inside the src/images/ folder in order for Gatsby to show the images correctly.

export const aboutData = {
  img: 'profile.jpg', // put your profile image (recommended aspect radio: square)
  paragraphOne: '',
  paragraphTwo: '',
  paragraphThree: '',
  resume: '', // if no resume, the button will not show up

Projects Section

Important Note: All the images must live inside the src/images/ folder in order for Gatsby to show the images correctly.

Put as many projects object you want inside the array.

export const projectsData = [
    id: nanoid(),
    img: 'project.jpg',
    title: '',
    info: '',
    info2: '',
    url: '',
    repo: '', // if no repo, the button will not show up
    id: nanoid(),
    img: 'project.jpg',
    title: '',
    info: '',
    info2: '',
    url: '',
    repo: '', // if no repo, the button will not show up

Contact Section

export const contactData = {
  cta: '', // call to action text for the contact section
  btn: '', // text inside the button
  email: '',

Footer Section

You can remove or add as many you social-media icons you want.
Just put an object with the corresponding values inside the networks array or remove it from there.

export const footerData = {
  networks: [
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'twitter',
      url: '', // your twitter url
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'codepen',
      url: '', // your codepen url
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'linkedin',
      url: '', // your linkedin url
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'github',
      url: '', // your github url

Required - Disable GitHub buttons

Set isEnabled to false once you finish setup your portfolio.
By setting to false it will hide the GitHub stars/fork buttons

export const githubButtons = {
  isEnabled: true, // true is the default value

Step 2 - STYLES

Change the color theme of the website ( choose 2 colors to create a gradient ):

Go to src/styles/abstracts/_variables.scss and only change the values on this classes $main-color and $secondary-color to your prefered HEX color

// Default values
$main-color: #02aab0;
$secondary-color: #00cdac;

Note: I highly recommend to checkout gradients variations on UI Gradient

Deployment 📦

Once you have done with your setup. You need to put your website online!

I highly recommend to use Netlify to achieve this on the EASIEST WAY

Or you can use Github pages

Technologies used 🛠️

  • Gatsby - Static Site Generator
  • GraphQL - Query language for APIs
  • React - Front-End JavaScript library
  • Bootstrap 4 - Front-End UI library
  • Sass - CSS extension language

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

Acknowledgments 🎁

The website is based on the Gatsby Simplefolio project template