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General description

The repostiory contains an MVC based Spring Boot REST API application using JAVA programming language and scripts for building a portable Docker container, which runs the application.

You can find more information about the ticket reservation system in this article.

The content is orginized into different folders. You will find the description for each folder in this ReadMe.

Overview about the folder structure:

  • application: The ticket reservation application's back-end (business logic) implementation. The application receives the API calls from the front-end server, retrieves or applies modification on the dataset stored in a database. Please note that the front-end server has the user interface implementation. It creates http API calls for the back-end server. For more detailed information check out the ticket reservation application section. For making the application running you will need a database server. The current repository contains the packages connecting to an Oracle database.
  • containerize: This folder contains the helper files to build a container which hosts the two applications. For more detailed information check out the container approach section.

Note that the application was using the JDK 1.8 and for building we used Maven 3.6.3. Be aware that currently there is no plan to maintain the code.

The ticket reservation application back-end is split into 2 parts the business logic layer and data persistence layer. The business logic layer is for the code which ensures the data manipluation through API calls. The data persistence layer is for storing the information. During our development process we relied on Spring Boot's ORM (Object relational mapping) support, which allows to create the database structure from the business logic layer. Due to this possibility you will find here two individual chapters. One describing the database layer and one describing the application layer.


The final application is the collaborated work of the following people:

Container approach

Environment variables

In the docker file you need to set the following variables to their default values. Note that if you use Kubernetes for hosting the container you can override the default values in the deployment templates.

Variable name Description specific values
OP_JPA_DDL_AUTO hibernate auto ddl (without quotes) "create-drop" to recreate the table strucutre, "none" for production
OP_DATASOURCE_URL jdbc connection string (without quotes). For more information check out the regular or wallet database section below
OP_DATASOURCE_USERNAME jdbc connection user (without quotes). For more information check out the regular or wallet database section below
OP_DATASOURCE_PW jdbc connection pw (without quotes). For more information check out the regular or wallet database section below
OP_SERVER_ENVIRONMENT Environment mode "prod" has by default disabled Swagger and PasscodeController (without quotes) "dev","qa","prod"
OP_USER_VALIDATION_METHOD user is not a robot checking (just number) 0 - always true, 1- google captcha + honeypot , 2-honeypot
OP_CAPTCHA_SERVER_KEY Google captcha server key string if enabled (without quotes)
OP_JWT_TOKEN_SIGN_KEY signing key for jwt token (without quotes)
OP_JWT_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME_IN_MINUTES JWT token expiration time (just number)
OP_REGISTRATION_START_TIME timestamp of the start date without seconds 2019.06.08 00:00
OP_LOG_FILE_PATH Logfile path /var/log
OP_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS Comma separated list of domains that can query the backend API "" for production. By default the variable is set in the to http://localhost:4200,
OP_CORS_PATH_PATTERN Allowed origin URL path. This path will be the same for all dev, test, prod profiles "/**" In this value is already set so this environment variable is OPTIONAL
OP_WALLET_CONNECTION If the connection between the application and the database is via wallet. For more information please read the wallet database connection below true,false

For reCAPTCHA the solution supports the google reCAPTCHA v2. In order to use the reCAPTCHA you will need your own recaptcha site configuration and include the server key in the ./Dockerfile or in the ./application/main/resources/

regular database connection

Note that you need to download the Oracle database connection sepcific jars (listed under running natively) to the containerize/extra-jars folder. In case you need other jar(s) for database connection you have to include that in the Dockerfile.

If you want to go with the regular connection you need the following settings at build time:

  • update the following connection string according to your database settings "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//service:port/server_name" (service name is the name of the service,port the database connection port, server name is the server name where the database is located.) and set the "OP_DATASOURCE_URL" to that
  • set the database credentials for "OP_DATASOURCE_USERNAME" and "OP_DATASOURCE_PW"
  • set the "OP_WALLET_CONNECTION" to "false"

wallet database connection

Note that the containerize/extra-jars folder is the place where you need to put the Oracle specific connection jars (listed under running natively). In case you need other jar(s) for database connection you have to include that in the Dockerfile.

Some databases for example the Oracle Autonomous database requires a database wallet for the connection. The wallet is a zip file containing the configurations for SSL connection.

If you want to use wallet you need the following settings at build time:

  • set the "OP_WALLET_CONNECTION" variable to true and during the start
  • set the "OP_WALLET_PATH" where you want to have the settings extracted
  • copy the wallet under the containerize/db_wallet folder with the following name:
  • update the following connection string according to your database settings "jdbc:oracle:thin:@opendays_high?TNS_ADMIN=/opt/wallet" (opendays_high is the database service which we connect, TNS_ADMIN is the location where we extract the wallet.) and set the "OP_DATASOURCE_URL" to that
  • set the database credentials for "OP_DATASOURCE_USERNAME" and "OP_DATASOURCE_PW"

Containerize folder

This folder contains helper files for the image build.

  • extra-jars: The jar files folder for creating the connection to an Oracle Autonomous database (download required jars listed under running natively)
  • startup_scripts: The startup scripts for application building and hosting.

How to use the container

To run the image you need to have Docker installed.

Once your environemnt is ready you update the settings in the ./Dockerfile. Note that you need to use a RedHat or CentOS image. You can use for example the docker hub image : "centos:centos7"

From the root folder, where the Dockerfile is run the following command.

>docker build -t reservation-system-back-end -f ./Dockerfile .

Note that the maven minor version number can change. Please check the the available version number before the build and update it in the Dockerfile. For more information check the Maven build section

To run the image you need to forward the port

>docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --rm --name reservation-back-end reservation-system-back-end

You access your image via http://localhost:8080

Maven build

Maven 3 is used for compiling the application code. During the docker build process we download maven into the image, download and install the additional dependency jars listed in the running natively. For the application building we used maven 3.6.3, the minor version can change by time so please check and update the version number accordingly what is available here.

Running natively

You need to install JAVA 1.8 and Maven 3.6.3 to build, for running the application JAVA 1.8 is required. The solution works perfectly with open JDK 1.8.

For connectiong to an Oracle 19 database you will need extra jar-s. Before building the application you need to install the packages to your local maven repository. The list of jars which you need to download from the official website:

  • ojdbc8.jar
  • oraclepki.jar
  • osdt_cert.jar
  • osdt_core.jar
  • ucp.jar

For installing the dependencies from the /containerize/extra-jars folder to local maven repository execute the following commands. Note that the package names can be the same for the different database versions, use the packages according to your database version.

>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/containerize/extra-jars/ojdbc8.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc8 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -q
>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/containerize/extra-jars/oraclepki.jar -DartifactId=oraclepki -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -q 
>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/containerize/extra-jars/ucp.jar -DartifactId=ucp -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -q 
>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/containerize/extra-jars/osdt_cert.jar -DartifactId=osdt_cert -Dversion=3.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -q 
>mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/containerize/extra-jars/osdt_core.jar -DartifactId=osdt_core -Dversion=3.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -q 

For building the application run the following command:

>mvn clean compile test package -q

Update the application/src/main/resources/ files with the correct values. Example values described in the container approach environment table.

For running the application run the following command from the generated target folder:

>java -jar /opt/application/target/registration-application.jar

Ticket reservation application (business logic layer)

SWAGGER config

Swagger configuration is based on activated environment profile. For "prod" we don't enable swagger. For "dev" and "qa" profile we enable it.

If you launch the application on your local machine with port 8080 then swagger will be available is available : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html


The application has bi-lingual implementation. The main supported languages are English and French. The language selection is made on the front-end side and the language preference is included in every message (message header element : "Accept-Language" , the values are : "fr" and "en" )

For simplicity reasons the front-end list elements (comboboxes, radio list) translation is coming from the database. For example transport types, point of origins, etc. For these cases we read the the selection list into the application first and based on the language preference we return the right display value in the message.

Message handling

The application REST APIs are returning JSON messages. Each message has the following sturcture:

   "statusCode" - number, if 0 then execution was Ok, if negative then during execution there were errors
   "data" - optional, in case of 0 status code this is provided and it will be an object or an array
   "errorMessage" - optional, in case of negative status code this is provided

error and exception handling

During the reservation process there are possibilities when a user wanted to apply such modifications which were not part of the workflow or wrongly provided data ,etc. To handle these cases each API functionality has its own error and exception handling. When a workflow task goes to error the system sends back 200 OK message, but the statusCode of the returned JSON will be negative.

JWT token

As you will see in the list of the available API's, most of the API services were protected by JSON Web Token (JWT). The application has a stateless design and the whole reservation process was split into smaller steps. Each step has it's own implementation, we will reference the steps as data related tasks. In order to execute these tasks parallel and keep them syncronised with the already stored data we used the previously mentioned tokens. As you see in the next section the majority of the APIs was protected by the token. The protection means in this context that in the http message request header the token has to be present otherwise the back-end will refuse the execution.

Available APIs

Token protected Front-end page API name description returns
N Passcode page request-passcode invalidates previous passcodes and creates a new passcode for login Ok
N Login page request-access-token sends the passcode + mail to get a login token JWT token
Y Dashboard page get-arrival-point-dates request available dates list of available dates for the logged in user
Y Dashboard page get-active-reservations request final status reservations array of reservation in final status for the logged in user
Y Dashboard page cancel-reservation cancel specific reservation Ok
Y Dashboard page create-new-reservation get JWT token containing the reservation identifier reservation JWT token
Y Confirm arrival point and timeslot page get-arrival-point-dates request available dates (not having reservation) selectable dates
Y Confirm arrival point and timeslot page request-arrival-point-timeslots based on date request available timeslots selectable timeslots
Y Confirm arrival point and timeslot page confirm-arrival-point confirm user selection for arrival point and timeslot Ok
Y Confirm visitor details page get-confirmed-visitor-details load user provided visitor data stored visitor data list
Y Confirm visitor details page store-visitors user provided visitor data Ok
Y Confirm transport types page get-transport-types-selection load stored transport types selected transport type
Y Confirm transport types page store-transport-types store user transport type information Ok
Y Confirm transport types page get-point-of-origin point of origin + selection flag list of origin points
Y Summary page get-reservation load in progress reservation details in progress reservation details
Y Summary page finalize-reservation make reservation final Ok
N Welcome page get-daily-available-places get places without login date + yes and no if there are at least 6 places available
Y Update arrival point page update-arrival-point store arrival point changes Ok
Y Update arrival point page get-reservation-arrival-data get reservation arrival point data + available timeslots timeslot change possibilities
Y Update transport types page get-point-of-origin point of origin + selection flag list of origin points
Y Update arrival point page update-transport-types store user transport type changes Ok
Y Dashboard page resend-reservation-confirmation send again confirmation mail Ok
Y Dashboard page get-update-reservation-token send again JWT token with required reservation id
Y Visitrs data update page get-visitor-details-for-update load visitors data for update visitors data in array
Y Visitrs data update page update-visitors store modified visitors data Ok
N - event-registration test api for post message test test values
N - request-passcode-for-testing request passcode for automated testing. Works only for "dev" and "qa" environment passcode


This application is designed to work as individual API calls, which means they are not relying on other API calls. The front-end user interface creates an environment and ensures calling the APIs in order. As a result of the user interface walkthrough a reservation can be created, updated and cancelled.

Login workflow

Using the front-end user interface you request a passcode and with that passcode you login. The front-end will receive a token generated by the back-end and to each call the back-end server will receive this token. If the token is expired or incorrect the back-end server will send back an error message.

Reservation workflow

Starting the reservation workflow first the back-end server will create a new token which includes an identifier for the reservation. The front-end will provide this token to each upcoming API calls. If the token is expired or incorrect the back-end server will send back an error message. Otherwise it will try to apply the requested modifications in the database. After the front-end has the token the next step in the workflow comes, which is select the arrival date, point and timeslot. After providing these information the system books 6 places by default for 30 min. As a next step the user has to provide the amount of visitors and their age at the time of the visit. This data is going to be stored into a visitor details table. Then as the next step the user selects the point of origin and transport type. As a final step the data is retrived from the database. When the user finalizes the reservation the system releases unused tickets from the reservation and sets the status of the reservation to active. The front-end allows back and forth navigation between these steps. This means each step will first retrieve the already stored data (if not exists then no data returned) for the in progress reservations.

Cancellation and update workflows

The user interface uses very similar interfaces for the reservation update possibilities. The update screens are not organised as multi step workflows, the user can change only one type of information at the time. After the modification the navigation goes back to the dashboard screen. For each update step a token and the id of the reservation is provided. The update API calls will make directly the changes on the reservation if it's possible.

The cancellation works very similar way as the update workflows. Here on the user interface there is no navigation to any other screen. There is just a pop-up window for confirmation. By confirming the cancellation a token and the id of the reservation is provided for the API call, as a result of this workflow the active reservation's status will marked as cancelled.

Ticket reservation application (data persistence layer)

If you want to create the database structure from the code you need to set the "OP_JPA_DDL_AUTO" to "create-drop" and start the application. During the start the application will create the tables and create the database strucutre. For the creation to happen you need to have an empty database. Note that after you have created the database stucture you need to change the "OP_JPA_DDL_AUTO" to "none", otherwise the system will drop and recreate the database everytime when the back-end application starts.

Below you will find the database tables with their column list and description.


PK Column name Description
Y ID_ACTION the action which has been done
Y ID_MODIFIER user's person id or system (zeros)
Y ID_CHANGE_OBJECT the object identifier (if it has one unique column for identificatio ) else it will be the registration id (which will link to the person)
Y CHANGE_DATE date of the change
Y OBJECT_TYPE referring to the tables where the rows have been changed
CHANGE_COMMENT Some description to understand what has happened

==ID_CHANGE_OBJECT combinations==

  • confirm email address passcode: The registration id from the registration table (not the person id)
  • show interest workflow: The id of the person who shows the interest


PK Column name Description
Y ID_REGISTRATION this links who has requested the code
Y TIMESTAMP_OF_CREATION this shows when was it requested
Y ID_OPERATION for what action was it requested
PASSCODE the passcode which needs to be checked
PASSCODE_STATUS shows if the passcode is active or not
TIMESTAMP_OF_USAGE when was it used

One user can have only one passcode active for one operation. We don't delete the old passcode's (for tracking reason).


PK Column name Description
Y ID_REGISTRATION the id of the registration, this is a sequence from 1 to 1.000.000 (the expected max number is around 100.000). The database will create it as we create a new record into this table
CONTACT_EMAIL that's the mail address which identifies the user as he logs in + the passcode from the passcode table
REGISTRATION_PROCESS_STATUS_CODE the user actual status in the workflow
LAST_UPDATE_DATE last modification date
ID_PERSON generated GUID for the registered person. This is what we use for action history tracking. It will be useful for creating the reports, because we are not going to relay on any personal sensitive information
NAME_FIRST registered persons first name for e-mail
NAME_FAMILY registered persons family name for e-mail
BARCODE the code which will identify at registration
REGISTERED_ADULTS SUM value for the registered adults. Since we need to store the ages for them the detailed data will live in a different table. This will allow us to make the query for the available free space calculation more easier and faster
REGISTERED_CHILDS SUM value for the registered childs. Since we need to store the ages for them the detailed data will live in a different table. This will allow us to make the query for the available free space calculation more easier and faster


  • CONTACT_EMAIL => REGISTRATION_MAIL_ADDRESS: In order to make a fast query during login


PK Column name Description
Y ID_REGISTRATION the id of the registration (FK to REGISTRATION table)
Y ID_MAIL unique id just to be here for composit key, does not have any reference else where
Y TIMESTAMP_OF_CREATION the timestamp of insert
ACTION_TYPE List : 1 = send passcode for login, 2 = send barcode confirmation mail, 3 = unregister from event, 4 = update registration
ID_RESERVATION In case of the action type is send barcode this value will contain the id of reservation
TIMESTAMP_OF_SEND Timestamp of the send date


PK Column name Description
Y ID_ARRIVAL_POINT id of the arrival
Y ID_TRANSPORT_TYPE id of the transport which you took
TRANSPORT_RATE number , how good is the arrival point for that transport


PK Column name Description
Y ID_TRANSPORT_TYPE id of the transport which you took
TRANSPORT_NAME name of the transport type


PK Column name Description
Y OPEN_DAY the day which the endpoint is functioning
Y ID_ARRIVAL_POINT arrival point id
Y TIMESLOT_START when the opening timeslot begins for the arrival point
OPENING_DURRATION_IN_MINUTES how long will be the arrival point open
TOTAL_AVAILABLE_PLACES total available places which the arrival point can handle
FAST_TRACK_PERCENTAGE total fast track percentage, how much of the available places is fast track for example 80 means 80%
CAPACITY_LIMITATION_PERCENTAGE how much of the total available places is blocked
PRIVILEGED_OPENING flag if arrival point is open for privileged visitors


PK Column name Description
Y ID_ARRIVAL_POINT arrival point id
POINT_NAME arrival point display name
POINT_DESCRIPTION arrival point description
POINT_MAP_URL map image location (probably we have to add manually, it will not come from the source data)
SITE_ACTIVITIES_INFO_URL activity url where we have all the activities with detailed description
SITE_ACCESSIBILITY_INFO_URL arrival information url where we have detailed information about the arrival possibilities
NUMBER_OF_SURFACE_ACTIVITIES how many surface activities are for the people at that arrival point
NUMBER_OF_UNDERGROUND_ACTIVITIES how many underground activities are for the people at that arrival point


PK Column name Description
Y ID_RESERVATION id of the reservation
Y ID_REGISTRATION id of the registration
VISIT_DAY the day of the visit
ID_ARRIVAL_POINT id of the arrival point
TIMESLOT_START the timeslot when the visitor(s) are going to arrive
NUMBER_OF_RESERVED_TICKETS the total number of the booked tickets
NUMBER_OF_ADULT_TICKETS how many of the booked tickets are for adults
NUMBER_OF_CHILD_TICKETS how many of the booked tickets are for children
NUMBER_OF_FAST_TRACK_TICKETS how many of the booked tickets are for fast track
RESERVATION_STATUS what is the status of the reservation (inprogress, cancelled, etc.)
BARCODE barcode for the tickets
CHANGE_DATE the date of the reservation change


PK Column name Description
Y ID_RESERVATION id of the reservation
Y ID_TRANSPORT_TYPE id of the transport type
NUMBER_OF_VEHICLES how many vehicles are you arriving with


PK Column name Description
Y ID_VISITOR id of the visitor
Y ID_RESERVATION id of the reservation
REQUESTED_FAST_TRACK visitor has fast track
AGE visitor age by the time of the visit


PK Column name Description
Y ID_PRIVILEGE id privilege, we not going to use this just gives for join, just for PK
PRIVILEGE_VISITOR_IDENTIFIER individual mail address or mail domain
PRIVILEGE_DAY day of privilege
PRIVILEGE_TYPE_CODE number shows 1-domain, 2- individual


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