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Releases: cerner/terra-clinical


30 Nov 18:08
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Migrating from terra-clinical-item-collection v1 to v2

The following sections describe how to migrate from using the ItemCollection API provided in terra-clinical-item-collection v1 to the new API provided in the v2 release. The v2 release introduces new API and now allows for static and selectable Item Collection rendering. These changes allow for easier implementation, as well as more flexibility in use and future enhancements.

Behavior Changes

Added/Changed Behavior

  • Allows for either static and selectable implementation
  • Supports Children API which introduces the ItemCollection.Item component
  • OnSelect returns the event and child key for onClicks and onKeyDowns
  • Exports the following components: ItemCollection.Item, ItemCollection.Display and ItemCollection.Comment
  • Table layout is no longer dependent on first collection row #213

If a display is missing, the ItemCollection will allocate space to maintain the provided layout.

Prop Changes

Props Added

  • children - the Item Collection Items that will flex between either a list item or a table row.
  • hasStartAccessory - indicates if space should be allocated for a start accessory.
  • numberOfDisplays - the number of displays the Item Collection should allocate space for (maximum of 8).
  • hasComment - indicates if space should be allocated for a comment.
  • hasEndAccessory - indicates if space should be allocated for an end accessory.
  • onSelect - the callback function that is assigned as to a child's onClick and onKeyDown callback if the child isSelectable. The first parameter returned is the event and the second parameter is the child key.

Props Changed

  • rows - replaced with children prop.
  • onChange - replaced with onSelect prop.
  • listStyles - flattened and replaced with isListDivided prop. Additionally, the Item Collection no longer provides chevron styles as chevrons are intended for single-selectable lists only to indicate clicking the item will reveal more information. This behavior is not currently present in selectable tables.
  • tableStyles - flattened and replaced with isTablePadded and isTableStriped.


This component handles the rendering of a list item or table row for the ItemCollection. By default, this would render an ListItem with an ItemView as the content. Else, it will render a TableRow with the element layout order of startAccessory, displays, comment, then endAccessory. This component provides a clean way to represent an item within the item collection, and would not handle missing element logic if used outside of the Item Collection as intended.


  startAccessory={ <Accessory />}
  comment={ <ItemCollection.Comment />}
  endAccessory={ <Accessory />}
  <ItemCollection.Display />
  <ItemCollection.Display />
  <ItemCollection.Display />

Code Migration

Migrating from v1.4 to v2:

   import React from 'react';
-  import ItemView from 'terra-clinical-item-view';
   import ItemCollection from 'terra-clinical-item-collection';

  class OnChangeItemCollection extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
-     this.state = { selectedIndex: 2 };
+     this.state = { selectedItemKey: 'key-2' };
      this.handleSelection = this.handleSelection.bind(this);

-    handleSelection(event, selectedIndex) {
-      this.setState({ selectedIndex });
-    }

// Selection logic is not handled by the Item Collection, it only returns the event and child key selected
+  handleSelection(event, selectedItemKey) {
+    if (event.nativeEvent.type === 'click') {
+      this.setState({ selectedItemKey });
+    }
+  }

    render() {
      return (
+           hasStartAccessory
+           numberOfDisplays={3}
+           hasComment
+           hasEndAccessory
-           onChange={this.handleSelection}
+           onSelect={this.handleSelection}
-           rows={[
-              {
-               startAccessory: <p>S</p>,
-               displays: [
-                 <ItemView.Display text="Display 1" />,
-                 <ItemView.Display text="Display 2" />,
-                 <ItemView.Display text="Display 3" />
-               ],
-               comment: <ItemView.Comment text="test comment" />,
-               endAccessory: <p>E</p>,
-               isSelected: {this.state.selectedIndex === '1'},
-              },
-              {
-               startAccessory: <p>S</p>,
-               displays: [
-                 <ItemView.Display text="Display 1" />,
-                 <ItemView.Display text="Display 2" />,
-                 <ItemView.Display text="Display 3" />
-               ],
-               comment: <ItemView.Comment text="test comment" />,
-               endAccessory: <p>E</p>,
-               isSelected: {this.state.selectedIndex === '2'},
-              },
-            ]}
-          />
+         >
+           <ItemCollection.Item
+             key="key-1"
+             isSelectable
+             isSelected={this.state.selectedItemKey === 'key-1'}
+             startAccessory={<p>S</p>}  
+             comment={<ItemCollection.Comment text="test comment" />}  
+             endAccessory={<p>S</p>}  
+           >  
+             <ItemCollection.Display text="Display 1" />
+             <ItemCollection.Display text="Display 2" />
+             <ItemCollection.Display text="Display 3" />
+           </ItemCollection.Item>
+           <ItemCollection.Item
+             key="key-2"
+             isSelectable
+             isSelected={this.state.selectedItemKey === 'key-2'}
+             startAccessory={<p>S</p>}  
+             comment={<ItemCollection.Comment text="test comment" />}  
+             endAccessory={<p>S</p>}  
+           >  
+             <ItemCollection.Display text="Display 1" />
+             <ItemCollection.Display text="Display 2" />
+             <ItemCollection.Display text="Display 3" />
+           </ItemCollection.Item>
+         </ItemCollection>

  export default OnChangeItemCollection;

Prop Tables

terra-clinical-item-collection v1.4.0

Prop Name Type Is Required Default Value Description
breakpoint string optional small The breakpoint to switch from a table view to a list view. Breakpoint options are tiny, small, medium, large, or huge.
tableStyles shape optional undefined The styles to spread to the table. Table style options are isPadded and isStriped.
listStyles shape optional undefined The styles to spread to the list. List style options are isDivided and hasChevrons.
rows string optional [] The array of hashes to be displayed as rows. Each hash can contain a startAccessory, endAccessory, comment, array of displays, isSelected, and a itemStyles hash. The item style options are layout, textEmphasis, isTruncated and accessoryAlignment.
onChange func optional undefined A callback event that will be triggered when selection state changes.

terra-clinical-item-collection v2.0.0

ItemCollection Props

Prop Name Type Is Required Default Value Description
breakpoint string optional small The breakpoint to switch from a table view to a list view. Breakpoint options are tiny, small, medium, large, or huge.
isTablePadded bool optional false Whether or not the table cells should be padded.
isTableStriped bool optional false Whether or not the table rows should be zebra striped.
isListDivided bool optional false Whether or not the list items should be divided.
children string optional [] The Item Collection Items that will flex between either a list item or a table row.
hasStartAccessory bool optional false Whether or not the item collection should create a layout to display a start accessory.
numberOfDisplays number optional 0 The number of displays the item collection should create a layout for.
hasComment bool optional false Whether or not the item collection should create a layout to display a comment.
hasEndAccessory bool optional false Whether or not the item collection should create a layout to display an end accessory.
onSelect func optional undefined The callback function that is assigned as to a child's onClick and onKeyDown callback if the child isSelectable. The first parameter returned is the event and the second parameter is the child key. Function is not applied if child is not selectable.

ItemCollection.Item Props

Prop Name Type Is Required Default Value Description
children node optional undefined The display elements to be presented.
startAccessory node optional undefined The start accessory element to be presented.
comment node optional undefined The comment element to be presented.
endAccessory node optional undefined The end accessory element to be presented.
listItemLayout string optional 'oneColumn' When displayed as a list item, the column layout in which to present the displays.
listItemTextEmphasis string optional 'default' When displayed as a list item, the text color emphasis when using the two columns layout.
isListItemTruncated bool optional false ...
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30 Nov 17:59
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26 May 20:37
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:37
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:36
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:35
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:34
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:33
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:32
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0


26 May 20:30
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Publish (#74)

- terra-clinical-action-header@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-detail-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-error-view@0.1.0
 - terra-clinical-header@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-item-display@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-item-view@0.1.1
 - terra-clinical-label-value-view@0.1.2
 - terra-clinical-no-data-view@0.1.0