A BWAPI Tournament Module DLL used to run the SSCAI tournament (https://sscaitournament.com/).
Its basic functions are:
- Sending game's results to the tournament manager software.
- Enforcing time limits and other tournament rules.
- Making sure bots don't cheat.
- Displaying bot names, time limits, and other data on screen during the game.
Its more interesting functions are:
- Camera Module that moves the camera where the action happens during the game.
- Commentator Module that speaks some vaguely game-related nonsense during the game.
I recommend using Visual Studio 2017 to develop and build the tournament module.
The bwapi dependencies must be linked via:
- Solution properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories. This field should contain e.g. "../BWAPI_4.1.2/include".
- Solution properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies. This field should contain e.g. "../BWAPI_4.1.2/lib/BWAPI.lib".
- Rename 'local_files_example\example_cp_SSCAITournamentModule.bat' to 'cp_SSCAITournamentModule.bat' and place it in the tournamentmodule root folder.
- Change the second parameter of the copy command (in the .bat file) to the correct location to copy the generated dll file as a post-compile action. Alternatively, remove the copy command (empty .bat file) to remove this automation.
- If the second argument of the copy command is a directory, remember to create it or the resulting dll file will be renamed to the name of the directory without any file extension.
- Copy 'tm_settings.ini' to the 'bwapi-data' folder (it should be placed in the same folder as the 'bwapi.ini' file).
- When starting a game using the tournament module, the .ini file will be parsed and its settings used in the game.