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This is a personal-preference boilerplate for Nuxt projects which can be implement as a Nuxt layer into a plain project. It has a bunch of features and is published as a NPM package.


You can set all configruations in your nuxt.config.ts over the boilerplate config-name. A full list of configurations, you can see in the module/index.ts of the main local module of the boilerplate-layer.


Installed modules

  • @nuxt/eslint
  • @nuxtjs/fontaine
  • @nuxtjs/google-fonts
  • @nuxtjs/i18n (optional)
  • @nuxtjs/tailwindcss
  • nuxt-lodash
  • @pinia/nuxt
  • nuxt-svgo

Installed packages (peer-deps)

  • dayjs
  • storyblok-js-client (optional)
  • zod
  • @vueuse/core
  • gemoji
  • @cewald/eslint-config


  • useScreen: TailwindCSS based media-query helper which uses the project TW config
  • useDayJs: dayjs lib composable
  • useHideWhileScrolling: hide elements while scrolling is in progress
  • useLoadScript: helper to load and init external scripts
  • useLocalizedRoute: helper to modify and transform paths using vue-i18n
  • useValidation: validate a set of refs using a zod schema
  • useModalStore: store for modal-handling in combination with the ModalWrapper component
  • useDataCompliance: composable to safe simple-data compliance values for compliance-dialogs
  • useScroller: library to build accessible scroller components using scroll-snap-type


  • AccordionWrapper/AccordionItem: modular accordion component
  • ModalWrapper: wrapper for a modal based on useModalStore store
  • FormHoneypotInput: form-input for honey-pot-form validation


  • cloneDeep
  • randomBetween
  • sample
  • shuffle
  • lazyloadPicture: lazyload picture elements using intersection-observer
  • honeypot: Return honeypot field name for form antispam

TailwindCSS utilities

Those are custom TailwindCSS classes that are generated on behalf of your theme.
Important: You have to reference the TailwindCSS config-file generated by Nuxt in the ESlint config.

  • text-clamp-base-2xl: Clamp utility based on the viewports and available font-sizes
  • scrollbar-hide
  • stretch-full/stretch-full-reset


There are a lot functionalities around the Storyblok API and javascript SDK.

Typescript types auto-generation and -import

This module can automatically generate types from the components of your Storyblok space using their management API, which you then can use in your project for typesafety. You'll have to supply your space-id and oAuth token using the configs or environment variables.


  • SbPictureComponent: A component to serve SbImage images as they are stored in Storyblok
  • SbRichtextComponent: A component to serve SbRichtText content from Storyblok


  • SbStoreFactory: A one-line factory for typed Storyblok stores in your project
  • SbStoreUtilityFactory: The utility-factory that SbStoreFactory is using, in case you need a more granular implementation of your store


  • useStoryblokApiStore: Pinia store for an initialized StoryblokClient
  • useRichTextResolver: Tooling to resolve structured-data Storyblok strings into HTML


  • getSbImageOrientation: get image orientation by Storyblok image object
  • isRichTextEmpty: checks if a rich-text variable is possibly just an empty skeleton


If you are using prerendering for specific routes this module can automatically load content URLs of specific component-types from Storyblok and add them using addPrerenderRoutes.

Prerendering by build-hook

If you are using Netlify and want to automatically update your prerendered content, you can use a Storyblok web-hook to trigger a build using a Netlify build-hook. There are two config-params necessary for it: netlifyBuildHookUrl & netlifyBuildHookSecret. The netlifyBuildHookSecret is a random secret string to secure the URL from outside-calls and the netlifyBuildHookUrl is the URL of the Netlify build-hook we mentioned earlier. If you have configured those two params you can serve the /api/storyblok/webhook/[your-secret] endpoint as a webhook in Storyblok and a new build is triggered each time you save a story.


  1. Just install the package using your package manager:
    npm i -D @cewald/nuxt-boilerplate-layer
  2. Add the layer to your nuxt.config.ts:
    export default defineNuxtConfig({
    extends: [ '@cewald/nuxt-boilerplate-layer' ],
    boilerplate: {
     // custom configs ...


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Use global types as root generic type parameters of defineProps

If you want to use global types as root generic type parameters of defineProps like defineProps<MyComponentProps> Vue is going to drop an exception like: ERROR Pre-transform error: [@vue/compiler-sfc] Unresolvable type reference or unsupported built-in utility type. This is a bug in Nuxt/Vue and made ticket in their tracker for it: nuxt/nuxt#29757

Until it is solved, you can bypass this problem by using this syntax:

const { propType } = defineProps<{ propType: MyGlobalPropType }>()