To define a mechanism that allows us to deliver a great developer experience for portal development.
- Github Codespaces
- VS Code
- Suggested Extensions
- Boilerplate
- ESLint
- define consistent set of rules
- treat all warnings as errors
- Husky
- Prettier
- Integration with cloud-based environment (think of Web-based sandbox ready to hack)
- Ability to switch branches
- Give us a runtime to see code in execution on the browser
- Live sync / pair-programming sessions
- Save / history tracking / fork changes
- Ability to install / unininstall / manage external packages and dependencies
- Ability to run tests
- Ownership
- Add directory/file owners for all the codebase
- Set up policies for commiting code
- Set oup a website that allows you to easily see when / if you need to review code
- Bots
- RenovateBOT
- BOT for clarification / action items on common PR blunders
- BOT for entry chunk size
- BOT for letting you know on outstanding PR feedback
- Better reporting
- YAML pipelines
- Parallelization
- Error reporting
- Artifacts
- Packages
- Feeds
- React
- react-i18next
- Apollo client
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- JAM-stack
- CDN-hosted web app
- Getting rid of razzle
- Next.js
- Suspense API, React concurrent mode
- Web workers
- Service workers (if we want a PWA)
- Accessibility Insights
- Accessibility linters (static analysis)
- Accessibility runs on functional tests
- Accessibility runs on E2E tests
- Shared test utilities (problem area)
- Mocking (when needed)
- Use Jest mocking properly (automock, mock packages, spies)
- Mocking APIs
- Apollo mocking (just a separate callout, may not need it)
- Guidelines on how to write proper tests
- Writing DRYer tests
- No conditionals on your tests
- Writing useful tests (that give you coverage and tell you what is wrong/broken)
- How to organize tests
- Unit tests
- Functional tests
- E2E tests
- Visual regression testing (Chromatic)
- Performance testing
- Lighthouse
- Jest
- testing-library
- Cypress / Playwright
- Applitools
- Scenario-based telemetry
- BI / Interaction telemetry
- Operational telemetry (e.g. performance, availability)
- React portals << requires more inv to see if it can save us pain in the future
- Web components
- Monorepos (Lerna, Rush, Yarn workspaces)
- Micro-frontends
- Shared-context (e.g. feature-flags, storage)
- Context API
- react-query
- Apollo Client
- Fluent UI
- Figma
- Storybook
- Date time utilities (kill Moment.js and replace it with ??? ask Matthew)
- Lodash (specify how to use it properly)
- Codemods for autofixers / tools for maintaining the code