A lightweight framework for writing unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes, refactorings and completion providers. This is a port of RoslynNUnitLight.NetStandard. The main reasons to create a fork that is independent were:
- make the library independent of the test framework
- decrease response time for reported issues
- Install the SmartAnalyzers.RoslynTestKit package from NuGet into your project.
- Create appropriate test fixture using
- Fix the fixture to perform assertion!
RoslynTestKit accepts strings that are marked up with [|
and |]
to identify a particular span. This could represent the span of an expected
diagnostic or the text selection before a refactoring is applied.
Instead of the markers you can also provide line number to locate the place of expected diagnostic.
By default RoslynTestKit adds to the compilation the following references:
(and its dependencies)System.Private.CoreLib.dll
You can change that behavior by overriding CreateFrameworkMetadataReferences()
method. You can also take full control of how the workspace/compilation is created by overriding :
Document CreateDocumentFromCode(string code, string languageName, IReadOnlyCollection<MetadataReference> extraReferences)
Every *TestFixture
can be configured to import external dependencies required by the test case code/markup. There is also a couple of helper methods in ReferenceSource
class that allow to easily define these dependencies. A sample setup for analyzer test with external dependencies can looks as follows:
public class SampleTests
public void should_verify_analyzer()
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<SampleAnalyzer>(new () {
References = new []{
//TODO: test your analyzer
public void AutoPropDeclaredAndUsedInConstructor()
const string code = @"
class C
public bool MyProperty { get; [|private set;|] }
public C(bool f)
MyProperty = f;
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<UseGetterOnlyAutoPropertyAnalyzer>();
fixture.HasDiagnostic(code, DiagnosticIds.UseGetterOnlyAutoProperty);
public void AutoPropDeclaredAndUsedInConstructor()
const string markup = @"
class C
public bool MyProperty { get; [|private set;|] }
public C(bool f)
MyProperty = f;
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<UseGetterOnlyAutoPropertyAnalyzer>();
var document = this.CreateDocumentFromMarkup(markup, "MySampleProject", "MySampleDocument");
var diagnosticLocation = this.GetMarkerLocation(markup);
fixture.HasDiagnostic(document, DiagnosticIds.UseGetterOnlyAutoProperty, diagnosticLocation);
public void AutoPropAlreadyReadonly()
const string code = @"
class C
public bool MyProperty { get; }
public C(bool f)
MyProperty = f;
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<UseGetterOnlyAutoPropertyAnalyzer>();
fixture.NoDiagnostic(code, DiagnosticIds.UseGetterOnlyAutoProperty);
public void TestSimpleProperty()
const string markupCode = @"
class C
public bool P1 { get; [|private set;|] }
const string expected = @"
class C
public bool P1 { get; }
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<UseGetterOnlyAutoPropertyCodeFix>();
fixture.TestCodeFix(markupCode, expected, DiagnosticDescriptors.UseGetterOnlyAutoProperty);
Instead of the diagnostic descriptor, you can also use Diagnostic Id (error code) to identify the issue which should be fixed by tested code fix. This allows testing code fixes which respond to standard C# compiler errors such as CS0736
public class SampleTest
public void should_be_able_fix_issue_reported_by_analyzer()
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<UseGetterOnlyAutoPropertyCodeFix>(new ()
AdditionalAnalyzers = new [] {
new[] { new UseGetterOnlyAutoPropertyAnalyzer()
fixture.TestCodeFix(/*Here comes code with issue */, /*Here comes fixed code*/, /*Diagnostic Id*/);
public void SimpleTest()
const string markupCode = @"
class C
void M()
var s = [|string.Format(""{0}"", 42)|];
const string expected = @"
class C
void M()
var s = $""{42}"";
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<SampleCodeRefactoringProvider>();
fixture.TestCodeRefactoring(markupCode, expected);
public void SimpleTest()
const string markupCode = @"
class C
void M()
var s = string.Format([||], 42);
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<SampleCompletionProvider>();
fixture.TestCompletion(markupCode, new []
"first expected suggestion",
"second expected suggestion"
public void SimpleTest()
const string markupCode = @"
class C
void M()
var s = string.Format([||], 42);
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<SampleCompletionProvider>();
fixture.TestCompletion(markupCode, (ImmutableArray<CompletionItem> suggestions) =>
//TODO: Custom assertions
In case of discrepancy between the expected code and the generated one, when testing CodeFixes
and CodeRefactorings
, the TransformedCodeDifferentThanExpectedException
is thrown. The Text difference is presented in the console using inline diff format, which looks as follows:
RoslynTestKit.TransformedCodeDifferentThanExpectedException : Transformed code is different than expected:
From line 25:
- ················ZipCode·=·src.MainAddress.ZipCode,␍␊
From line 29:
- ············dst.Addresses·=·src.Addresses.ConvertAll(srcAddress·=>·new·AddressDTO()␍␊
- ············{␍␊
- ················City·=·srcAddress.City,␍␊
- ················ZipCode·=·srcAddress.ZipCode,␍␊
- ················Street·=·srcAddress.Street,␍␊
- ················FlatNo·=·srcAddress.FlatNo,␍␊
- ················BuildingNo·=·srcAddress.BuildingNo␍␊
- ············}).AsReadOnly();␍␊
- ············dst.UnitId·=·src.Unit.Id;␍␊
From line 71:
- ········public·string·ZipCode·{·get;·set;·}␍␊
+ ········public·string·ZipCode·{·get;·}␍␊
From line 94:
- ········public·List<AddressEntity>·Addresses·{·get;·set;·}␍␊
- ········public·UnitEntity·Unit·{·get;·set;·}␍␊
From line 124:
- ········public·string·BankName·{·get;·set;·}␍␊
+ ············public·string·BankName·{·get;·set;·}␍␊
However, when the test is run with the attached debugger, an external diff tool
is launched to present the differences. RoslynTestKit is using under the hood the ApprovalTests.Net so a wide range of diff tools on Windows
, Linux
and Mac
are supported.