I'm Sam from Guangzhou, China.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on backend development
- 🤔 I’m currently learning how to optimize server performance
I'm Sam from Guangzhou, China.
Forked from ffengc/Load-balanced-online-OJ-system
Implement an online programming system similar to LeetCode. Multiple compilation service hosts (CR hosts) can be deployed in the background, and then oj_server service will load balance a large num…
Implement an online programming system similar to LeetCode. Multiple compilation service hosts (CR hosts) can be deployed in the background, and then oj_server service will load balance a large num…
Forked from OneSizeFitsQuorum/MIT6.824-2021
4 labs + 2 challenges + 4 docs
Forked from ffengc/HareMQ
A C++ version of the simplified message queue component is implemented based on RabbitMQ. In order to learn RabbitMQ, this project encompasses the essence and core functions of a high-performance m…
SeqGAN for poem generation, can be modified to fit the lyrics genertion problem