- in terminal, navigate to this folder and type
npm install
- this will install all the required dependencies from package.json (as well as their dependencies, and so on) - then, you can just start the app with
npm run watch
- React
- Create React App (build process)
- Patterns from 11/6/2016 videos of reactforbeginners.com by Wes Bos
- Using React Router 4 (with Match and Miss)
- using Skeleton CSS for a grid layout (and normalization)
- Stylus for CSS Pre-processing -- type
npm run watch
during development to keep style.css in sync
- Data
- Includes sample-data.js for intial data
- Meteor
- Deployment
- via zeit.co/now and now-serve for quick static site deployment (after
npm run build
just typenpm run deploy
- via zeit.co/now and now-serve for quick static site deployment (after
- Be a boilerplate for UI designers and front end developers
- Add in Meteor for a simple Node.js API and authentication
- Deploy a free app using Heroku and MongoLab sandbox db - https://www.coshx.com/blog/2016/08/19/how-to-deploy-a-meteor-1-4-app-to-heroku/
- Deploy production app using galaxy.meteor.com and compose.io
- authentication
- mobile navbar
- Integrate with REST APIs