Prometheus Client Library for R, Plumber, and Shiny.
Port of prometheus_client_php
This library currently only uses a in memory adapter with counters or gauges. If you would like to contribute and create a redis or other backend, please do.
Currently, you can run the following to pull from Github
if (!requireNamespace("remotes"))
Once a CRAN package is available, you can pull it with install.packages
Usually R worker processes don't share any state. In Plumber, you can leverage a global registry. You can find the below in the examples
folder. At the top of your plumber.R, create a global instance and register your metrics:
registry <<- CollectorRegistry$new()
name = 'test',
help = 'some_gauge',
namespace = "my_space"
# label names are optional on both counters and gauges
name = 'plot_gauge',
help = 'some gauge with label',
namespace = "my_space",
labels = 'color'
name = 'test counter',
help = 'some counter',
namespace = "my_space"
After that, depending on your functionality, you can adjust of your metric whereever is appropriate in your API. This is common to be within each end point
gauge <- registry$getGauge(name = 'test', namespace = "my_space")
gauge <- registry$getGauge(name = 'plot_gauge', namespace = "my_space")
gauge$decBy(2, list('red'))
counter <- registry$getCounter(name = 'test counter', namespace = "my_space")
As push notification have not been added yet, you will want to expose a metrics end point
#* Render Prometheus metrics
#* @serializer contentType list(type="text/plain")
#* @get /metrics
function() {
renderer <- PrometheusRenderMetrics$new()
out <- renderer$render(registry$getMetricFamilySamples())
Pass your application and registry to prometheusRenderShiny
registry <<- CollectorRegistry$new()
name = 'test',
help = 'some_gauge',
namespace = "my_space"
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("click", "Click")
server <- function(input, output){
gauge <- registry$getGauge(name = 'test', namespace = "my_space")
observeEvent(input$click, {
app <- shinyApp(ui, server)
prometheusRenderShiny(app, registry)