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A tool for loading arbitrary content into Elasticsearch and serving that content on the web.


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Sheer is a tool for loading arbitrary content into Elasticsearch and serving that content on the web using Jinja2 templates.

If you're not familiar with Elasticsearch, it is highly recommended that you read the Elasticsearch Definitive Guide's Finding Your Feet.


Sheer is a Python application that requires:

Recommended for installing and running Sheer:

Running tests requires:



To run Sheer you will first need to install Elasticsearch. This can be acomplished a number of ways, many of which are detailed in in the Elasticsearch documentation. On Mac OS X it can be installed using Homebrew:

brew install elasticsearch

There are also Elasticsearch apt and Yum repositories.

Before running Sheer, you will also need to ensure that Elasticsearch is running. When installing Elasticsearch on Mac OS X installed via Homebrew, Homebrew will provide some guidance like:

To have launchd start elasticsearch at login:
    ln -sfv <homebrew location>/elasticsearch/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
Then to load elasticsearch now:
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.elasticsearch.plist


To install Sheer itself, it is recommended to create a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper.

mkvirtualenv sheer
workon sheer

Then you can clone the Sheer repository and install the Python requirements using pip:

git clone
pip install -r sheer/requirements.txt

You can then install Sheer with pip. pip -e installs Sheer in "editable" mode, which means it runs from the path where you've cloned it, and any changes you git pull from upstream won't have to be installed again.

pip install -e sheer

General Usage

The sheer command takes the following general arguments:

  • -h: Show help message and exit.
  • --debug: Print debugging output to the console.
  • --location: The directory you want to operate on. You can also set the SHEER_LOCATION environment variable.
  • --elasticsearch ELASTICSEARCH, -e ELASTICSEARCH: Elasticsearch host:port pairs. Seperate hosts with commas. Default is localhost:9200 You can also set the SHEER_ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS environment variable.
  • --index INDEX, -i INDEX: Elasticsearch index name. Default is content. You can also set the SHEER_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX environment variable.

The sheer command also takes one of two positional arguments:

  • index: Load content into Elasticsearch.
  • serve: Serve content from Elasticsearch using configuration and templates at location.

These are covered in more detail below.


To run the Sheer tests, you'll need the Python packages nose and mock installed. Both can be installed via pip:

pip install nose mock

Both are also installed by the Sheer requirements.txt file.

To run the tests, simply run:

nosetest sheer

Quick Start

This quick start assumes you have an existing Sheer site you want to load content for and serve.

cd path/to/my/sheer/site

Index the site's content in Elasticsearch:

sheer index

Serve the site at http://localhost:7000:

sheer serve

The site can also be served in "debug" mode:

sheer serve --debug


sheer index

Sheer indexing allows configurable loading of content into Elasticsearch.

sheer index takes the following arguments:

  • --reindex, -r: Recreate the index and reindex all content.
  • --processors [PROCESSORS [PROCESSORS ...]], -p [PROCESSORS [PROCESSORS ...]]: Content processors to index.

These are covered in more detail below.

Sheer does not index:

  • _settings/
  • _layouts/
  • _queries/
  • _defaults/
  • _lib/
  • _tests/

These are hard-coded in

The basic indexing process:

  1. Creates the index with the given settings if it does not exist
  2. Creates the mappings for each content processor if they do not exist
  3. Enumerates the documents to be loaded into Elasticsearch that are yeilded by the content processor's documents() function. If the documents already exist they are updated.


sheer index --reindex

Destroys the index in Elasticsearch and recreates it, recreating the mappings and reloading all documents.

Partial Indexing

sheer index --processors posts

Reindex only content provided by the given content processors. The documents provided by the given processor will be updated in Elasticsearch.

sheer index --processors posts --reindex

This will destroy the mappings for the given content processor and recreate them, then load the documents provided by the given processor into Elasticsearch.

Sheer Index Settings

Sheer reads settings from _settings/settings.json. These settings are passed as a document containing index settings to Elasticsearch.create. Existing Sheer sites use this file to configure Elasticsearch analyzers.

Analyzers tokenize both document fields during indexing and query strings for searching, that way there is consistency between terms being searched for and terms indexed.

For example:

    "settings" : {
        "analysis" : {
            "analyzer" : {
                "my_edge_ngram_analyzer" : {
                    "tokenizer" : "my_edge_ngram_tokenizer"
            "tokenizer" : {
                "my_edge_ngram_tokenizer" : {
                    "type" : "edgeNGram",
                    "min_gram" : "2",
                    "max_gram" : "5",
                    "token_chars": [ "letter", "digit" ]

This will use Elasticsearch's edgeNGram tokenizer (which only keeps n-grams, a sequence of text characters, from the beginning of a token) to build an analyzer

See Elasticsearch's Configuring Analyzers for more information about configuration.

Content Processors

Sheer reads Content Processors from _settings/processors.json.

Content Processors are configured with a unique name and a JSON object including at least the following fields:

  • processor: The name of a Python module within the Sheer site's _lib directory.
  • mappings (optional): The mappings file (within the Sheer site directory) for this content.

The processor module must provide a documents generator which takes the processor's name and the remaining keyword arguments from the JSON object and yields documents suitable for indexing in Elasticsearch.

def documents(name, **kwargs):
		yield document

For example, a content processor might be configured like this in processors.json:

  "posts": {
    "url": "$WORDPRESS/api/get_posts/",
    "processor": "wordpress_post_processor",
    "mappings": "_settings/posts_mappings.json"

And may have the following corresponding _lib/

def posts_at_url(url):
	Yield WordPress posts from the given URL
def process_post(post):
	Process a post for indexing in Elasticsearch

def documents(name, url, **kwargs):
	Yield a document for indexing in Elasticsearch
    for post in posts_at_url(url):
        yield process_post(post)


Mappings are described in great detail in the Elasticsearch mappings documentation. Mapping defines the searchable characteristics of a document, such as which fields are searchable and how they're tokenized.

Each content processor provides a mappings file path relative to the Sheer site directory. This file contains the properties JSON object for the mapping (as described in Elasticsearch's PUT mapping API reference). This is passed directly to Elasticsearch.

For example:

{ "properties" :
    "title" : {"type" : "string", "store" : "yes"},
    "text" : {"type" : "string", "store" : "yes"},
    "date" : {"type" : "date", "store": "yes"},
    "category" : {"type":"string", "index": "not_analyzed"},
    "author" : {"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"},
    "tags" : {"type":"string", "store": "yes", "index":"not_analyzed"},
    "excerpt" : {"type":"string", "store": "yes"},
    "custom_fields": {
            "properties": {
                "display_in_newsroom": {"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"}

A default _settings/mappings.json, if it exists, is also passed to Elasticsearch.


sheer serve

Sheer can serve the content it indexes in Elasticsearch via command-line in the foreground or via WSGI. Sheer serves its content using a Flask application.

sheer serve takes the following arguments:

  • --port PORT, -p PORT: Port to run the web server on.
  • --addr ADDR, -a ADDR: Address to run the web server on.

Sheer does not serve any paths beginning with an underscore. They are considered private.

Sheer will serve the following content in order:

  1. index.html template from a directory containing it
  2. An Elasticsearch document from a lookup URL
  3. A Flask Blueprint


Sheer will serve the index.html template from any directory under the site root not beginning with an underscore. So, given a <site root>/blog/index.html, Sheer will serve the template at /blog/ and /blog/index.html. Sheer will also redirect /blog to /blog/.

Sheer always adds two search paths beyond the request directory for Jinja2 templates:

  • _layouts
  • _includes

There are no specific rules within Sheer that dictate what templates go in either location, but they provide for some logical separation. These search paths include parent directories up to the root of the site.


Sheer provides convenient access to query tools for use in templates using the following context variables:


Returns the selected filter values contained in the request query string for a given fieldname.

is_filter_selected(fieldname, value)

Returns whether or not the given filter value is selected in the request query string for the given fieldname.


A QueryFinder object for lookup of pre-defined Elasticsearch queries stored as JSON files in <site_root>/_queries/<query_name>.json. This context variable exposes the Sheer query API to templates.

For example, within a Jinja2 template, one might do the following:

{% set query = queries.posts %}
{% set posts = %}
{%- for post in posts %}
{% endfor %}


Performs an Elasticsearch "more like this" (mlt) search for documents that are "like" the document described by the given QueryHit object.

Returns a QueryResult object.

Optionally takes additional keyword arguments corrosponding to the "mlt" parameters described in the Elasticsearch documentation.

{% set query = queries.posts %}
{% set posts = %}
{%- for post in posts %}
    {% for similar in more_like_this(post) %}
	{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

get_document(doctype, docid)

Performs an Elasticsearch "get" for a document of the given doctype with the given docid. Returns a single QueryHit object.

Elasticsearch Lookup URLS

Lookup URLs in Sheer are URLs at which Elasticsearch lookups will be performed. Lookup URLs are defined in _settings/lookups.json. For example:

  "post": {
    "url":       "/blog/<id>/",
    "type":      "posts",
    "permalink": true

This will add a URL pattern where the <id> in the URL pattern is the Elasticsearch id of a document of the given type. These documents are then templated using either an index.html file at their full path (include <id>) or the first _single.html template that is found in the search path.

In this case, documents in Elasticsearch with the type posts will be served at the URL /blog/<id> and templated with either:

  1. <site root>/blog/<id>/index.html
  2. <site root>/blog/_single.html
  3. <site root>/_single.html.


Sheer locals Flask Blueprints from _settings/blueprints.json. This a JSON file that includes the Python package which contains each blueprint, and the blueprint itself as module.

For example, the following blueprint:

myblueprint = Blueprint("myblueprint", __name__, url_prefix="")

Defined in the Python package and module ablueprint.controllers would be configured like this:

  "myblueprint": {
    "package": "ablueprint.controllers",
    "module":  "myblueprint"

Query API

Sheer includes some wrappers around Elasticsearch queries that allow for queries to be pre-defined in JSON files in <site_root>/_queries/<query_name>.json, run, and results of those queries to be easily accessed.


QueryFinder provides a simple attribute-lookup of Elasticsearch JSON queries defined in <site_root>/_queries/<query_name>.json and will return a Query object.

For example, given the following query defined in <site root>/_queries/posts.json:

  "name": "Blog Posts",
  "query": {
    "doc_type": "posts",
    "size": 10,
    "sort": "date:desc"

From within the Sheer Flask application:

>>> queries = QueryFinder()
>>> posts_query = queries.posts

A Query object for the archive query is available at queries.posts.

File lookups are done on the fly and a new Query instance is created every time the posts attribute is accessed.


Query wraps an Elasticsearch search fetched via QueryFinder.

>>> queries = QueryFinder()
>>> posts_query = queries.posts
>>> posts_results =
search(aggregations=None, **kwargs)

Perform the search with the given keyword arguments, returning a QueryResult object.

Keyword arguments should be Elasticsearch request body parameters

If aggregations are given, an Elasticsearch terms aggregation is used to return counts and possible values for the given fields.

possible_values_for(field, **kwargs)

Return possible values for the field. This performs a search using Elasticsearch terms aggregation. Keyword arguments are Elasticsearch request body parameters.

For example, possible_values_for('category', doc_type='posts') would return the counts and existing values of the field category on all posts documents.


QueryResult objects wrap Elasticsearch search results. QueryResult objects are iterables that yield QueryHit objects for each result.

>>> queries = QueryFinder()
>>> posts_query = queries.posts
>>> posts_results =
>>> for result_hit in post_results:
>>>		...

QueryResult objects provide several properties to aid in pagination of results:

  • total: the total number of results
  • size: the number of results included in this query
  • from_: the number of results skipped in this query
  • pages: the total number of pages given the above size
  • current_page: the current page given the above size and from_ values

Returns the terms aggregation dictionary that resulted from the query for the given fieldname.


Returns a JSON-compatible (but not JSON-encoded) dictionary of the query results, including the above properties and the resulting hits.


Returns a URL for the given page number within the query.


A QueryHit object is the result of an Elasticsearch query. QueryHit objects provide the query result's fields as attributes. Given the following blog post document stored in Elasticsearch:

    "id": 12345,
    "title": "An Example Blog Post",
    "date": "2015-01-11T09:34:40Z",
    "slug": "an-example-blog-post",
    "author": [  
        "Hugh Man"
    "content": "...",
    "excerpt": "...",
    "category": [  

Each of the JSON object's properties would be accessible as a QueryHit object's attributes:

>>> queries = QueryFinder()
>>> posts_query = queries.posts
>>> posts_results =
>>> for result_hit in post_results:
>>>		print result_hit.title,

Returns the permanent link to this Elasticsearch document if the type of this query hit (for our blog example, "posts") corropsonds to one of the lookup URLs configured in a Sheer site.


Returns a JSON-compatible (but not JSON-encoded) dictionary of a query hit.


Public Domain/CC0 1.0

  1. Terms
  2. License
  3. CFPB Source Code Policy


A tool for loading arbitrary content into Elasticsearch and serving that content on the web.



CC0-1.0, CC0-1.0 licenses found

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