這是一個文件編輯引擎,目標是提供一個所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的文件編輯機制,與坊間的所見即所得編輯器專案(如:CKEditor)不太相同,這是一個函式庫,希望能作為一個解決方案,讓其他文書編輯器以此引擎發展出類似 Google Docs 的線上共編機制,以及達成與 Microsoft Word 相同的更多文書功能。
Shijing is a document editing engine, provides WYSIWYG way for editing requirement. Similar but not the same with other popular WYSIWYG projects(eg, CKEditor), Shijing is actually a library that trying to realize a possible way to make a powerful document editor, like Google Docs which supports collaborative mechanism and much functionility like Microsoft Word.
Here is the sample code to explain how to create a simple editor:
var Shijing = require('lib/Shijing.js');
// Create a instance of editor and given a condition of selector to determine specific DOM we want to use
var editor = new Shijing('#editor');
// We set A4 to paper size
editor.setPaperSize(793.7, 1122.5);
// Set paper margin
// Now you can load document tree here
root: {
childrens: [
type: 'paragraph', childrens: [
{ type: 'inline', style: { color: 'pink' }, text: 'Hello baby!' },
There is example you can found in examples
directory to know how to create an editor by using Shijing. Running up server.js
to start server, then you can open it by using browser.
Licensed under the MIT License
Copyright(c) 2016 Fred Chien(錢逢祥) <cfsghost@gmail.com>