Small amateur operating system, to discover the basics.
First, ensure that all dependencies are installed :
# apt install git make clang gnu-efi mtools qemu-system-x86 ovmf parted
# dnf install git make clang gnu-efi gnu-efi-devel mtools qemu-system-x86 edk2-ovmf parted
Clone the GIT repository :
$ git clone
Build the kernel, copy it into a disk image and run it in QEMU :
- First, adapte the Makefile according to the comments marked 'Fedora :'.
- First, install and run an X server like VcXsrv, then run :
$ export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0
$ cd kaos
$ make buildrun