An example Clojure WebSockets project using clj-wamp. Powers the website.
Visit for live demos and additional information.
For information on the WAMP specification, visit
For the Chat Demo, take a look at the following files:
For the RPC Demo:
Clone project and run with application defaults:
% git clone
% cd clj-wamp-example
% lein run
Then point browser to localhost:8080
Application defaults are supplied by environment-based configuration
found within ./resources-dev/config.clj
This project was created from the clj-wamp leiningen template and heavily modified.
Server side:
- clj-wamp - Clojure implementation of the WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol
- HTTP Kit - Ring-compatible HTTP server for Clojure
- Compojure - A concise routing DSL for Ring/Clojure
- Clabango - Templating language for Clojure
Client side:
- AutobahnJS - WAMP over WebSocket JavaScript client
- jQuery - A versatile JavaScript library
- Twitter Bootstrap - CSS framework
Copyright © 2013 Christopher Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.